JUNE STARTERS ~ Feb 7th weigh-in



  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Kj, It's prob just water weight, have you had enough water? Are you tracking your sodium?

    I forgot to weigh in again. :sad:

    I'm currently putting out applications for a new life. I put my two weeks notice in for my old one and now I'm looking for a new one. I can start ASAP. I have some things I'm looking for in a new life though, Less bills, more pay, less stress, more fun, I'll be bringing my family so one is not needed. :wink:

    I can try right???
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Maggs ~ Thanks!!

    Busymom ~ yeah, I'm tracking sodium.... and I didn't do as well as I usually do on Water... I usually am drinking the stuff all of the time... I slacked up a little bit over the weekend.... I wish I could pull the Water WEight Card, but I think we use that one as a crutch WAY TOO MUCH here on MFP... I KNOW I ate like crap over the weekend... I didn't always go over on calories, but the fat content and such was much higher than I have been eating....
    I'll get it off.... I'm not going to change my ticker unless I'm still up by Saturday....

    Here's to a better week!!!! :drinker:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    But Kj, it takes SOOOO many cals OVER to gain 1 lb! I can't even imagine gaining 3 real fat lbs while tracking. I'd have to check the actualy # but it's something like 3,000 cals over maintaining cals to gain 1 lb. You'd have to eat like 5,000 cals or something for 1 lb. It's water weight. More proof to that is how quickly it comes off. Water weight can be shed fast but real fat weight takes a while. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    P.S. I don't even track on weekends. On PURPOSE and I still lose weight each week. I know our bodies are diff but still...
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Let's hope!!! :wink: I am expecting that by the weekend I will be back to "normal".... I have a wedding in Amarillo that I Have to sing out (in this weather :sad: ) So, I'm hoping this weekend I can stay on track...

    Thanks for all the encouragement!!!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'm sure you can! With all the excercising you've been doing!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    speaking of... my arms and butt are KILLING ME!!!! Boot camp kicks my butt! :laugh:
  • schlieffen
    Ugh... I've been making valentines cookies for my cookie-monster of a bf and have been licking off all the split icing and have had like 4 or 5 cookies so far (they're big)... needless to say, WAAAAAY over my cals for today. But they taste so good...
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Soooo, I think on some level I don't want to weigh in. lol I forgot again today! What is wrong with me??
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all ... just have to share. Had a rough night sleeping ... someone broke into my house yesterday and stole my computer. Nothing else, just my computer. And of course my sense of security. Honesty ... what dinks there are in this world sometimes.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Wow Magglet! That's terrible! I can't even imagine how you must feel... ***HUGS!*** :flowerforyou:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Wow, Maggs!! I"m soooo sorry to hear that happened..... I hope that you can rebuild your security... it's awful to feel helpless like that.... I hope they catch the theif... He/she has probably done this before....
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ugh... I've been making valentines cookies for my cookie-monster of a bf and have been licking off all the split icing and have had like 4 or 5 cookies so far (they're big)... needless to say, WAAAAAY over my cals for today. But they taste so good...

    :laugh: :laugh: I'm sure you will make up for it!! :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    btw..... The scale is slowly heading back down to where it is supposed to be...:drinker: