is 140 too low for a tall guy



  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    My son is 6'1", 21 years old, and he says he's around 160 but I'm guessing got closer to 150 for a while. We were starting to worry about him- he looked too thin. Like, verging on "gaunt".

    I didn't want to load him up with junk, but I bought him some granola bars, protein bars, and some chocolate to keep in his room. I started making him a batch of beef jerky every week to eat on his way to school, and when he's hungry, I make him a 6 egg omelet with cheese and toast (and BUTTER).
    He's probably closer to 160 now and looks thin, but healthy. (he's a size medium shirt and 30 waist in jeans, which is small for a tall guy).

    140 sounds too thin, but i don't know your build.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    If your goal is to lose a gut, then why not just make that your goal, and let your weight fall where it falls?
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Check this link, guy stayed the same weight but transformed his body.
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    I note from most of your responses that none of these people are in the same position as you but are quite happy to tell you it's too thin! :ohwell:

    Well I'm 6ft 2" as well and a skinny build, I started this journey at 192 and set my goal for 170, I adjusted that slightly and it's now 165 which I hit a couple of weeks ago. That's what works for me, I want to set my target for next year to keep at that weight (or thereabouts) and bulk up muscle wise which could prove a challenge! :wink:

    Do what you feel is right for you.

    Edited: Forgot to add I was told by the doc that 12 stone or 168 is the ideal weight for my height.
  • vegapsi
    From this girl's perspective YES! Lift some weights and get some mass on! You don't need to be hulking out or anything but I don't even weigh 140 and I'm 5'4" and a girl. Everyone has their own goals and opinion of what looks good, so if that's your thing then so be it but since you asked...I personally like muscle (on me and men).
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Six foot here. At 170 I would look very very skinny - my racing weight in college was 175. 140? At 6'2" it is no longer in a healthy range.

    If you want to lose the stomach, think more in terms of bf% and recomposition.
  • Catcampbell13
    Comparing yourself to other people's goals is unrealistic. Though 140 for a 6'2 guy may be low, but if that's what you want go for it. However, if you don't get to that wieght then that's fine accept it and move to a new goal that makes you happy. Focus at 5 lbs at a time and don't expect a drastic change so fast.
  • bgrossman22
    Comparing yourself to other people's goals is unrealistic. Though 140 for a 6'2 guy may be low, but if that's what you want go for it. However, if you don't get to that wieght then that's fine accept it and move to a new goal that makes you happy. Focus at 5 lbs at a time and don't expect a drastic change so fast.
    Thanks, that's probably a better idea
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    I am just saying that I am a female and 5'8 and I am supposed to weigh between 140 and 160 so I think it would be too skinny for you.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I'm 6'2" and set my goal weight at 140. I have a thin build and all my extra weight seems like it went all to my stomach. I'm 170 now and after looking at others goal mine seems really low. I was at 140 before I got lazy and put on weight. Does this seem reasonable?

    Yes, very unreasonable. Seems like what you need is to shift bf for muscle and bulk up a bit. I'm a 5' 8" woman and weigh 165!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Even taking into consideration that we all have different goals as far as physique goes:

    Yes, 140 is quite low and I would discourage you from setting this goal.

    Here's where I would start with this process sir:

    Figure out what you want to look like. From there you can start to look at strategies in terms of diet and exercise to get you to that goal. You will get much better results by taking this approach, rather than looking at the scale and thinking that a change in bodyweight will get you where you want.

    For perspective sake, I'm 5'11" and 185 in the picture you see, and I'm by no means "big". This is a reference point for you. 6'2 and 140 would border on ill looking.
  • bgrossman22
    Thanks for the response. That's the reason I posted to get different ideas and perspectives.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    My son is 22, 5'6" and weighs 135 and is SKINNY... 28" waist pants are loose. There is no way under any circumstances a man of 6'2" should weigh 140 pounds!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    That sounds incredibly low. My father is 6'2 and sits at 165lbs and he definitely looks "too skinny" as well. I can't imagine him at 140lbs.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm 6'2" and set my goal weight at 140. I have a thin build and all my extra weight seems like it went all to my stomach. I'm 170 now and after looking at others goal mine seems really low. I was at 140 before I got lazy and put on weight. Does this seem reasonable?

    my husband is the same height as you and is about 160, and he is just naturally VERY thin with very low bodyfat regardless of what he eats. the idea of him at 140 is pretty disturbing...
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,240 Member
    I'm 22 and I was 140 a couple of years ago. That could be the case buy my arms and legs seem like they are still the same.

    Eat at maintenance and lift weights in a good program like Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength. You will find your body will really change a lot. At the moment your weight is probably even a bit low for your height, you need to transform your body, not lose weight.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm 6'2" and set my goal weight at 140. I have a thin build and all my extra weight seems like it went all to my stomach. I'm 170 now and after looking at others goal mine seems really low. I was at 140 before I got lazy and put on weight. Does this seem reasonable?

    Seems kinda low .. My son is 18 years old now .. and trying to gain weight! He's 6'2 and all of 123.4 lbs! LOL He's always been super active and eats well over 2500 calories a day - My grocery bill is pretty high. I'm here trying to lose a couple of pounds and he's trying to gain. Crazy.

    140 lbs may seem low -- but if you're young, it's probably normal. I think you're in the safe range if you're 150-160 lbs. If you have belly fat, then you need to change your dietary habits and lower your stress levels as best as you can. Exercise will be key for you.

    Maybe you should consult your doctor regarding your weight. I know my son is extremely underweight .. he knows it too and has started drinking weight gainer supplements / protein shakes and started working out to build up his muscles. He's tired of being the lanky swimmer/water polo dude .. he wants more meat on his bones ..
  • marievil222
    well, my son is 5'9" and weighs around 152. He is a slim build, but has very muscular legs and looks very ill when he gets below 142. My fiance is 6'1" and has skinny, skinny legs. He usually weighs about 155 or so. Since they are both what most consider to be skinny when they are in good health and look very ill with bad color at 140, I would have to say that you would probably be too thin for good health at that weight. I have seen those with more slim builds than they, but very, very few. I would say to go for a size [32" waist or something] until you get to where you can see what is trim but healthy for YOU. example: my best friend weighs 115 when she wears a size six [jeans]. i weigh 125 when i wear a size 6 [that was SO long ago. hahaha] due to much higher lean body mass.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My son (25) is 6'2". He has always been thin, thin, thin - BMI around 17 in his teens and no fat anywhere on him. He left for the Peace Corps at a pretty muscley 150 (just situps and pushups plus farm labor). He is now in the upper 130's. He is still wiry - he runs and walks. However, he is too thin. When I hugged him in June he felt way too boney. You can see very rib, every vertebrae. He had lost too much muscle. His face still looked okay, although his very high cheekbones were really prominent.

    At 150 with muscle he looked like an Abercombie and Fitch male model (really). He looks good at 140, but, honestly, too thin.