SAHM 2/8/10 - 2/8/14



  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Check this out, some lady just posted it as another thread! Was she listening to my thoughts?:wink::laugh:

    I found this online, though I cannot find the source. I am going to do deeper digging because its got some great concepts about why things like the tradmill and the Wii calculate much less. I know since I've gotten my heart monitor, I have been adding a LOT more calories compared to the Wii and I have not lost!

    Very interesting!

    "I see so many posts here about people that are dieting and can't seem lose weight. 500 calories burned on the treadmill doesn't mean you can eat 500 extra calories that day. I found this online and thought it may be helpful for those that exercise and take that into consideration when calculating calorie allowance.

    Mistake #2: Overreporting the "extra" calorie expenditure of exercise

    Most people count the calories they spend exercising as "extra" calories. There is a difference between calories burned while exercising and "extra" calories burned exercising. Here is an example: you burn 300 calories on the treadmill instead of your usual activity (watching TV at home); in reality, you have to subtract the calories you would have spent watching TV from these 300 calories to calculate how many additional calories you burned. Let's say that watching TV, you would have burned 80 calories. In this specific case, you have expended 300 calories while exercising, and 220 "extra" calories.

    Calorie counters mindlessly add the calories burned exercising as "extra" and in some cases, this practice can significantly influence the calorie calculations. Hence, calorie software counts the part of your usual activities that overlaps with the extra activities twice.

    How to estimate the "extra" calories burned exercising?

    In order to make the calculations more accurate, I shall first introduce the concept of MET values. MET values are a convenient way to calculate the calorie cost of activities. MET values are multiples of the resting energy expenditure per time. In plain English, a MET = 3 means burning 3 times more calories than resting. A MET = 1 signifies how many calories you burn at rest (your Resting Metabolic Rate or Basal Metabolic Rate). Whatever you do, you burn calories at a rate of at least MET = 1 with the only exception being sleeping which has MET = 0.9. During the day, most activities include sitting and walking which have MET values between 1.2 and 3. Your total daily energy expenditure is calculated by multiplying your Resting Metabolic Rate by the average MET of all your activities. Is your head spinning?

    Let's use a real world example. Consider a female person with a Resting Metabolic Rate of 1200 calories a day. One day has 1440 minutes. Our example lady is burning 1200/1440 = 0.84 calories per minute at rest, which signifies a MET = 1. Let's say our example woman just returned from an aerobics class, where she exercised for 30 minutes. General aerobic class training has a MET = 6. Our example lady has just burned 30 (minutes) x 6 (MET) * 0.84 (calories per minute) = 151 calories while exercising. Suppose our lady would have chatted on the internet instead of exercising (MET = 1.5). In this example, the woman substituted chatting on the internet with aerobic exercising. Remember, that every time you do something you substitute one activity for another. In order to get the extra calories, we have to subtract 1.5 (chatting) from 6 (exercising). Now let's calculate the extra calories: 30 (minutes) * (6 - 1.5) (MET value) * 0.84 = 113 calories.

    Let's consider what a standard calorie counter would have done. First, it will assume an average calorie burn rate of 1 calorie per minute. Then the counter will find that exercising for 30 minutes will yield 30 (minutes) * 6 (MET) * 1 (calories per minute) = 180 calories. The calorie counter will add these 180 calories to your daily expenditure without considering that a part of these 180 calories is already accounted by your usual activities.

    Do you now see the difference between 113 calories and 180 calories? If that woman spends 5 hours a week in that aerobics class, the standard calorie counters will overreport her calorie output by: (180-113) * 10 = 670 calories a week. The woman will be fooled that her metabolic rate has dropped while she just overestimated her calorie expenditure. Enter weight loss plateau, wasted time and efforts. Do you have the time for trial and error calorie estimations? "
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Forget that last post...She is as confused as me!:tongue:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    LOL, I think we are all confused. My idea: don't do any one thing for longer than 4 weeks (ie: change your calories up every 4 weeks, change your workout up every 4 weeks, etc). That way your body is constantly kept on its toes.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Good Idea Trish! I was thinking of you today when I went for my run! There was a horse that was running along with me for a little bit. BTW, it was sooooo wonderful to run today! I missed it! I wore my HRM...I ran 5 miles and it said I burnt 802 cals...Holyhanna!

    we are having baked chicken breasts tonight for dinner...nothing exciting.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    ROFL, I thought my friend & I were the only people who said Holy Hannah!
    I'm glad you had a great run. As long as I'm healthy tomorrow, I'll be starting C25K wk2 and seeing how it goes. Then in the evening I am going to a Zumba class with a friend
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    cool about the Zumba. You will have to let me know what it's like. I was thinking of signing up for a class.
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    OH yeah, applebees date with my kids went awsome. So glad I went and I even induldged a little but was still proud of myself! Get this: going to applesbees I would have normally devoured atleast 1500 if not 2000 calories between my buffalo wings & ranch then my dinner then sometimes desert..we are looking probably a normal persons 2 days worth of calories.
    I still ate what I wanted, couldn't decide so I went with steak & shrimp with veggies and mash potatoes. VERY proud because I only ate maybe 1/3 of my steak, all my shrimp. 1/2 my potatoes and all my veggies. very happy, full, and only 200 calories over for the day because we had icecream when we got home! oh and that includes 1/2 my pepsi to! WOOHOO
    good night all :drinker:
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    what is c25k? i have never heard of it.

    i have noticed that if i eat near my total calories + the exercise calories i lose the most. if i have lots of calories left over, i don't seem to lose as much.

    hopefully the weather here in georgia will get a little less windy so i can take the clas out today, it is really cold right now and windy. i dont need anymore sick kids.

  • curliegirl
    Shera--way to go! I am glad the kids were good & you got to treat them & yourself!

    Michelle & everyone--I am coming a firm believer that although MFP can get close your bodies need for calories, it doesn't get exact and you have to tweak it to be right. I have had my cal set to like 1310 for a while(before Christmas). I have maintained by loosing a couple & gaining a couple over and over. The past few days I have bumped it up 100 calories and WOW those couple lbs are gone & I am inching towards my mini goal of 150. I am being stubborn about changing my weight on here because I want to believe it is going to stay off. I will update on Friday which is my official weigh in day.

    I am still waffling about the exercise calories. I eat some of them back but not always all of them. It depends what I do & how starved I am. Some things that make a huge difference for me are not really calories related. WATER I know we all say we are going to drink a lot. It helps me with not having headaches & over all feeling well. SLEEP I need at least 7.5 hours(8 is better) to not just drag around. It also shows up in my weight loss. No sleep no loss(usually a gain). EAT EARLY I try to stop eating at suppertime. If I snack later then usually I have no loss(usually a gain). I also try to eat most of my carbs earlier & have protein for supper w/ salad & a few carbs. That seems to do the trick.

    Goals for today

    Clean up house--the piles are driving me crazy
    Walk/jog--hopefully no sick feeling today
    Stay at 100 over my calories
    Choose wisely in my lunch out w/ friends

    Have a great day all!

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Michelle, C25K stands for couch to 5k. It's a program that takes couch potatoes like me to running a 30 minute 5k in about 8-10 weeks. The first week you only run for 60 seconds at a time, and walk for 90. The 2nd week you run for 90 and walk for 60, and so on and so forth.

    Shera, way to go on portion control! That's so great.

    Debating whether to go to gym after I pick friend Jazz up for work here, or to go before and use up time in child care for Grace. Comfort food, stir fry, for dinner, then Zumba afterwards. It's going to be a high burn day. I hope it doesn't cause another weight increase, as I'm finally back to 218 and moving downwards. My Wii Fit scale said I lost almost a pound yesterday, and it's usually not far off from my home scale.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM everyone! I ahd trouble getting on here this morning. I kept getting that the site was down for maintenance. Here I am though!

    Great job Shera! I don't know if I would be able to leave food like that.

    It's going to be a busy afternoon, I have to take my daughter to a job shadow for school. She wants to be a Chiropractor. I sure hoep she won't charge me! LOL
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    That's a noble aspiration, Nicole. Give your girl a pat on the back. My chiro said there aren't many female chiros in practice because it takes a lot of upper body strength to crack those backs. Keep encouraging her! Female docs are the best!

    I thought I would have a meltdown if MFP didn't come back online soon. I had forgotten what I put down for breakfast, and I try to eat within a 1/2 hr of waking up, and it was going on an hour by then. *panic*
  • Hopey1994
    GM ladies!

    I'm down a only took a month! I don't know what's going on, but I'm getting pretty disheartened. I've tried changing it up, altering my calories, and cannot seem to get below 182. Well, 181 now... I'm not going to make my first goal, and I lost 10 lbs in 1 month, but couldn't lose 8 in 6 weeks? Something isn't right.

    Anyway, I spent ALL morning cleaning my house. Bible study in my home tomorrow morning, so had to get things spotless! All that's left is vacuuming, washing dishes, and folding 2 loads of laundry. Not too shabby I suppose!

    Will catch up on posts when dd is napping. Off to the PO, deliver Mary Kay, and pick her up from school! Oh, and I need to start drinking my water soon... was too busy cleaning to think about drinking! :embarassed:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hopey, 1 lb is good! At least the scale is moving in the right direction. Don't lose faith. Put on some inspirational music (my fave is The Climb by Miley Cyrus), go for a walk, and just BREATHE. It's not about how fast we get to our goals, it's just about GETTING THERE!
    We all know you can do it :)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hopey- we all seem to be in the same boat! We will get there!

    Trish- I am very excited that she is going to be a chiropractor. She is going to shadow a woman today. I think I need to make an appointment with her today!
  • Hopey1994
    Nicole- good luck with your daughter's job-shadow today, that's so exciting! A chiro is a great doctor to be...there will always be people needing adjustments! And so glad to hear that you're back to running. Maybe we can run off ourselves out of our plateaus. What do you think?

    Trish- what is Zumba? A few people have mentioned it on this site and I'm not sure what it is! A work out class? And thanks for the inspiration. I think I'll go to the gym (3 days in a needs to warm up so I can run outside again!) tonight before church. I did run a full mile without stopping yesterday. First time EVER doing that! I'm hoping for 2 miles today so I can finally move on to week 6 of c25k. You're doing awesome at it, and at this rate, you'll be running a 5k before I can finish week 6!
  • Hopey1994
    what is c25k? i have never heard of it.

    i have noticed that if i eat near my total calories + the exercise calories i lose the most. if i have lots of calories left over, i don't seem to lose as much.

    hopefully the weather here in georgia will get a little less windy so i can take the clas out today, it is really cold right now and windy. i dont need anymore sick kids.


    Thanks for your input on exercise cals. I have been going back and forth on how many to eat for a long time now. I think I'll try eating them all and seeing if that will make any difference in my loss. Where in GA are you? I'm in Middle GA (Warner Robins) and it is crazy windy today!
  • Hopey1994
    OH yeah, applebees date with my kids went awsome. So glad I went and I even induldged a little but was still proud of myself! Get this: going to applesbees I would have normally devoured atleast 1500 if not 2000 calories between my buffalo wings & ranch then my dinner then sometimes desert..we are looking probably a normal persons 2 days worth of calories.
    I still ate what I wanted, couldn't decide so I went with steak & shrimp with veggies and mash potatoes. VERY proud because I only ate maybe 1/3 of my steak, all my shrimp. 1/2 my potatoes and all my veggies. very happy, full, and only 200 calories over for the day because we had icecream when we got home! oh and that includes 1/2 my pepsi to! WOOHOO
    good night all :drinker:

    Glad your kids date went well. And talk about will power! I would not have been able to eat only 1/2 my potatoes; they're way too good!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hopey- I sure hope we can run off the plateau fast!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, how did your girl's job shadow go? I hope it inspired her and got her even more excited about the career. I think chiropractics is just about one of the most healing touches in medicine there is when done correctly! I don't supposed she'd be interested in pursuing internal medicine in addition to it? My chiro is the one who started me on my weight loss journey. He tells me that we can't progress beyond some points unless certain issues (digestion, metabolism, etc) are fixed first. When I fix them, my body is much more cooperative with his work, and he's able to cure just about anything wrong with me.

    I am cooking dinner early. I still haven't gotten my run in. I feel so foolish for not having done it this morning. Hubs agreed to take DD as soon as he got home so I could get a run in before I jet off to Zumba. Awesome hubs!