so let me get this straight



  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    There is so much bad (or at the very least misleading/confusing) information in this thread it's scary. I'm tempted to report it in hopes of a mod deleting the entire thing.
    Really? Because you don't like something you think other people shouldn't have the right to read it?

    Because spreading bad information helps no one.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    There is so much bad (or at the very least misleading/confusing) information in this thread it's scary. I'm tempted to report it in hopes of a mod deleting the entire thing.

    I was just thinking the same thing....
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    Yes. If you don' may loose weight for a bit...then you'll plateau like me....(almost two months!). Eat. Move. Loose.

    Yep!! I did 1,200 calories and exercised and sometimes ate extra when I exercised a lot, and lost weight for a few months, and then went over a month without losing, despite working out even more! As soon as I upped my calories to about 1,500 I start losing again! It's amazing - people think you need to starve yourself! Nope, you just need to get moving, make healthier choices, etc. :) I still eat breads, pastas, goodies, etc. but just cut back on them, added more fruits, veggies, etc!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    And to the OP, the answer is yes.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Depends on the individual. My trainer/nutritionist has told me to stick with 1400 (ish), and not to eat back my exercise calories. I've started losing again-slowly, but steadily. BUT, what works for me won't necessarily work for others.

    This is actually exactly what works for me. My loss averages out to about 4lbs per month. Usually I'm around 1200-1300 during the week and 1500-1600 on the weekends but as long as I average 1400 for the 7 days that week, it works. Took me forever to figure this out!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Not to beat a dead horse but how am I taking in more than 760 calories (in this example)? If I burn calories from an intense workout and only log 760 from food since I'm not eating back my exercise cals how does that 760 magically morph into 1260? Magic beans?

    it's the difference between net and gross.

    you may have a net calorie intake on the day of 760, but that's the result of your gross calories minus your exercise. 1460 - 700 = 760. you still ate the 1460 calories that day, you just did an extra 700 calories of exercise on top of what your body is already burning for all of its functions.

    NO. I think you misunderstand. Because I eat dinner after my workouts if I don't eat back my exercise calories...let's just say I walk away at the 760 instead of tacking on the 500 from the burn...I'm not eating back my exercise calories in this example. I'm not talking about the person that eats the 1260 and does not log a 500 calorie workout. I'm talking about real life. My example. If I did not eat back my 500 exercise calories I'm only only only eating 760. I come home from that workout and eat my dinner and *bam* I'm equaling my 1260 and eating back my exercise calories.

    Flip it upside down. There's a lot of us that eat dinner after our workouts. And if we did not eat back that workout--following this NON MFP plan...we're under eating to fuel our machines.

    You are not clear about whether the calories you are eating, 760 are gross or net. So actually yes, we dont understand you because you are not being clear. That poster had gven you good advice.

    Just net the amount of calories you need to lose 1 pound a week which is 1160, not 1260 as you had noted. This means either eating 1160 with no exercise or 1660 with 500 calorie exercise burn.
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    Yeah. Funny thing about the human body. It needs fuel to function properly.

    Indeed :)
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Very interesting. I am very very overweight, have lost 1 stone so far but a long way to go. My current cal allowance is 1600 and I am eating back my calories after exercise, which I can only manage twice a week . I have not lost weight for over 3 weeks - before that I was averaging 1 pound a week.

    This is a long term haul for me so happy to experiment. I will try to eat back half rather than all of my exercise calories and see how it goes. I am happy to report back on this in 6 weeks time. I think what works for some does not work for others. Maybe as I get nearer my goal I will eat back all the calories. I know it is not an exact science!

    On the positive side, despite no weight loss recently, I have lost some inches and am definitely getting more toned and stronger so fairly happy. My knees and back are so much better (touch wood). Good luck everyone. Trying to change habits is hard but worth it in the end...
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Not to beat a dead horse but how am I taking in more than 760 calories (in this example)? If I burn calories from an intense workout and only log 760 from food since I'm not eating back my exercise cals how does that 760 magically morph into 1260? Magic beans?

    it's the difference between net and gross.

    you may have a net calorie intake on the day of 760, but that's the result of your gross calories minus your exercise. 1460 - 700 = 760. you still ate the 1460 calories that day, you just did an extra 700 calories of exercise on top of what your body is already burning for all of its functions.

    NO. I think you misunderstand. Because I eat dinner after my workouts if I don't eat back my exercise calories...let's just say I walk away at the 760 instead of tacking on the 500 from the burn...I'm not eating back my exercise calories in this example. I'm not talking about the person that eats the 1260 and does not log a 500 calorie workout. I'm talking about real life. My example. If I did not eat back my 500 exercise calories I'm only only only eating 760. I come home from that workout and eat my dinner and *bam* I'm equaling my 1260 and eating back my exercise calories.

    Flip it upside down. There's a lot of us that eat dinner after our workouts. And if we did not eat back that workout--following this NON MFP plan...we're under eating to fuel our machines.

    You are not clear about whether the calories you are eating, 760 are gross or net. So actually yes, we dont understand you because you are not being clear. That poster had gven you good advice.

    Just net the amount of calories you need to lose 1 pound a week which is 1160, not 1260 as you had noted. This means either eating 1160 with no exercise or 1660 with 500 calorie exercise burn.

    I'm not looking for advice. I was just using my numbers as an example. I've always been a healthy weight and I always eat back my exercise calories. The MFP format on these boards makes it hard to follow a chain or conversation.
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292

    Yea I figured out my BMR separately from this site, did all the calculations of activity level - 500 cals a day and have my number
    I don't eat back exercise calories.
    I keep it simple

    If I did not eat back my exercise cals I'd be fueling my body with right around 760 calories/day. Not gonna happen.

    I think you are still misunderstanding what we are doing when we calculate that out to where we do not eat exercise calories. If I figure out that my TDEE (including 5 one hour workouts per week) is say 2600 calories and then I cut 15% off of that I would then eat 2210 daily, and as long as I am continuing to do those workouts that will work. If I log the workout calories everytime and then eat those calories I am over eating because the workouts were already figured into the original 2600 calories.

    I'm not misunderstanding anything.

    1260 to lose 1lb/week
    1460 to lose .5/week
    1660 to maintain

    On days I workout if I did not eat mine back I'd be only taking in 760 or so worth of food. for the entire day. What am I confused about?

    This is what I use, MFP isn't perfect.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    There is so much bad (or at the very least misleading/confusing) information in this thread it's scary. I'm tempted to report it in hopes of a mod deleting the entire thing.
    Really? Because you don't like something you think other people shouldn't have the right to read it?

    Because spreading bad information helps no one.
    And since when do you get to dictate what's bad information and whether or not people have a right to read what you think is bad information? If you think it's bad information, disregard it; let other people make up their own minds.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    There is so much bad (or at the very least misleading/confusing) information in this thread it's scary. I'm tempted to report it in hopes of a mod deleting the entire thing.
    Really? Because you don't like something you think other people shouldn't have the right to read it?

    Because spreading bad information helps no one.
    And since when do you get to dictate what's bad information and whether or not people have a right to read what you think is bad information? If you think it's bad information, disregard it; let other people make up their own minds.

    Yes dear.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    so i have a daily total of 1300 calories a day and i exercise everyday so your telling me if i wanna lose weight i need to eat all of those calories ?

    Try putting your numbers in here, and see what you get -

    I'd be suprised if it's 1300.

    Following the roadmap means you eat teh same every day so it's an even balance through the week,

    following MFP's 1300, means you eat 1300 PLUS your exercise calories, so if you run/walk 2 miles and burn 200 calories, you actually eat 1500 that day, not 1300.

    I prefer the Roadmap version of eating the same everyday, as I find MFP's pre- exercise calories too low,

    Good Luck
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    Depends on the individual. My trainer/nutritionist has told me to stick with 1400 (ish), and not to eat back my exercise calories. I've started losing again-slowly, but steadily. BUT, what works for me won't necessarily work for others.

    This is actually exactly what works for me. My loss averages out to about 4lbs per month. Usually I'm around 1200-1300 during the week and 1500-1600 on the weekends but as long as I average 1400 for the 7 days that week, it works. Took me forever to figure this out!

    this is another important "aha" moments for lots of people. it's not about the day to day over- and under- on the calorie goal. it's about the weekly and monthly averages. that's why weighing yourself everyday is practically meaningless. it's about correct behavior put into practice over the long haul. this is why crash diets and fad diets are garbage.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    There is so much bad (or at the very least misleading/confusing) information in this thread it's scary. I'm tempted to report it in hopes of a mod deleting the entire thing.
    Really? Because you don't like something you think other people shouldn't have the right to read it?

    Because spreading bad information helps no one.
    And since when do you get to dictate what's bad information and whether or not people have a right to read what you think is bad information? If you think it's bad information, disregard it; let other people make up their own minds.

    Yes dear.

    why not list what you think is incorrect rather than trying to erase the whole thing?