Sixers Valentine Vixens Week 4



  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    gonabfit - i love your attitude on an non-boring day. Glad you got your run in. Did you run outside or on a treadmill inside? I'm having a hard time getting exercise done the way I want inside my house, but definitely able to exercise shoveling snow.

    B - sorry you are sick. home you feel better soon (hugs)

    Cathy - Your self-control is amazing. You are a great mom.

    Tamm - I like how you have plans for your treats. I'm trying to rearrange my junk eating starting today and see if I can get some control. You have just given me more incentive.

    Alison - Glad you are feeling better. And thanks for your encouragement.

    Kelly - Keep taking care of yourself.

    Kristin - Love the new picture. I hope Kadence is sleeping a little better for you.

    Amy S - Hope you guys had a great playdate!

    And to all you other lovely SIXER - HI. Hope you are doing well.

    In my world, just frustrated with the pain, severe bloating, and emotions of these stupid pills. I'm giving it til next tuesday (one month) and then calling the doctor. I'm not sure I can do this for two more months. 6 POUND WEIGHT GAIN in two weeks. I know a lot of it is water as my hands and legs are tight. My boobs got re-inflated, but I also have a 3 month baby tummy. AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!

    Anyway, that's my venting. Time to get my butt in gear. Have a great day everyone!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Good morning lulabelle and all you Sixers! I woke up and did my 35 mins on the exercise bike... Now gotta head to school! You guys have a great day.

    Oh and I exercise indoors at my apartments gym... I prefer outdoor runs but with all the snow and ice its just not safe! Happy exercising/ eating today team!!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    My phone keeps posting everything twice! Sorry!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i woke with a bad headache. was going to do a dvd. will wait until headache goes away. also was having a really bad dream when DH woke me up. i was in a sound deep sleep. that could be why i have this headache.

    personals later, just needed to record my food. going to lay on the couch and let the asprin work.


    hang in there lula, i will say a prayer for you.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Cathy...hope the headache goes away quickly! I hate waking up with a headache!

    Tiff...OMG HILARIOUS!!!! Totally sounds like something I'd do! I can't believe all the doors were unlocked!!!! Glad everything worked out okay!

    Lula...Hang in there! You WILL lose that extra weight and your body will go back to normal. But I would definitely call the doctor next week if things aren't getting better! And yes...Kadence is sleeping better these days! She was sick and so wasn't, but last night she slept all night and I feel SO great this morning! Refreshed! :)

    B...Hope you're feeling better today!

    Everyone else...GOOD MORNING!!!

    Yesterday was another successful day! I stayed well within calories and got a 40 minute run in on the treadmill! Felt great! Today is my usual rest day as my evening is pretty busy, but I might try and get some sort of workout in since I had so many days off this weekend. We'll see!

    ANYways...time to get started on some work! Have a good morning ladies!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    glad kristin she slept through the night.
    tiff...too funny. be careful
    be careful everyone who lives in this snow out there. they say we are to get some tomorrow night. didn't get any last time they said that. we get a dusting every few years. it's due.

    still have this headache, feeling a little feverish. managed to get some housework done. tummy growling so lunch will be early and than maybe some more aspirin and a nap. just playing around now. might go and read some. i am reading 3 books. it takes me forever to read a book, unless it is really good. i seem to play on the computer more now a days. use to read allot.

    check in later,
    stay warm
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Lula, that's so frustrating. But like I always try to tell myself, no matter what your body is doing it's always better to eat healthfully, get exercise and generally take care of yourself than not. Eventually your body will respond and if something else is causing your body to react differently you can address it with professionals, but you'll never harm your body by feeding it well and taking care of it :wink:

    Cathy, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I had a killer migrane yesterday (I've only ever had a couple) and it was ROUGH.

    Tiff, that was a very funny story. I'm glad you got it all straightened out!

    Tamm, Verda, AmyS... HI! Sorry, still finding my way to doing personals more regularly.

    So, I'm not sure what the heck is going on with my body but those 5lbs are still holding onto me. I was totally unconcerned the other day but now I'm starting to wonder. So, I'm going to (reluctantly) update my weight data and just keep plugging along. I had a migrane for the 3rd time in my life yesterday (OUCH) so I missed my marathon training :( Hopefully that's the only one I'll miss! I'd love to get to the gym today but I don't know if it will happen. The munchkins won't go to the playcare room anymore, we're having a friend over later (she's getting divorced) and then Kyle is going on a night mountain bike ride. I guess I'll try to do some stuff at home. This is the time when I DO mind living in SUCH a small space. It's so hard to get a work out in at home because I easily bump into things (I'm 5'10") or Ava and Leith try to "help" me with weights or accidentally get under foot (so do the cat and dog). Not that I won't try, but I've been at this for over 1.5 years and have lots of experience trying to work it at home :tongue:

    I wish everyone a productive and healthy day!!! :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    what an afternoon this has become.
    --son showed up again, says he wants me to help him make a grocery list and coupons. so did that and ran to the two stores.
    --come home trying to finish laundry.
    --DH calls and tells me there are 2 lawsuits now at work. if the people follow through on their threats. one for $50,000 and one for $10,000. now he is looking for another job. company may not be around much longer.
    --dog dug a hole or i should say holeS in the back and got a cold bath for it. it's muddy out.
    --DH is now on his way home early. i really enjoy my afternoons when it's quite. i always get all my work done before 1 or 2. so i can just enjoy quite time before DH gets home and the evening rountine starts.

    better get going.

  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today I went to work and pruned fruit trees for the most part of my day. I am extremely tired.:yawn: I sure hope I get back to normal soon. I didn't do the walk yesterday as I thought I would. By the time I got home I was tired like I am today. I haven't been this out of it forever. I just want to be me again.:sad: :sad: :sad: I feel like such a baby, but I don't feel so very good...."I WANT MY HEALTH BACK!!!!" My new chant is " I WILL FEEL BETTER SOON, I WILL FEEL BETTER SOON, I WILL FEEL BETTER SOON- DEEP BREATH- I WILL FEEL BETTER SOON!!!"

    Thanks for listening:smile:

    P.S. Oh by the way... Two days ago I quit smoking a year ago!!! Yeah for me!!!:flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    yea kel on the smoking my anniv date is the 26, will be 3 years. don't feel better. i sure do. i still have my days.

    ok, please send prayers. rumor has it (now this is a company of 5 including owner). DH's company is being sold. he got a call this afternoon that owner was neg all day with terminix. which a terminex person called his coworker and told him. no biggie. my concern is that DH goes with the sale and has a job. terminix pays better. would be good. pray he goes with the sale. thanks guys.

    well, need to finish dinner. later
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Last check in for the night...

    Cathy- hope your headache got better, will pray for your hubby
    Kristen- lol it was a crazy day... Glad you got your workout in and diet is under control GO YOU!
    Pedalhound- You know what works best for you and with time I'm sure those 5 lbs will fall off before you know it!
    Redneckhound- FEEL BETTER! Get rest! Your body will let you know when it's ready to get back to exercise. Lots of water, clear liquids, rest and relaxation!

    Goodnight SIXERS! (well goodnight to you! I'm going to be studying... and doing so crunches... I may be ceering/dancing with a professional league in my city... I don't have a lot of free time with medical school and all, so I may just be a volunteer but I'm PRETTY excited about it! ) If nothing else, it'll be fun to train for it. :-D

    OH and I woke up and did 35 mins of the exercise bike... may do another workout before bed.
  • pdxmomof2
    Hey all! Sorry I have been MIA. Starting the new job has proven to be challenging for me for sure!

    As soon as I can get this all down...working full time, etc. I promise!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    pdxmomof2 - what an adjustment. I hope it continues to go well. How are you little ones adjusting to it?

    gonabfit - crunches and studying? You are dedicated!

    Cathy- hope your headache got better. and I hope things work out to your family's advantage with your husband's job.

    Kel - Sorry you are still feeling bad. But wow, I think I'd be exhausted after pruning fruit trees too. Take care of yourself.

    kistinbee - happy to hear Kadence slept for you and you got some rest. Hope it keeps going now that she's feeling better.

    PedalHound - Don't worry about the weight. You'll kick its butt, no doubt. I'm fortunate at our gym that when my kids outgrew the playplace, they opened up something called XRcade with interactive sports related video games, so it was a nice transition, although they still aren't jumping up and down for joy to go. But I tell them if they want a happy mommy, they have to give me my hour, and they are good with it.

    HELLO to everyone I might have missed.

    Well, I think I figured out the weight gain and extreme cramps the past couple of days. I'm looking at the package of birth control pills and realize that technically i'm in the PMS part right before TOM (which I won't have because I just take them continuously). I forgot since I totally missed my TOM last month and it has been like two months. So, I'm going to see this package through and if when I'm done I still have the problems, then out they go.

    That is it for me for the day ladies. To work, more snow shoveling, hopefully gym, and time with my beautiful babies and DH. Have a great one!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning.

    getting dressed and out to the store for some wood. we are suppose to get 3-4 inches of snow tonight. we only get dusting of the strange white stuff, and that shuts down the city. we get the dust of snow every few years. haven't had it in awhile guess that's why we are getting so much tonight. DH is in myrtle beach working today. 1-2 hour drive from here, so he should be home before it starts. he's from northern idaho anyway so he can drive in it. it's the other people who we worry about.

    hope everyone has a great day. i am making myself get in a workout today.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning all!

    Quick check in...

    Had a HORRIBLE night last night! Had a melt-down (SOBBING on the treadmill wanting my old body/stamina/belly wasn't pretty), then ate everything sweet in sight (thank goodness I don't have much in the house and it consisted of reduced fat graham crackers with Cool whip, canned mandarine oranges, and 2 chocolate chip granola bars), and then to make things worse, Kadence woke up at like 3:00 AM and would NOT go back to sleep! ARGH! Oh to work early this morning and ready for a new day...AND it's Friday! YAY!

    So...have a good morning and I'll check back later!

    P.S. Cathy...You and your DH are in my prayers today!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Morning Sixers!!!!

    Sorry I was absent yesterday, but I felt better and I had a lot to do!!!!
    So before I do me, I'll do y'al!

    Tiff - OMG I loved your story from the other day, TOTALLY sounds like something I would do!!! Gratz on your big exam!!!! And keep up with the exorcising!!!!

    lula - AWWW *hugs* i hope you feel better!!!!!

    cathy - SNOW! haha we just got 6-8 inches of it the other day, the whole state got a snow day, we are suppose to get a couple more inches tonight. DH is in my prayers with the job situation!

    Kirstin - yay for the last couple days, and awww *hugs* for last night, sounds ruff, don't get frustrated, things will work out as long as you keep up the great effort!!!!!

    Pedal - Haha how did working out with the whole fam around in your home? And ouch on the migraine!

    Kel - YAY for the quitting smoking over a year ago, and aww *hugs* feel better!!!

    Amy S. How are things going girlie!?!?!?!?!?

    Alison- how are you today!??!

    To anyone I missed <3!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Okay about me, I didnt get up and go to the gym yesterday morning, but I did make it last night! Did W3D1 of C25K which is going to be a bit of a rush if I want to start week 4 on monday, which means I am going to have to run two days in a row... eeeeeeh I dont like doing that usually, anyways didn't wake up for zumba this morning because my phone died in the middle of the night (my phone doubles as my alarm clock). But I SWEAR I will wake up for it tomorrow. I ate fine yesterday. I am starting to worry about money problems. I havent worked a babysitting gig in two weekends, I am hoping I get a call this weekend... I have been saving up to go to florida to be with my boyfriend for spring break, my spring break is the first week of march. And right now I REALLY cant afford to go... I need babysitting gigs, and I need them badly. Sigh. My normal job is so i can afford the gas to and from school... It doesnt leave much else for spending.

    alrighty, well enough from me, I hope everyone has a great friday!
    check in later!
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Well, Finally back on track after gaining when husband was sick. I do not think that I will make my mini goal this month but I am okay with that. I am just happy that I am losing it.

    I am loving the EA active exercises. I do these every Monday - Friday on low. After this month, I will move up to Medium for two months and then to high after that. The reason i will be doing medium two months in a row is that I will be on vacation for over 10 days and i am not looking to hurt myself.

    Starting Weight - 215 lbs
    Current Weight - 201 lbs
    Lost Weight - 14 lbs.

    I am trying to lose 11 lbs by March 1. We will see how close I can come to that. I am happy with the way things are progressing.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    kristin...sure hope baby starts sleeping all night. my son use to wake up lots and we started putting rice cereal in his bedtime bottle. it was made runny so it still could go through the nipple. he was in the hospital for a few days at 7 weeks old and the nurse told us she was giving him the same thing. the doctor didn't like it. he was eating every 2 hours. full 8 oz bottles. with the cereal bottle he slept through the night. just a thought. you know your kids better than anyone. that's what a doctor use to tell me all the time.
    b...glad you're feeling better.
    lula...i think of you everyday. i sure hope you get some releive.
    hoping everyone else is having a safe and WARM day.

    getting ready to be housebound. sure hope DH makes it home before it hits. now they are expecting it to hit sooner, and up to 6". they have already started shutting down the airport. that's how often we get snow here and this much. to stick it's been since 1989, just after huricane hugo. charlestons 2 whole sand trucks are ready to go. to funny how these people are. had to get gas, and the stations are packed.

    well, going to get some chores done.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    we got snow. a few inches. this is the most i have ever seen here in charleston. i have been here since 86. it's not done yet.

    will have pics tomorrow.
