Free weights at the gym for women



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Grunting pleases me.

    Each to their own :) I wasn't going to get in the way of guys with big weights. Maybe this time next week I'll be grunting along with them?

    You're not in our way. We have one bench, you have one bench. We probably aren't using the same dumbbells either. Please come in, make yourself at home, lift and grunt away. And don't be shy. You want advice or instruction? Ask us. We WANT to help you. We WANT you to succeed. We don't want you to scurry back to the elliptical.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I bought a copy of Rachel Cosgroves book for my wife and she loves it.. I think its called "the female body breakthrough".

    Rachel and her husband are very well known trainers, and her book covers technique, and gives routines for you to do with free weights and body weight.

    thank you I will check this out :)

    Oh, and BTW... The routines in New Rules were put together by Rachel's husband, Alwyn Cosgrove. FYI.
  • Navotc
    Navotc Posts: 97
    I've started "New Rules of Lifting for Women" about 5 weeks ago. I really recommend it. Find it at any online bookstore or on Kindle. (I chose a paper copy so I can copy some of the workouts and toss them in my gym bag, etc.)
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    Eww. Grunting. Probably oughta stay away from places where there's grunting.

    When it means blokes lifting large weights in a small space where I would get in the way then yeah I think I will stay out of their way ;)

    As long as your working out and not just standing around doing nothing, or going up to them and talking to them in the middle of a set, you will NOT be in their way :)

    You have as much right to be there as them!

    My whole gym in that type of gym. It's small and has a lot of members (all male apart from me as far as I'm aware) Upstairs (where the entrance is) is a little bit of cardio and machine weights. Downstairs (where I go 95% of the time) is free weights. Big men lifting big weights. I haven't seen another woman there in months. It's great though, once you get used to it you'll be fine :)

    good point, I was only looking to see what was there and unfortunately one of the benches was in the way of the area where I imagine the barbells would be. Next time!

    It's good to hear that you are enjoying it and inspiring too. Thank you!
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    Try going to the Strong Lifts 5X5 website. You can get a free e-book about the program plus many, many videos on correct form. You only do 5 compound lifts and they will completely transform your body. Make sure to watch the videos and practice the basic movements before you add weight. I had someone take videos of me doing them so I could watch my form before I really increased the weight.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Hi all, I am starting to get really interested in weight/resistance training and want to ramp it up a level. I keep on reading how free weights and or body weight exercises have many more benefits than the machines at the gym but I have only ever used the small dumbbells for bicep curls etc plus a few bodypump classes a while ago and I don't know where to start by myself.

    So the weights area in the gym has a few adjustable benches and when I checked this morning 12kg weights were the lowest (there are lighter ones in another area downstairs that has stability balls but no benches). I couldn't see bar bells etc but the grunting was a bit off putting so I will have a better look next time, I assume they do have them.

    As a relative beginner what are good upper body exercises to start with? Any good websites/workouts/tips/things to avoid that you can share with me?

    The grunting is something you're going to have to put up with because if you're not pushing yourself hard enough to where you're making some sort of sound you're doing it wrong. Sorry but that's just the truth. That being said you shouldn't be training just your upper body. You should be doing lower body too. Start with compound lifting based programs such as Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5, or something like NROLFW.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I grunt
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    You're not in our way. We have one bench, you have one bench. We probably aren't using the same dumbbells either. Please come in, make yourself at home, lift and grunt away. And don't be shy. You want advice or instruction? Ask us. We WANT to help you. We WANT you to succeed. We don't want you to scurry back to the elliptical.

    I am going to remember this!
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    The grunting is something you're going to have to put up with because if you're not pushing yourself hard enough to where you're making some sort of sound you're doing it wrong. Sorry but that's just the truth. That being said you shouldn't be training just your upper body. You should be doing lower body too. Start with compound lifting based programs such as Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5, or something like NROLFW.

    I leave the gym red and sweaty with my hair all over, I am not the type to read on the treadmill and do my make up half way round ;) I do find it a bit intimidating but I went and looked and now I am asking questions so I'm sure I'll get over it and having seen what women who do weights look like I am more than curious enough to give it a go.
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    1) Look into some strength programs such as "New Rules of Lifting for Women", "Starting Strength" and "Stronglifts 5x5"

    2) Focus on compound lifts that work your whole body for the best results, rather than isolation exercises (though of course you can do these as well if you want)

    3) Don't be afraid to lift heavy. With compound exercises and barbells you'll find you can probably lift a lot heavier than you think.

    4) Try not to let the grunting put you off. I'm aware that it can be a bit intimidating at first, but there are really nice guys in that area, that are just working out really hard / exerting themselves.

    5) If you're still unsure about what to do after looking at the programs and / or watching youtube videos of the exercises, you could always hire a PT for a few sessions, until you pick up the basics :)

    Really helpful information, thank you. I have a feeling that new rules of lifting will make it in to my amazon basket tonight once I get home!
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    I grunt

    :D I'm hardly lady like! I do find it a bit intimidating, I guess once I know I can lift the weights too it wouldn't be.
  • handerson2005
    handerson2005 Posts: 5 Member
    After you get comfortable with what you're doing, head into the "grunt area" and do your workout. I've found that guys are usually pretty respectful of women in the weight area as long as they're working out and not standing around/chatting it up. Just do your own thing, rock it, and you'll do great!
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Grunting pleases me.

    Each to their own :) I wasn't going to get in the way of guys with big weights. Maybe this time next week I'll be grunting along with them?

    Don't think of it as you getting in their way. If you go in there with that mindset you've already told yourself you don't belong there. If you paid for the membership you have a right to be there. Be respectful of others, but by all means take advantage of the weights and get into it.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Just pick a program, learn the form, and have it it. You won't regret it!

    I was intimidated by the free weight section of the gym, but after I ran through my routine on a couple of visits, I felt a lot more comfortable. Now I walk around like I own the place, lol.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Options has lots of info.
  • McAlyna
    McAlyna Posts: 123 Member
    November 11, 2012, marked my first day stepping into the free weight room. I used to feel really uncomfortable to even try to walk in there. I had hired a PT to walked me in and show me the form 3 days before I started the program. Now I am going 3x a week and is into my week 3 of Strong Lift 5x5. I love it:love: !! Wish I have started long time ago.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I love lifting. LOVE. IT.

    I love seeing my gains, week over week, and knowing I started in January struggling with the 5# weights on my curls and hoisting my 30# now for a full rep set. I love it when I see a guy doing a lighter lift than I'm doing, and watching my body get tighter and ever-more-awesome. If I'm NOT grunting or sweating, I think "stop giving yourself a pass, Self, and GET ON THIS!"

    I like squats, deadlifts, and shoulder presses a LOT. I'm also a big fan of dips.

    Just go in and get your weight on. It makes me feel like She-Ra! Own that space, lady! You rock!
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
    I would recommend NROL4W for the routine and knowledge on weight lifting for starters. As far as the grunting, once you feel more comfortable in the weight section of the gym with your own routine, the grunting and feeling in the way of others will subside. I grunt... but I'm lifting heavy so I expect to grunt.

    It took me a while to feel like it was okay for me to be in the weight section. Your confidence builds with your gains. Now, I just hit the weights without taking a second glance around me. I'm there to get my workout in, as is everyone else. It's all good.