What Can I Drkink Other Than Water



  • Nestea Zero or any Diet Green Tea drinks you can find! Also diet flavored carbonated water is really good (for more direction Compliments have a good selection of those!)
  • nursestewart
    nursestewart Posts: 229 Member
  • eyemadreamer
    eyemadreamer Posts: 41 Member

    Diet soda is terrible for you too, so don't go there.

    it's not THE diet sodas that are bad for you, its the ingredient in it "aspartame"-- it is an addictive. and it leads your body to crave sweeter things, thus you consuming more sweets = more weight gain.

    although, not all diet sodas have this ingredient. but most do. check your labels.

    i personally would just go w/out. i only drink soda when I eat out. which is maybe once a week or occasionally twice. now my fridge is stocked with vitarain flavored water, diet green teas, and just water. heck i used to drink 3-4 cans of soda a day when i used to buy em. ever since i quit, i've felt so much less bloated and i don't crave it anymore. its a horrible thirst-quencher, it's a thirst-booster! lol. :) Although I truly love my root beers when i get to eat out with my meals. it's a treat!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Diet soda is terrible for you too, so don't go there.
    I think this is a matter of personal opinion. :)
    Concerning soda, I'm pretty sure it's the carbonated water that's bad for you (sugar aside). Just something I read somewhere once, and don't remember where. Just my two cents.

    Still, an alternative drink I like occasionally, and the only carbonated drink I drink (7up, on occasion, aside) I *LOVE* Knudsen Spritzers!! :heart: Check the health food section of your grocery store, or your local health food store. They look like this: http://www.mannaharvest.net/images/1371/OC11173.jpg and come in all sorts of flavours! :happy:

    Other than occasional spritzers, I like de-caf green tea, and other herbal teas. Sometimes I get fancy and have carrot juice made in the ol' juicer.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Diet soda is terrible for you too, so don't go there.
    I think this is a matter of personal opinion. :)
    Concerning soda, I'm pretty sure it's the carbonated water that's bad for you (sugar aside). Just something I read somewhere once, and don't remember where. Just my two cents.

    Still, an alternative drink I like occasionally, and the only carbonated drink I drink (7up, on occasion, aside) I *LOVE* Knudsen Spritzers!! :heart: Check the health food section of your grocery store, or your local health food store. They look like this: http://www.mannaharvest.net/images/1371/OC11173.jpg and come in all sorts of flavours! :happy:

    Other than occasional spritzers, I like de-caf green tea, and other herbal teas. Sometimes I get fancy and have carrot juice made in the ol' juicer.

    People mistakenly think that diet soda is bad for you because they heard it once somewhere. The truth is that the only thing that has been proven about diet soda is that if you take it in conjunction with calcium, your body is able to absorb less of the calcium because of the carbonation in the beverage. Meaning that if, let's say, you took your calcium pills everyday with carbonated water (found in multiple products other than just diet soda) that you could theoretically increase your chances for osteoporosis or other diseases related to low calcium levels.

    The only serious illness that has been proven to be affected specifically by diet soft drinks and other diet products is something called PKU, which is an allergy to one of the ingredients in aspertame. This is very rare and you would already know if you had it. It isn't caused by the aspertame, just exacerbated by it.

    Also, some people have problems with caffeine, or believe that no one should drink caffeine. However, if that is someone's arguement against drinking diet soda, then I would hope that they also recommend you stay away from tea, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks such as "iced tea flavored" Crystal Light.

    The following ideas regarding diet soda are all UNTRUE and either have never been proven scientifically, or have been officially unproven scientifically:

    - Diet sodas turn to formaldehyde at internal body temperatures... urban myth
    - Aspertame (Nutrasweet specifically) causes cancer... proven untrue through multiple studies
    - Aspertame tricks your body into thinking it is getting more calories, so you put on weight... urban myth
    - Aspertame increases your craving for sweets, causing you to overeat... this one was only ever proven in rats, even the authors of the study agreed that it most likely did not apply to humans for multiple reasons
    1. humans have free will and have knowledge of calorie consumption and the ability to deny cravings, whereas animals do not have the same cognitive processes and are unable to differentiate between a "craving" and actual hunger
    2. the rats used in the study were fed exorbitant amounts of artificial sweetener, at a rate much higher than any human would logically consume, any similar chemical at that level could cause similar results
    3. some argue that the study was flawed because there were only two groups used to test results, those fed yogurt sweetened with aspertame, and those fed yogurt sweetened with sugar, there was not a group of rats tested who ate solely unsweetened yogurt

    I am NOT trying to convince anyone that aspertame is "good for you" and that they should go out and buy only products sweetened with it. I'm just saying that we should all do research before spitting out pseudo-science that has been passed as fact around the internet and through weight loss groups.

    Aspertame doesn't make you fat, overeating and not exercising does.

    I would much rather that someone who is overweight and looking to cut calories, drink a diet soda or other beverage than one sweetened with regular sugar, as long as they are aware of what they are drinking and use it in conjunction with a healthier eating and exercise plan. Furthermore, many people who are significantly overweight are also Type II Diabetics, or pre-Diabetic and should avoid sugar anyways.

    Ask yourself this, if you think that diet soft drinks and aspertame are so bad for you, are you willing to give up drinking Crystal Light? Chewing most gums? Brushing your teeth with most toothpastes? Eating "light" yogurt? There are many more products out there that contain aspertame, but for some reason the campaign has been launched against diet soft drinks, typically the main demon is labeled as Diet Coke... don't ask me why.

    I don't work for a Nutrasweet manufacturer, or anything like that, I simply don't like to see people being given false information.
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