SAHM 2/8/10 - 2/8/14

Welcome to the SAHM group! We are an open group. Join in anytime! We are very informal with no official weigh-in's or challenges--but we do continue to support and motivate one another. We understand the unique aspects of getting healthy AND taking care of our families at the same time.
So join the conversation! We'd love to hear from you!


  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    Hey all!!! YIKES for me last weigh-in. I gained 2 lbs!!! LOL
    I am not really worried because I don't feel any worse. I, in fact, can see a tiny hint of collarbone - so I may have just gained some musle mass due to the exercises. I would be honest, I was a little disappointed, but, I am not going to let that stop me.

    What makes me proud today - I did AM Yoga with Rodney Yee DVD. Will do the pm later tonight with hubby. :)

    I will be off to lunch date with my husband's grandma and then shop for yoga items and dumbells and a foot spa machine at Walmart after that... YAY!!!

  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Ugh, the kids and I are still sick with this chest cold but I think its going away. So my goals for today are to go grocery shopping, have not gone in over 2 wks, and after lunch and a little nap if I feel up to it 30 min. on my Elliptical am going to try to ease back into working out, has been 2 wks, the chest cold has given me a bit of asthma, its not bad, its tolerable, my son has asthma, so I know what bad is, I don't think it warrants a doctor's visit yet, just been taking lots of vitamins and herbs, to try and kick it. This really is our first major cold of the season, so considering it hasn't been too bad, just one of those that lingers and lingers. I would love to go snowboarding this weekend with my hubby for Valentine's Day so I think that is my goal is to be completely better by this weekend, wish me luck!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sorry you're under the weather, dolphin. I can relate. Yesterday I felt really off, and today I have a sore throat. If hubby ever comes online from work, I'll ask him if I can go to store to get some cold meds. I am so sick of being sick! I was just starting to feel better last week, and now I'm sick... AGAIN... for the 2nd time in 3 weeks. UGH!

    Way to go on Yoga, Sand. I am hoping I will get over my wimpy self and do C25K today, but I altered my meals for the day so that if I don't get around to having a workout, I'll still be under on cals.
  • curliegirl
    Sorry you are sick Dolphin & Trish! I am so glad we have avoided most of the yuck out there this year. Take it easy & feel better!

    Well I am dragging around today. It is cold and snowy here so I can't seem to get motivated. I managed to go to bed early Fri/Sat & that helped so much but last night it was 11 or after. Tonight back to the early plan!

    Today's goals

    Walk/jog 30 minutes
    8 glasses of water--2.5 down right now!
    Eat no more than 100 over my calories
    Go through some boxes to declutter!
    In bed by 10!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Gonna repost from the last thread:

    Trish ~ hmm..that's just too much math for me this morning!! LOL But hey, congrats on the loss!!

    Nicole ~ I'd say that's pretty accurate! WOW!! How do you change the goals, and why do you have it at that because of running?

    Hi Michelle ~ I just joined and these girls are great!! Welcome aboard! You must be busy busy with all those kids! And 16 month old triplets?! Yikes! I can barely handle my 20 month old right now ;)

    Sorry about being sick Dolphin and Trish!

    Went to the gym to burn off some of what I ate yesterday...I was bad!! haha, all worth it though, had a great time with friends and my team won, and my husband surprised me at half time by coming home! (wasn't supposed to be home til tomorrow!) I ran 3 miles in 33 minutes then did squats, lunges, push-ups, dips, and sit-ups and burned 637 calories.

    Tomorrow is weigh-in, and I'm scared...really really scared! LMBO ;)

    well, better go shower and pick my kids up from school! Oh how I love pre-k and Mother's Day Out!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    WOW trish, I could follow you on the first math post but that second one ya lost me girl LOL

    I hope everyone get's to feeling better, i've never had a cough like this before and it's hurting my chest. I still haven't been up to working out, I could hardly walk my ds to school w/o a horrible coughing fit so i'm just taking it easy and watching what I eat. I do need some snack idea's if you all have some. Getting a little bored with what i'm doing. I usually eat almonds, carrots, hard boiled egg, celery or a granola bar. But i'm headed to the store and looking to add to my choices but also have it be something the kids can eat to?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM everyone! Dolphin, Trish, and Shera, I sure hope you feel better!

    Katie-go to My Home, Goals, then click change goals, then click on Custom. from there you can change your percentages, to get what you want. I do have it set at that because of running. I am trying to build my base back up to 25-35 miles a week. I plan on doing some 1/2's over the summer. I also may do a triathlon too. I used to do alot of them about 8 years ago, it's difficult to get all of the training in with a family.

    We are off to a staggering start today! Which is good, because inside I feel sluggish like you Kim.

    32 oz of H2O down the hatch...
  • blessdmomof4
    Hello Everyone!
    I hope all of you who are sick start feeling better quick! We've all had little stuffy noses around here but not too bad. We went through the stomach flu at Christmas which was a bummer but at least it's quick...
    I have been taking lots of zinc to clear up some skin issues I have and it seems to be helping to ward off colds too, I didn't get the last 2 that the kids had but you know how it goes if you say you haven' I'll be doomed :tongue:

    I met all my goals for yesterday, lots of water, no m&m's (because they are gone), and didn't overeat super bowl goodies.

    Hit the gym first thing this morning and had a great workout. I can't believe how much more I am able to do already. I have to keep increasing speed and incline to keep my heartrate up.
    I'm going to look into a one of those you wear it? Where? How accurate are they? I know Stacy mentioned one brand, I'll have to go back and check it out. Anyone else have one they suggest? Do you where it all day or just when you work out?

    Well, "recess" is almost over and I must get back to teaching my little munchkins. Today we are packing hygiene kits to send to Haiti. They are so excited. They have been raising money to send too! I'm so proud of them.

    Goals for today and tomorrow
    700+ cal burned at gym
    80+ oz of h20
    Stay under on cal by 100 or more
    successfully make whole wheat sourdough bread...(in progress I'll let you know how it comes out :happy: )

    Have a great day everyone!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Melissa ~ Great job on meeting your goals yesterday! I have a Polar FT7, and I think it's pretty accurate. You enter your height, weight, age, and gender; then it will calculate your cals burned based off that and your HR. I only wear mine while working out though!

    Nicole ~ Thanks! So did you set your percentages as that because it's better for runners?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Melissa, I have a Polar F7 and love it. It comes with a strap you wear under the breast, and a watch monitor that shows you how much you are burning as you burn it. It's great, and takes all the guess work out of working out!
    I got mine on It's even got kind of a girlie face plate design on the watch part :)
  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    Hey ladies. I haven't been on in a while. On Friday my friend called me, I may have mentioned her on here before. Well anyway she was pregnant with her 3rd baby (after hubby came home from Iraq for 2 weeks in Dec.) she went for an 8 week ultrasound and there is only a sac. The dr. gave her a 1% chance of this pregnancy being successful. She called the red cross to get her hubby home, and it appears that he could be home by Wednesday. My heart is broken for her, she has another ultrasound on Friday and then most likely a D&C later that day. I will be watching their two kids all day and possibly have them spend the night with us. Trying to be a good friend and be there for her especially since hubby is not home from Iraq yet.

    Other then that, I survived superbowl and ate pretty healthy yesterday. Feeling a little tired today though. Still plan on working out when AJ is at preschool and Ryan is taking a nap. Hope dolphin and trish start to feel better soon.
  • Hopey1994
    Good morning moms!

    Wow, we have some crud going around our families! Georgia has a cough but it's still moving so I'm hoping a steam tent will help move it along. I hope you all feel better soon. Remember that if it's above the neck you're ok to exercise. If the cold is in the chest, make sure to rest; it can cause respiratory distress.

    Melissa- you're going strong! WTG with your gym work out. Don't you love the feeling of accomplishment you get from meeting your goals and getting a work out in first thing in the morning?

    I'm devoting this week to getting my house spotless. I am having a Bible study in my home every Thursaday starting this week and I have got to get things spotless! Plus I'm leaving on Monday for a mission trip and haven't even started packing!!
    9 glasses of water- 4 down
    Gym for a run
    Clean bathrooms
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Great Job Melissa! I actually have a freestyle HRM. I only wear when I know I am burning calories! Like exercise, planting trees, shoveling dirt.

    Katie- I do have it set like that because of runniing. I know some runners that have it set at 50% 25% 25%.

    Cvtga- ((Hugs)) for you and your friend! I hope everything turns out well.

    Hopey- I hope Georgia gets better!
  • Hopey1994
    Hey ladies. I haven't been on in a while. On Friday my friend called me, I may have mentioned her on here before. Well anyway she was pregnant with her 3rd baby (after hubby came home from Iraq for 2 weeks in Dec.) she went for an 8 week ultrasound and there is only a sac. The dr. gave her a 1% chance of this pregnancy being successful. She called the red cross to get her hubby home, and it appears that he could be home by Wednesday. My heart is broken for her, she has another ultrasound on Friday and then most likely a D&C later that day. I will be watching their two kids all day and possibly have them spend the night with us. Trying to be a good friend and be there for her especially since hubby is not home from Iraq yet.

    Other then that, I survived superbowl and ate pretty healthy yesterday. Feeling a little tired today though. Still plan on working out when AJ is at preschool and Ryan is taking a nap. Hope dolphin and trish start to feel better soon.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's pregnancy. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. It's so great for her to have such a supportive friend like you who will step up and take care of her kids while she's going through this. The best thing you can do for her is just to be there. **hugs**
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    You guys have a better handle on the percetages stuff then I do, what would be a place to start for a non-runner? That's something I haven't really looked at but I'd like to give it a shot and see where i'm could go. Maybe that would help me work on something since i'm not up for working out right now.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Shera- Maybe 40/30/30? I don't know what MFP's default is set at.
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Shera- Maybe 40/30/30? I don't know what MFP's default is set at.

    OH DUH I didn't even think there would be a preset % , that's what I get for not even looking first :laugh:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    everyone is quiet today!

    I made vegetable beef soup for dinner tonight, it turned out pretty good. I am definitely going to have to up my water intake after that.

    What did everyone else have for dinner?
  • curliegirl
    Well we had Baked Orange Pork Chops w/ lettuce salad and Confetti salad. The C salad was new--couscous(leftover) w/ vegies and a dressing--not a lot of strong taste but good & helped get the vegies in.

    I had something weird happen today. I was a good girl & doing my walk/jog. About half way through I really started to feel icky. Tired and slightly sick to my tum tum. I had to slow down & take the incline down to nothing. That helped - I only did 30 minutes & then I decided to try one of my Leslie Sansone videos to finish up. It wasn't as intense & seemed to do fine--so I probably got my regular workout in but slower & longer. I wonder if I just had had too much water. It was a water logged feeling over the top of walking fast--not a good combo!

    Goal tomorrow

    Walk 15 minutes(shortened workout)
    Do errands & not be wiped out
    Get my hair permed
    Grade papers & log them--my least favorite part of homeschooling
    Oh and stay within 100 calories of my level.

    Hope everyone had a great day! See you tomorrow!

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, sounds delish!

    We had Hawaiian Haystacks, but we were out of pineapples & had to use mandarin oranges instead. I like mandarin oranges, but it just was not the same! Was almost out of crunchy chow mein noodles. Had maybe less than a small fistful to make sure everyone got a little. Dinner would have been a complete disaster without them.

    Obsessing over when this nausea will go away so I can go back to living my life. So angry & frustrated I didn't get to run today. I plugged in my symptoms on WebMD and it suggested I have and inner ear problem. Not surprising.

    Indulging in toast with nutella & banana slices in the morning (healthy & utterly DECADENT!) Hoping I make my 50 lbs lost goal by my 1/2 b-day toward the end of next month. I know if I can just get over being sick and get to pushing myself, it will happen. Running is the key. Every time I lay down & close my eyes, all I see is myself getting faster and stronger.