THIS is how hard it is to reach 1200 calories



  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thank you to those sticking up for me... AGAIN:

    - I'm not saying u need to eat MORE than 1200 calories like I do (although yes, I believe most CAN) I am SHOWING those that can't reach 1200 by eating healthy

    -those that doesn't think my food is appetizing-that's FINE!! I didn't post it to make you drool, just to give examples, and I very much enjoy my food. Have what YOU enjoy!!

    And yes, if you cut out some of the food and replaces it with other foods it would be less calories, Visa versa you can replace these foods with ANY other foods!! It's an EXAMPLE!! (If you eliminate grains and/or are paleo then eat starchy veggies, sweet potatoes and fats! Easy to get 500 cals from nuts alone)

    -also NOT attacking those with eating disorders... Seriously?!? I'm trying to help people get healthy. In a healthy way.

    I started this post to help people, not to cause arguments or personal attacks.

    Thank you!

    Edited to add: sorry for any spelling errors- I'm on my phone

    It's not your fault that people can't read or want to put their own spin on words. I understand 100% what you are trying to say. It's really not that hard. But people like to get defensive if you even try to get them to look at things differently.

    I say good for you!
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    Just adding my personal thank you for the casein ice cream! Yummy pics!

    Haha it really is sooo good!! Me and my fiancé have it almost every night!! Just mix all ingredients into a pudding-like texture and freeze for about an hour :) add choco chips if your cals allow ;)
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member

    It's not your fault that people can't read or want to put their own spin on words. I understand 100% what you are trying to say. It's really not that hard. But people like to get defensive if you even try to get them to look at things differently.

    I say good for you!

    Thank you <3
  • coopersmom2006
    Awesome post! Hoping it motivates some of the VLCD people to eat more and be healthy! I'm a 2100 a day girl myself. :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Yummy eats!

    I love food too much to eat <1200 calories per day.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    All of that looks great! Love the ice cream idea!
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    Too girly. Where's the meat?
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    Too girly. Where's the meat?

    Girly? 3 of the meals have meat! And at 142 lbs I'd say there's nothing girly about over 160g protein THANK-U-VERY-MUCH ;)
  • hkry3250
    hkry3250 Posts: 140
    Too girly. Where's the meat?

    Girly? 3 of the meals have meat! And at 142 lbs I'd say there's nothing girly about over 160g protein THANK-U-VERY-MUCH ;)
    He means red meat. That looks very low in iron, which isn't good when lifting heavy weights, which it looks like he does. Just hope every day isn't like that, however it looks good.
  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    Well i think it looks yummy!! :love:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I think if you posted a snapshot of 1200 calories instead of almost twice that, you would have reached your target audience differently. JMO. I love photo threads--it's just that reaching out to the under 1200 crowd and then illustrating 2100 calories comes off as the same old "Look at me, I can eat more, so can you." I got your point the first time, but even knowing that you were illustrating 2100 and not 1200, it just came off as a lot of food. (I'm not someone who claims I can't reach that many calories.) Try again with a 1200 calorie illustration if those are who you want to reach. I may even join you! I support eating enough and health.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    I think this is a wonderful thread and the food looks amazing! Yay you!

    To those who "struggle" to get to 1200 calories (or whatever your reasonable and moderate goal is), I'm assuming struggle is an unenjoyable experience. I never say "struggle" when I'm liking what's happening. That's the prologue to this:

    If you aren't enjoying your food, you are doing it wrong.

    For real.

    There was a guy who had a big list of food he wanted to eat instead after insulting the yummy looking food that was presented as an example. IIFYM, guy. Have steak, don't have a side of beef. Have pasta, don't have 8 cups of pasta. That may well be hard for your right now, but it may well be the thing you need to work on to get the most return on investment.

    The all or nothing thinking around here is really alarming. Please don't be in diet mode versus how I got fat mode. That's asking for failure. Put a bit more dressing on the salad. An opaque dressing in moderation won't instantly blow up your thighs. Have a 4 ounce steak. Whatever. Make it work and make it yummy.

    I really love salad and will happily have just salad for lunch. I have to put some walnuts and chicken on the salad, though, because if not, by the time I'm driving home, I'm not just hungry, but my body is screaming for protein and fat. And there are lots of drive throughs between me and home. So in the space of 6 hours, I go from diet mode (unintentionally) restricting myself to Oh my god eat all the food. This is what you set yourself up for if you eat just plain yuck protein and a side of steamed yuck veg.

    Make the food amazing an pleasing. *That* is OP's point and there's no need for anyone to get butthurt and up in arms that she is suggesting you can eat nutritious food that you find enjoyable AND actually get your macros and your calorie goal.
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
  • songbirdtree
    So I'm gathering that people lose more weight on 1600 calories than 1200 is this true?
  • gargisingh
    gargisingh Posts: 123 Member
    Me too! :love:
    I'm only here for the food porn. Thanks for posting up the Casein Ice Cream recipe!!!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Wow! I love your pictures. I wish I could eat your meals for a day. They look delicious.

    I too believe that eating more than 1200 calories is a good thing. Although, I personally don't follow any specific diet
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Make the food amazing an pleasing. *That* is OP's point and there's no need for anyone to get butthurt and up in arms that she is suggesting you can eat nutritious food that you find enjoyable AND actually get your macros and your calorie goal.

    I don't think anyone's butthurt. Not falling all over themselves thanking OP for the enlightenment =/= butthurt.

    I like the concept, just not the execution.

    (Compare to someone saying, "Hey all you eat more to lose weight people who say they can't get full or have energy on macros, if you ate like this, you could do it." That wouldn't go over well either. I don't think OP meant it that way. But when you make a thread to call out a group of people, don't act surprised when those people have a response. Most people don't respond well to being called out and then have someone show them the error of their ways. This thread would have been a great response to one of those actual posts.)
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    So I'm gathering that people lose more weight on 1600 calories than 1200 is this true?

    Some people do. For some 1200 is fine, I suppose. It depends on what their numbers are.

    You should really stay above your BMR. I'm 5'4" and my BodPod test estimated 1350 for my BMR, which puts my TDEE in the 2000's depending on how active I am. So for me, that time that I was doing 1200 because that's what MFP gave me, and I was grumpy and tired and unhappy, well, yeah, I was below my BMR and if I'd kept it up worse things would have happened than being grumpy and tired.

    But you should figure out your own numbers and do a modest (10% to 20%) calorie deficit off of you TDEE. You can search the forums for "in place of a roadmap 2.0" and get a description of how to figure out what these numbers are for you.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    So I'm gathering that people lose more weight on 1600 calories than 1200 is this true?
    Depends on the person. Personally, since I'm near my goal I haven't lost a lot of weight since upping my calories to 1800 (using the tools and info found here:, but I have lost fat and inches, and dropped another pants size.

    I exercise 5 or 6 days a week, weights/strength (not real heavy, no access to the big weights yet, but I do what I can) for about 30 minutes, followed by 20 minutes of cardio 3 days a week, and I run 30 to 40 minutes on the other days. I always at least NET my BMR (around 1400), but usually am above that, hitting the 1800 or more.

    I hit my targets for calories and macros as much as possible, and still enjoy a variety of foods. I eat healthy most of the time, but still enjoy burgers, pizza, alcohol, ice cream, desserts, etc on a regular basis. Best part is this is a lifestyle that is sustainable, and it's WORKING. :bigsmile:

    There's no way I could stay on 1200 for the rest of my life, but that's just me. :wink:
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    i often have lunch #1 and lunch#2 also!!! but you are missing dinner!!!!