Keep having a net under 1200 calories



  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I feel like as long as youre eating enough that you arent hungry and you get enough nutrients and such then i think it's fine. As long as you dont go overboard and start hating yourself for eating or become way under weight i think its fine.

    Gee my mom said the same thing until she lost her hair and then spent 30 years yo-yo dieting.

    No one is attacking you, you asked for help and opinions and you will get it. Mine comes from experience.
  • JephaMooi
    JephaMooi Posts: 112 Member
    I eat a LOT and find it tough **** to get 1200 calories.

    Just make sure to set a balanced goal with your fibers compared to the average amount of calories that you take up so they don't get in the way of absorbing other nutrients.

    Also, if you would really like to reach a higher calorie try adding some superfoods, wheat grass, or a protein supplement.
    This is just from personal experience. Hope it helps ya!