SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo Feb 8th



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    I think it's obsession only if there's an emotional or addictive component to it. Like if you feel compelled to work out, emotionally, even if your body doesn't feel like it or there aren't rational reasons for it. But as long as you're not overtraining and tearing yourself down (which it doesn't sound like you are), it sounds like you are doing great. Especially if going most days helps you to feel good about yourself and combat the "don't-wannas".

    I know I'm using it to combat/medicate anxiety. I think there may be addictive tendencies at work, but I'm convinced that it's a positive addiction. In other words, it beats ice cream and chocolate.:wink:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    My prayers are with you CP!

    Get this: 12.5 inches of snow at the airport! That's a record! We aren't too far from the airport so we have gotten at least 10! It's beautiful outside! My exercise for the day is to go out and play in the snow! We are going to try to find a hill to sled down, without a sled. We pulled Alex around in a recycle bin lid. Ha ha! Worked pretty good. I don't know that I want to try it though!
    On the downside I have started having symptoms of whatever Alex has, which does not sound pleasant. It does not surprise me though. I've been sick 4-5 times (including this one) in the last two months, he's my son so I am going to get it, and I haven't been eating well or exercising. This all means that our inlaws won't be coming this weekend. I still need to find a reason to clean up the house. :tongue:
    White stuff boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, everyone. I decided to work from home today. I feel a cold coming on. Sore throat, tired, that sort of thing. We are also expecting snow! The last time Savannah, GA had measurable snowfall was in 1996 (I think that's what I heard). So, trying to stay hydrated and get some work done before whatever this is makes me retreat to my bed.

    Snow Boogaloo!!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Just got back from the gym. The teaching topic of the day was violence against women. Whoooo. . . hard, hard subject matter. A little too close for me to not get emotional about. So, I had to go have an elliptical session.

    Decompress, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Looks like wonderful weather in the week ahead. Maybe I'll get some biking in. The rides start at the end of next month, so we really need to start riding soon.

    We had another episode in the kitty saga. Yesterday, Iggy had a bad reaction to his meds. - he hid, growled, and couldn't get comfortable. We are getting him some anti-nausea stuff today.

    Today, we are getting rid of our big dining room table. I've never liked it (it's too big for the room). We are trying a consignment place. We paid a lot of money for it, but I don't think we will get much. It's too old fashioned. I hope it sells quickly. It means we are that much closer to an elliptical!

    Yoga and walking in store today.

    Home gym, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Just got back from another new yoga class at the gym. I almost didn't go because I was worried it "wasn't going to be challenging enough" (quote from me to my husband). Well. . .it was a very challenging class (yikes! jelly arms and legs!) with tons of strength work, so that was good.

    Sorry for kitty, Mary. Poor little guy. Hope you sell the table quickly.

    CP, hope all is well.

    Bobbie, hope you're feeling better today.

    MM, it's official. . .everyone has more snow than us this year. El nino.

    Rest day tomorrow, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Thanks, all. As of now, my dad's surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, so I'll probably be driving to Cleveland on Monday (after spending the morning with my husband, who gets the day off). I'll keep you posted. :heart:

    Work was fine. They just announced an early retirement package, so hopefully that will prevent any additional cutbacks for awhile. And, it turns out that a big new project has come along that on a platform that I happen to know the most about - it's nice to feel needed! It will be busy when I get back. Today is running lots of errands, doing laundry, then heading to a friend's house. Pushups in there somewhere. I bought a few pairs of expensive (non-cotton) running socks to see if they help. Born to Run was checked out from all the libraries that are open on the weekends, so I picked up some other reading material for next week.

    V, I think exercise is a good choice for anti-anxiety medication, honestly. Anxiety certainly has physical effects/side effects, almost by design (fight/flight response, etc.), so giving those impulses a physical outlet makes complete sense. (Note: I am not a doctor, so if anybody stumbles on this, don't think I'm saying that exercise is necessarily a substitute for other treatment! But I do think it can help.)

    Mary, so sorry to hear about your kitty problems. I hope Iggy feels better soon and that his temper evens out.

    MM and Bobbie, feel better soon!

    Break between errands, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Quick post.
    I am not feeling any more sick than I was last night but I'm still not great. I need to be okay for three reasons (well, more but these are on the top): my inlaws are still coming tomorrow, I'm teaching Sunday school in the morning, and net week hubby is preaching so he doesn't need to get sick. Right now it's just a sore throat and a little congestion. It's been bothering my ears and head as well, so it could be just sinuses. With the smelly carpet it wouldn't surprise me if that's what our issues are from.
    I am watching the Olympics and cleaning up today.
    Alright, kitty lovers, how often do you clip your cats nails or have them clipped? Just wondering. My cat is over due. She doesn't like it but she gets over it when I get her brush out. lol
    I'm feeling a sudden urge to do crunches :huh: so I am going to do some and get back to work.
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, girls! I'm feeling pretty good today. Taking some cold remedy stuff here and there and getting some rest. Went bowling this afternoon. Having a salad and watching the Olympics right now. We actually had some snow last night. Our boys and their friends were beside themselves. They were running around the yard and squealing like maniacs when it started around 9:00 last night. It was great fun!

    MM: We trim our kitties' nails when they start snagging on us. One especially when he does that kneading thing and it starts to hurt!

    CP: I hope everything goes well for your Dad on Tuesday.

    V: I am glad your yoga class went well and was a challenge for you. It always feels good when you know you've worked hard.

    Mary: Our newest kitty, Chip, had his neutering surgery yesterday. He came home today. Seems to feel fine. Our vet uses laser surgery now. Pretty cool.

    Hope everyone has a nice evening!

  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning, ladies! I'm still fighting this cold, but can fortunately treat the symptoms. I'm doing ok with my eating this week, but could be better. I went bowling yesterday, but have not been able to get in my more upbeat exercising with this cold. As a result, I haven't made any progress this week. I guess that is ok under the circumstances. I will continue to take care of myself and get my stamina back. Kitty Chip is still doing well. He is pawing at the cursor as I type this. I hope everyone has a great day today!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Be safe tomorrow, CP - we'll be thinking about you and your dad.

    Vet gave us some meds that are working well. Yeah!

    Tried the shoes on the pavement. They do not allow for sloppy walking - I dragged the front of my foot more than once and tore a small hole in the top fabric. Sneakers have the rubber that goes all the way over the top, so I've never noticed I did this (except by tripping myself). I loved the way the ground felt, though.

    Today: Chinese New Year celebrations, gym? yoga?

    Happy V-day, boogaloo.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year, all. I am heading to the gym to try out some of my new socks and see how my toe does now that the old nail came off. (Sorry - it's actually not too gross because there was some hard nail-like substance underneath, it's just not as thick as the regular nail yet.) I would like to do a longer run since I'm due for one, but I want to make sure I don't re-injure the toe. I hope they have the Olympics on the TVs at the gym - what's more inspiring than that?

    MM, we should trim our kitties' nails more often - as they are always snagging us and the furniture - but it's been months because they really hate it. Maybe if we did it more often they would get used to it? Right now it just feels like the trauma trade-off isn't worth it. Mary, glad your kitty is feeling better. And Bobbie, glad you AND your kitty are feeling better, too. :smile: It's OK to let yourself recover.

    Off to the gym, boogaloo.

    (and who is this crazy person who says, "I would like to do a longer run"?!?)
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Day off today. A bit sore from my workouts this week.

    I feel a little antsy lately, like my body is craving the extra activity. This is both good and bad. Today my urges are split between lazing around and doing a bunch of stuff. Lazing is winning so far.

    Also, have tickets to go see George Clinton and the P-Funk allstars tonight, so that's cool.

    Funky boogaloo.:flowerforyou: