Office treats :(



  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    The problem here is less the goodies than the fact that they seem to be in charge of you. In our society it is simply impossible to avoid high calorie or unhealthy food entirely so the only thing we really have control over is how we respond to it.

    Try to imagine the food as gross and disgusting (cow pies maybe) or even better imagine trowelling it onto your thighs - all squishy and lumpy - yech. Or, as I do, just look at it as something you don''t eat - as if you were allergic ( I am diabetic so I don't do sugar) - and have something around that you do eat - and really like.

    Finally enlist the help of your co-workers - tell them you are trying to eat healthy and ask them to find another spot for the goodies - with 24 people, surely someone has a spot - or make one by clearing off a cabinet or similar surface - you could put whatever is on it onto the bullpen wall beside you instead if there is no other space....
  • HotDolphinMama
    HotDolphinMama Posts: 82 Member
    I can completely relate - my office if full of two types of people - overweight women and women who can resist - but I am still one of the first, not of the latter.

    I don't know that I will ever have the willpower to completely deny myself some things. Me & Krispy Kreme go way back. But,
    Knowing how many calories are in ONE has definitely stopped me from eating 2-3 a day when I walk past the counter.

    I have spent the last 20 minutes thinking of what I would do if it was a 5 person unit, and I didn't feel comfortable just saying keep the treats away from me please. The klutz thing could backfire - it really isn't fair to deny your co-workers to accomodate your eating habits. But you said something that keeps coming back to me - she bakes these items (or purchases) and brings them in - but she doesn't eat them. So, maybe she has some of the same issues. Perhaps she brings them in because if she left them at home she would eat them all. Most of us know that buying/making something we can only have a small piece of is a recipe for disaster - removing the temptation is the best option. Maybe that is what she is doing by bringing them in. So, maybe she would understand if you had a discreet discussion about the issue and asked her to find somewhere else to keep them & remove them from your space. Maybe she is bringing them in to curry favor - and telling her she is losing points wtih you might be an incentive to either bring in healthier options or quit.

    I made a change that has apparently affected the whole office. We have a communtiy ledge in front of the secretarys desk where treats from vendor, baked goods from co-workers,etc are placed. Everytime I go to the reception area to call a client back to my desk I have to walk by them. So I started looking up the calories on the items on the counter & printing out calories per serving sheets of paper and placing one under each item left on the counter. At first there were some rude comments made - (it's not crack, just don't take one, etc) but eventually everyone realized that not only was I not taking the items anymore, they had to be aware of how many calories they were eating because there it was smacking them in the face when they loaded up their dessert plates. Gradually the treats ended.

    Everyone still brings cheese, sugar, carb loaded food to the food days, etc., but the everyday snacks have tapered off. Even more interesting - a couple of the smaller, health conscious women have started bringing healthier snacks. Last week someone had pumpkin bread on the counter - along with an ingredient list & calorie count per slice (and they used egg beaters, whole wheat bread, light margarine!) No one mentions that I have lost almost 80 lbs in 9 months, but they aren't blind so I am sure they can tell. Hopefully they are supporting me by simply keeping the crap away from me.

    Finally, if all else fails, do the listing the calories thing when she brings in an item. When everyone sees you are serious about being responsible for what you consurme, they will hopefully respect that and be a little less obvious about their intake. Good luck and happy counting.
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    I stopped eating wheat last spring and have found that to be the perfect excuse - to co-workers and family. No cupcakes, cookies, pies or brownies for me. They don't even offer anymore.

    I also agree with the suggestions that you just talk to her about it. She may surprise you and be completely understanding about you not wanting the treats in your area.
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks for your advice :) I wouldn't actually destroy her treats, was just joking!
    I can completely relate - my office if full of two types of people - overweight women and women who can resist - but I am still one of the first, not of the latter.

    I don't know that I will ever have the willpower to completely deny myself some things. Me & Krispy Kreme go way back. But,
    Knowing how many calories are in ONE has definitely stopped me from eating 2-3 a day when I walk past the counter.

    I have spent the last 20 minutes thinking of what I would do if it was a 5 person unit, and I didn't feel comfortable just saying keep the treats away from me please. The klutz thing could backfire - it really isn't fair to deny your co-workers to accomodate your eating habits. But you said something that keeps coming back to me - she bakes these items (or purchases) and brings them in - but she doesn't eat them. So, maybe she has some of the same issues. Perhaps she brings them in because if she left them at home she would eat them all. Most of us know that buying/making something we can only have a small piece of is a recipe for disaster - removing the temptation is the best option. Maybe that is what she is doing by bringing them in. So, maybe she would understand if you had a discreet discussion about the issue and asked her to find somewhere else to keep them & remove them from your space. Maybe she is bringing them in to curry favor - and telling her she is losing points wtih you might be an incentive to either bring in healthier options or quit.

    I made a change that has apparently affected the whole office. We have a communtiy ledge in front of the secretarys desk where treats from vendor, baked goods from co-workers,etc are placed. Everytime I go to the reception area to call a client back to my desk I have to walk by them. So I started looking up the calories on the items on the counter & printing out calories per serving sheets of paper and placing one under each item left on the counter. At first there were some rude comments made - (it's not crack, just don't take one, etc) but eventually everyone realized that not only was I not taking the items anymore, they had to be aware of how many calories they were eating because there it was smacking them in the face when they loaded up their dessert plates. Gradually the treats ended.

    Everyone still brings cheese, sugar, carb loaded food to the food days, etc., but the everyday snacks have tapered off. Even more interesting - a couple of the smaller, health conscious women have started bringing healthier snacks. Last week someone had pumpkin bread on the counter - along with an ingredient list & calorie count per slice (and they used egg beaters, whole wheat bread, light margarine!) No one mentions that I have lost almost 80 lbs in 9 months, but they aren't blind so I am sure they can tell. Hopefully they are supporting me by simply keeping the crap away from me.

    Finally, if all else fails, do the listing the calories thing when she brings in an item. When everyone sees you are serious about being responsible for what you consurme, they will hopefully respect that and be a little less obvious about their intake. Good luck and happy counting.
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks everyone! I guess it really is my issue to deal with, maybe I will start bringing healthy snacks to counter it. My team is young and pretty slim thanks to metabolisms, but that will change and I might as well start changing our habits now before they slow down.
  • nancyki
    Cover them with a pillowcase.
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    Thanks everyone! I guess it really is my issue to deal with, maybe I will start bringing healthy snacks to counter it. My team is young and pretty slim thanks to metabolisms, but that will change and I might as well start changing our habits now before they slow down.

    thats the spirit! :)

    I also allow myself one or two candies a day...they range between 35-50 calories. I burn that just
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Why not be honest with her? If you think it won't hurt her feelings, tell her you're trying to be healthier right now and, since they look/smell so delicious, it would be better if she sat them elsewhere. Or if she only brough in enough to give to the other girls instead of leaving them up for grabs.

    If you don't think that's a good option, you'll just have to get some more willpower. This is always a good thing! You might not succeed every day, but I think you'll gradually build up to it.:smile:

    My office has a "treat table" in the corner opposite of me. People send emails out to let everyone know what's over there, and it can be tempting when someone walks by taking a big bite of something, but I've found it's good because I don't really ever see the treats that are up for grabs and I know to steer clear of that corner.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks everyone! I guess it really is my issue to deal with, maybe I will start bringing healthy snacks to counter it. My team is young and pretty slim thanks to metabolisms, but that will change and I might as well start changing our habits now before they slow down.

    This may actually work for you...I would bring in healthy treats, fruits, nuts and low fat cheese and then everyone seemed to follow the lead. We only get the really bad treats once in a while now.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    My boyfriend doesn't eat carbs but once a week and he tells his co-workers he's diabetic. I go with gluten allergy (which I do have a sensitivity to). My boss WILL NOT take no for an answer when she bakes a freakin cake!!!!! :wink:
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    They will seem a whole lot less appetizing if you think of them as snot cookies or turd brownies. Just sayin.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,649 Member
    free office treats don't have calories

    True story.
  • Amazonbella
    I learned a long time ago my weight isn't anyone's issue but my own, and throughout life there are going to be "temptations" treats, going out to restaurants with friends, birthdays, people bringing in unhealthy eats, ect. ect. and you can either approach it as an obstacle, one that can or can't be overcome, or treat it like you've made the decision to live a healthy lifestyle and aren't going to eat the food because you no longer choose that type over lets say, a snack pack of nuts or fruit. I had a girlfriend who was equally as tall as me and a size 2 and the girl ALWAYS ordered an appetizer, main course, dessert and side dishes when we went out and never gained anything. That was her metabolism, not mine, I have to deligently count calories and write down everything I eat, if I decide to have a chocolate treat I must do the math to add that onto my time on the treadmill. Office parties when we have pizza or high fat pastries I will bring a lean cuisine pizza or a packet of oatmeal so I can still have the social aspect of being around people but not throw my healthy eatting off track. Maybe in the begining people couldn't understand it, but after time they didn't care. I explained to them the importance of what I was trying to do and they were supportive (and if they weren't they never said anything) so if telling her this hurts your efforts and can it please be moved doesn't work, you can either a. pretend those treats are made up of ground bugs, or b. smash them with your fist is your willpower can't take it anymore! LOL Of course I am just joking on those last two tips.