What's your small NSV



  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    Two I'm proud of. One, I'm now sitting nicely in the third belt hole, and I can fit neatly in several old suits.

    Two, I have mapped out a 5k around my house (3.1 miles). Understand that running is not my thing. Sometimes I have to look behind me and am amazed I'm not pulling a truck tire. I've been running this same route for about two months. At first I couldn't run 4 straight minutes. Then I ran 12 minutes. Then I gutted it out and ran the 5k straight through. On Sunday I ran my personal best on that route, 29m11s. Thats under 10 minutes per mile.

    I'm very proud of my discipline and effort. And even though my wife doesn't provide much positive feedback, and my coworkers dont see my progress - and yes this hurts and dissapoints - but I KNOW I'M BETTER.

    GREAT time for a 5K. I've been running off and on for a year now and my best time was 31 minutes last Thursday at the Turkey Trot, so you are doing awesome.
  • devaulr
    devaulr Posts: 12 Member
    My first NSV. I have noticed that button up shirts that I wear to work are no longer tight when I sit down. Normally they would fit me fine when standing and then while sitting at my desk, the shirt would feel tight with the buttons getting pulled on.

    NSV two, now that I think of it. I usually avoid booths a restaurants because some can be a tight squeeze. This could even be to the point that the pressure on my stomach would make me sick. Lately, it doesn't seem like it's been as much an issue. If my wife measured me right the first time, I think I've lost almost 3 inches around my gut.
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    I looked in the mirror today and thought my face looked a bit thinner.
    I was able to put on a pair of jeans last week that I hadn't worn since April.
    My face is not as dry and I have fewer blemishes.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Two I'm proud of. One, I'm now sitting nicely in the third belt hole, and I can fit neatly in several old suits.

    Two, I have mapped out a 5k around my house (3.1 miles). Understand that running is not my thing. Sometimes I have to look behind me and am amazed I'm not pulling a truck tire. I've been running this same route for about two months. At first I couldn't run 4 straight minutes. Then I ran 12 minutes. Then I gutted it out and ran the 5k straight through. On Sunday I ran my personal best on that route, 29m11s. Thats under 10 minutes per mile.

    I'm very proud of my discipline and effort. And even though my wife doesn't provide much positive feedback, and my coworkers dont see my progress - and yes this hurts and dissapoints - but I KNOW I'M BETTER.

    I am so sorry you don't get any positive feedback. It hurts when others don't notice. I am glad you see the difference and good luck with the running. I have found it is taking me less time to walk the route I had been taking. I am increased it last week. I will have to do it again soon I think. But at 50, I can't seen running. But who knows
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    I looked in the mirror today and thought my face looked a bit thinner.
    I was able to put on a pair of jeans last week that I hadn't worn since April.
    My face is not as dry and I have fewer blemishes.

  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I saw some pictures of myself from Thanksgiving and I noticed I don't have a double chin anymore and my features are more prominent cause my face is thinner!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    this. i'm wearing two belts i haven't been able to wear in over 4 years! i have them on the first hole but i was able to get them ON and i'm not cutting off my oxygen either. LOL!
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    this. i'm wearing two belts i haven't been able to wear in over 4 years! i have them on the first hole but i was able to get them ON and i'm not cutting off my oxygen either. LOL!

    Hey, getting them on is all that matters! I was so excited when I was able to wear my belt from high school. I plan on going down the holes now...
  • btwalsh132
    btwalsh132 Posts: 289 Member
    Two I'm proud of. One, I'm now sitting nicely in the third belt hole, and I can fit neatly in several old suits.

    Two, I have mapped out a 5k around my house (3.1 miles). Understand that running is not my thing. Sometimes I have to look behind me and am amazed I'm not pulling a truck tire. I've been running this same route for about two months. At first I couldn't run 4 straight minutes. Then I ran 12 minutes. Then I gutted it out and ran the 5k straight through. On Sunday I ran my personal best on that route, 29m11s. Thats under 10 minutes per mile.

    I'm very proud of my discipline and effort. And even though my wife doesn't provide much positive feedback, and my coworkers dont see my progress - and yes this hurts and dissapoints - but I KNOW I'M BETTER.

    GREAT time for a 5K. I've been running off and on for a year now and my best time was 31 minutes last Thursday at the Turkey Trot, so you are doing awesome.

    Thanks. I'm beginning to enjoy the pain and discomfort of pushing myself.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I want to reply and quote you all, but that would be a bit much, so to everyone. A big job well done on all your NSVs. AMAZING and you are all so encouraging.

    I am at the beginning of my journey, I had lost about 8 pounds before completely joining MFP, and have lost another 5 just with MFP.

    For me my NSVs have been:

    1) Trying on 3 pieces of clothing (T-shirt, tights/leggings and a dress) all 1 size smaller than what I just bought last month.
    2) My knee high boots slip down off my calves (thanks to my C25K run/walks)
    3) My pajama bottoms aren't stretched out to the max in the elastic waist - they no longer leave ridges in my tummy when I wear them
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    I saw some pictures of myself from Thanksgiving and I noticed I don't have a double chin anymore and my features are more prominent cause my face is thinner!

    WooHoo. Now see my chin has got skin sag going on. I have to dig through some stuff and find a cream that I know I have that helps with wrinkles and I am hoping it will tighten the skin sag up.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    this. i'm wearing two belts i haven't been able to wear in over 4 years! i have them on the first hole but i was able to get them ON and i'm not cutting off my oxygen either. LOL!

  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Two I'm proud of. One, I'm now sitting nicely in the third belt hole, and I can fit neatly in several old suits.

    Two, I have mapped out a 5k around my house (3.1 miles). Understand that running is not my thing. Sometimes I have to look behind me and am amazed I'm not pulling a truck tire. I've been running this same route for about two months. At first I couldn't run 4 straight minutes. Then I ran 12 minutes. Then I gutted it out and ran the 5k straight through. On Sunday I ran my personal best on that route, 29m11s. Thats under 10 minutes per mile.

    I'm very proud of my discipline and effort. And even though my wife doesn't provide much positive feedback, and my coworkers dont see my progress - and yes this hurts and dissapoints - but I KNOW I'M BETTER.

    GREAT time for a 5K. I've been running off and on for a year now and my best time was 31 minutes last Thursday at the Turkey Trot, so you are doing awesome.

    Thanks. I'm beginning to enjoy the pain and discomfort of pushing myself.

    Pain and discomfort. I get that walking right now. I just got back from my walk. And it's weird. I hate pain and discomfort. I hate sweating. I hate exercise. BUT I really enjoy my walks. And I keep seeing if I can take less time doing the same route. Then I add on to my route. It's 59 degrees, yet I am sweating. I love feeling the burn in my legs when I get done...and the burn sticks around for a while. I am going to buy some cold weather gear and see just how long I can handle the cold.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    I want to reply and quote you all, but that would be a bit much, so to everyone. A big job well done on all your NSVs. AMAZING and you are all so encouraging.

    I am at the beginning of my journey, I had lost about 8 pounds before completely joining MFP, and have lost another 5 just with MFP.

    For me my NSVs have been:

    1) Trying on 3 pieces of clothing (T-shirt, tights/leggings and a dress) all 1 size smaller than what I just bought last month.
    2) My knee high boots slip down off my calves (thanks to my C25K run/walks)
    3) My pajama bottoms aren't stretched out to the max in the elastic waist - they no longer leave ridges in my tummy when I wear them

    I have been commenting on everyone's...and yeap it is getting to be a big much. Congrats on all the clothing NSV. I think those are the best.

    I have seen it mentioned a couple of times. What is C25K?
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Funny, I just noticed this the other day after taking a shower, the towel fit all the way around. I normally dry off and put on a robe mainly because the towel never fit.
  • wildfirediva
    [My uniform is only worn occasionally] In late September I fought to get into my work uniform (even with body shapers/SpanX underneath). I could not get my hands into my pants pockets. Now in early November put my uniform on sans shape wear and I could put my hands into my pockets and kept having to re-tuck in my shirt because my pants would slip. Tightened my work belt to the last hole in that particular belt. Need to find my skinny work belt again.
  • sheliesperfectly
    These skinny jeans were WAY too tight on me and recently they started loosening up. Now I'm about a 5 again. :)
  • CherryJevons
    CherryJevons Posts: 6 Member
    well done to you all.

    my NSV was buying undies 2 sizes smaller then I did 4 months ago :laugh:
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Being able to progress to 57.5kg barbell, up from 55, which is 1.25 times my bodyweight (I weigh 54kg or 120 pounds)
  • nerchk
    nerchk Posts: 136 Member
    Waking up every morning to do my workout
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