Boooo me if you want to!!



  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Some people on here find it their God given right to expound on lots of subjects here. Especially 1200 calories or below eaters. You just have to ignore the "haters" and the "know it all's" they are everywhere. Just go about your plan your way.

    What I find so interesting is that years ago people ate at minimal levels. Of course obesity wasn't the problem that it is now. There was no junk food and restaurants were a treat. Somehow we were healthier and people obviously lived through it as a human race because we are all still here. There are lots of areas of the world that do not eat enormous amounts of food consisting of high calorie and high fat diets. My grandmother lived until almost 101, she died last September . Doubt she ever consumed more than 1200 calories a day her entire life.

    Everyone just needs to find what works for them and preface their advice with "this is what worked for me". That doesn't make it gospel.

    Whoa!?? History lesson: Our quality of life and life expectancies are MUCH longer now than they were 50 years ago, or in the times when we "were healthier" as you put them. Those diets didn't really do much for those people, most of them died much earlier, your example is an exception.

    Plus, I would love to see an actual calorie count for the foods your grandmother ate. I'm guessing she did eat more than 1200 a lot of people used butter, lard, and oil when cooking. Chicken was often fried, meats served with gravy. Milk was delivered fresh on a regular basis and people also used a lot of cream when cooking. People who had to scrimp and save bought the cheap cuts of meat, which had a lot of fat, and/or cooked with beans a lot (which are decently calorie dense). Potatoes, noodles, and bread were served in abundance, as they were also inexpensive and easy. Yes, people ate more vegetables, but I highly doubt that entire generations of people were eating below 1200 cals. Don't believe me? Crack open any cookbook from 1850-1940 and take a look at the recipes. Add up the calories.

    Edit to say that people who are under doctor's supervision because they already have had WLS or are preparing for another surgery are the exception and not the rule.
    If 800 cals a day are all you can eat because you've had surgery, that's fine. Good luck & I hope you have long term success - surgery is a hard road to take and I know it hasn't been easy for you to get to where you are. But to equate that with a 25 year old woman who works out 4 times a week and is still only eating 1200 cals.....that's not right.

    They probably did eat more, but they also didn't have desk jobs where they sat behind a computer all day every day, so they actually needed to eat more.

    I have a desk job, thyroid disease, and I'm short. I lose on 1950 calories a day. Next?
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member

    Are you equating your doctor supervised experience with everyone else who is eating <1000 calories?

    ETA: For those who have not had WLS surgery and are not under the supervision of a doctor, I do not (and likely will not ever) believe <1000 calories is either optimal or ideal.

  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    This is like groundhog day, I have seen sooo many topics like this one.
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Just wanted to add...why do you NEVER see those of us who LIKE to eat fewer calories telling others that they need to be eating under 1200? It's always the "eat more" crowd that thinks their way is the only way...even when we have proof that what we are doing is working for us.
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member


    why am i reading this?! i don't know why i always end up reading these fight-y threads that i don't even care about. do whatever you want. eat, don't eat. makes no damn difference to me!
  • priyashah
    I keep the calorie count as a overall guideline and hit to anywhere between 1300 and 1600 . I think more importantly its about nutrients- making sure that one is getting enough protein, carbs, vitamins, potassium, calcium, antioxidants, for a better healthy life!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Wow! Just proves some people need to eat so they stop being so nasty.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Just wanted to add...why do you NEVER see those of us who LIKE to eat fewer calories telling others that they need to be eating under 1200? It's always the "eat more" crowd that thinks their way is the only way...even when we have proof that what we are doing is working for us.

    I like to call them the "eat more police". can't stand them regardless.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member

    I am not saying eveyone who is eating under 1200 is because they are having my experience. The point is, I proccess calories the same way you do, I infact have more difficulty with absorbing nutrients. If my body can function and be healthy on my limited calories then why can't someone else. Why is that everyone who is under 1200 is starving and decaying thier bodies. Not true, there are people who are detrimental to thier systems but there are also those that are doing just fine. I agree with the OP, people who get all up in arms over someone mentioning that they eat that low don't even bother, I say bother, to ask the reason.

    Honey, there are several people here who are engaging in disordered behavior and egging each other on. They aren't seeing doctors, they are literally starving themselves, and sick of hearing the worry from their families, they come here to find other sad youngsters (primarily not always) to encourage each other to engage deeper in their disordered behavior.

    That is NOT you. Clearly. Partly as evidenced by the fact that you said, "I process calories the same way you do". Around here there are a ton of special snowflakes who, despite the encouragement of others to eat more nutritiously for their bodies and give their own examples of being nearly the same weight and eating more and still losing, will say, 'but that's you I'm different" and add a bunch of random crap about how special they are.

    Stick around for a while and it will alarm you. These are people's children and loved ones and I hate seeing people encourage them to do things that can hurt them. People actually die of these disorders. It is as serious as cancer.

    OP: BOOOOO!!!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Wow! Just proves some people need to eat so they stop being so nasty.

    how does it "prove" that? i can't stand arrogant people. couldn't stand them when i was eating over 2000 calories or whatever i was eating to gain weight either. what a stupid thing to say.

    She countered your argument. Sheesh, chillax - stress is not good for weight loss you know.

    You sound rather bitter and jealous.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Just wanted to add...why do you NEVER see those of us who LIKE to eat fewer calories telling others that they need to be eating under 1200? It's always the "eat more" crowd that thinks their way is the only way...even when we have proof that what we are doing is working for us.

    You're either new or blind. I've had friends harassed by vicious likely-anorexics. It is a minority (I can do math and I'm not currently prone to exaggeration), but it is a vocal one and it is one spreading a dangerous message.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member


    why am i reading this?! i don't know why i always end up reading these fight-y threads that i don't even care about. do whatever you want. eat, don't eat. makes no damn difference to me!

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Wow! Just proves some people need to eat so they stop being so nasty.

    how does it "prove" that? i can't stand arrogant people. couldn't stand them when i was eating over 2000 calories or whatever i was eating to gain weight either. what a stupid thing to say.

    She countered your argument. Sheesh, chillax - stress is not good for weight loss you know.

    You sound rather bitter and jealous.

    who am i bitter and jealous of? a random stranger who i know nothing about? ya, okay! you could tell yourself that about stress too.

    actually i reached my goal on 1200 calories, so i'm doing just fine with the stress.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    i don't give a **** how much you eat or about your stupid thyroid. good for you.

    Nice comeback, very eloquent in your debating skills. Here, have some milk and cookies: images78-2.jpg

    no thanks. i hate milk. get that **** away from me.

    Aww. how about some cake? eating-a-whole-cake-smiley-emoticon-3.gif

    And btw - its an internet image. If you are telling me to get it away from you, I worry for you. Do you also hear voices?
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    i don't give a **** how much you eat or about your stupid thyroid. good for you.

    Aren't you classy....

    not any less classy than the eat more police.

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Just wanted to add...why do you NEVER see those of us who LIKE to eat fewer calories telling others that they need to be eating under 1200? It's always the "eat more" crowd that thinks their way is the only way...even when we have proof that what we are doing is working for us.

    You're either new or blind. I've had friends harassed by vicious likely-anorexics. It is a minority (I can do math and I'm not currently prone to exaggeration), but it is a vocal one and it is one spreading a dangerous message.

    the ONLY people i see harassing anyone are the eat more police. I haven't seen any anorexic types do any harassing.
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