

  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    My husband's mother was visiting us from Africa and doesn't speak or understand a word of English. But she would sit with us and watch it, screaming at the characters in African when she saw they were in danger, getting upset when someone got killed. Was quite funny but shows the power of imagery.

    Don't forget Andrea has been through alot so her wanting to take refuge in an apparently safe place is not unreasonable. I think after watching the collapse of civilization, having to kill your own sister, being on the run for 8 months, and almost dieing... I wouldn't be in a rush to get back out there and maybe overlook a few things that might be making me go hmmmm. As for her relationship with the Gov - come on, companionship and closeness is something we all crave during emotionally stressful times and he is a master manipulater. From an observer's perspective and knowing everything that is going on I want to shake her and say wake up but I do understand.

    I think Daryl will defend the group to the death - esoecially with Carol still being alive.

    This is a really good show -- I like apocalyptic type themes. I watch Falling Skies and Revolution too but this is by the far the best.
  • thoshowski
    thoshowski Posts: 135 Member
    I completely understand how Rick treated Michone. How does he know that she didn't kill Maggie and Glenn? And honestly, if you were in the zombie apocalypse, would you believe there is a town called Woodbury that is safe from walkers. I don't think I would believe her. She could have saw Maggie and Glen, and that they were getting baby supplies, killed them and went to kill the rest. You never know, people are crazy.
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member

    Not sure what you've seen that would cause you think that he will defect. There hasn't been any discussion about him being dissatisfied with the governor's leadership. If anything, there is a hint of him wanted to get to know Michonne a little better (good luck with that one).

    Also, I would not anticipate that Rick's group is safe through the mid-season final. The Gov knows where the prison is and has an attack force. The prison is currently guarded by a dehydrated old woman, a teenage (?) girl, a mentally disturbed pre-teen, a one-legged old man, a scrawny former prisoner and a baby. I don't like their odds.

    Also, I miss TDog and Sophia.
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    @ Jenbit

    I saw that too. And Michonne says, "I won't hurt you"

    Somehow, I don't think that promise will hold up . . .
  • ladypenel
    ladypenel Posts: 88 Member
    I completely understand how Rick treated Michone. How does he know that she didn't kill Maggie and Glenn? And honestly, if you were in the zombie apocalypse, would you believe there is a town called Woodbury that is safe from walkers. I don't think I would believe her. She could have saw Maggie and Glen, and that they were getting baby supplies, killed them and went to kill the rest. You never know, people are crazy.

    Good point! Just love this show, never thought I'd love heads being chopped off, eyes being stabbed!
  • User819
    User819 Posts: 271
    I love Carl. He's a little Bad *kitten*, and I love his hat!!

    In the first two seasons, I despised Carl, but now I have come to respect him. He's grown some balls so to speak. I hate the hat though. In every episode when they dropped it and went back for it, I was yelling at the tv! To risk your life for a stupid and goofy looking hat is mind baffling to me! LOL!

    Indiana Jones ALWAYS did it....
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    wow. i started walking dead from day 1, i was hyped for it sience they announced they are going to make the show... and like noobody knew about it.. until recently my facebook is getting riddled with walking dead and now MFP too :P good to see that show is such a big hitt!! zombies FTW!!
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member

    Not sure what you've seen that would cause you think that he will defect. There hasn't been any discussion about him being dissatisfied with the governor's leadership. If anything, there is a hint of him wanted to get to know Michonne a little better (good luck with that one).

    Also, I would not anticipate that Rick's group is safe through the mid-season final. The Gov knows where the prison is and has an attack force. The prison is currently guarded by a dehydrated old woman, a teenage (?) girl, a mentally disturbed pre-teen, a one-legged old man, a scrawny former prisoner and a baby. I don't like their odds.

    Also, I miss TDog and Sophia.

    Merle may defect because of Daryll. Blood is thicker than water. Merle will choose his brother over the Govenor. I may be wrong. The other reason may be because you can see he does not like being told what to do. He is scared of the Gov. Loyal out of fear. If he is given a viable choice, he may take it. Not that he will change his ways though.
  • miltongurl05
    miltongurl05 Posts: 64 Member
    I didn't like that Maggie gave away their location but I DID like how she told the Gov to "do what you're gonna do and go to hell"

    At first, when she did that stunt, I was like "This girl has guts! No wonder Glen likes her!!" Then she went and blew it! UGH!

    I was disappointed when she gave up the location, but I understand why she did it. When the Governor threatened to do stuff to her, she was able to stand her ground, but when Glen's life was threatened, she couldn't do it. I'm the same way in that sense. If someone threatens to hurt me, I would tell them to do their worst, but if a loved one or someone I really cared about was threatened, I would give in to protect them.
  • miltongurl05
    miltongurl05 Posts: 64 Member
    I love Carl. He's a little Bad *kitten*, and I love his hat!!

    In the first two seasons, I despised Carl, but now I have come to respect him. He's grown some balls so to speak. I hate the hat though. In every episode when they dropped it and went back for it, I was yelling at the tv! To risk your life for a stupid and goofy looking hat is mind baffling to me! LOL!

    Indiana Jones ALWAYS did it....

    LOL! True!

    That Sheriff's hat is really something though! It's been recovered more times than I care to say! Ugh! :ohwell:
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I don't think the season is almost over....they were filming more episodes this year than previous years. Perhaps it's just over until the new year? Seems more likely (sorry if a re-post, couldn't read through all posts!).
  • miltongurl05
    miltongurl05 Posts: 64 Member
    Merle may defect because of Daryll. Blood is thicker than water. Merle will choose his brother over the Govenor. I may be wrong. The other reason may be because you can see he does not like being told what to do. He is scared of the Gov. Loyal out of fear. If he is given a viable choice, he may take it. Not that he will change his ways though.

    I agree! I think if push comes to shove, he will turn against the Governor. He already is not very happy with some of the things the Governor has said and done. I think he's biding his time. He is the type that wants to take charge and be the leader (kind of like from Season 1), but realizes the Governor has many supporters. I know Merle wants to kill Rick and I think him trying to harm a member of Daryl's group will force Daryl to kill him.
  • xPeaceLuvVeggiesx
    It is the mid season break.

    NO! BUT WHYYYY :*(
  • miltongurl05
    miltongurl05 Posts: 64 Member
    I don't think the season is almost over....they were filming more episodes this year than previous years. Perhaps it's just over until the new year? Seems more likely (sorry if a re-post, couldn't read through all posts!).

    It's the mid-season finale so no, it's not over. There will just be a break until Jan/Feb of next year.
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    I'd like to see the Governor get eaten up by his zombie daughter! :tongue:

    SOOOOO TRUE!!!! I would love to see that!
  • melissam226

    Why didn't Michonne let them in on the zombie guts thing? I feel like that's HUGE. Although Rick and them sort of knew from Season 1 that zombies do repel zombies. I just feel like it would be super helpful right now.

    Also, Andrea used to be an attorney--you'd think she'd have better judgment. Companionship or not, the Governor exudes creepiness.

    And I don't see Rick's hand getting chopped off but I really hope they make the Governor as terrible as he was in the comics. They sort of give little glimpses but if you've read the comics, that's NOTHING.

    Oh, and anyone else wonder how they always have enough gas?
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    It is so simple.

    1: Meryl said that Micheonne was dead.

    2: Michonne is going to be part of the group that attacks woodbuyy.

    3: She will be seen by the gov.

    4: The gov will confront Meryl and attempt to kill him.

    5: Meryl will be saved by both Rick and Daryl and he will at least accept the fact that Rick saved him.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    It is so simple.

    1: Meryl said that Micheonne was dead.

    2: Michonne is going to be part of the group that attacks woodbuyy.

    3: She will be seen by the gov.

    4: The gov will confront Meryl and attempt to kill him.

    5: Meryl will be saved by both Rick and Daryl and he will at least accept the fact that Rick saved him.

    I never saw that coming. That is really good reasoning.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    wow. i started walking dead from day 1, i was hyped for it sience they announced they are going to make the show... and like noobody knew about it.. until recently my facebook is getting riddled with walking dead and now MFP too :P good to see that show is such a big hitt!! zombies FTW!!

    ^^This^^ I waited patiently for the very first episode and NEVER looked back!!!!!
    I don't know, I think Gov's side will take a huge loss, but I still think Rick will lose one or two men, possibly the new prisoners they picked up since they're just there. I wonder if the Gov can send out a scout to the prison before they attack... if so that'll be interesting to see what happens there.

    Yeah, one of the prisoners. Maybe the white guy. he's too much of a whiner anyway.

    I think there is more to that white guy prisoner than what he is letting on. I could be wrong, but he just gives me the creeps.

    And this :smile: Me and my husband currently have a running bet, lol. I trust the skinny white guy. My husband, not so much. So we will see!!!
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    It is so simple.

    1: Meryl said that Micheonne was dead.

    2: Michonne is going to be part of the group that attacks woodbuyy.

    3: She will be seen by the gov.

    4: The gov will confront Meryl and attempt to kill him.

    5: Meryl will be saved by both Rick and Daryl and he will at least accept the fact that Rick saved him.

    And NO WAY!!! They would NEVER ever be able to trust Meryl. He will never come back to the group. He's a loose cannon. Oh and P.S. See how I used loose there? You like that don't you :glasses: