I'm 5/4 how much do I need to weigh for a thigh gap?



  • Madelinew22
    Never. Gets. Old.


    i choose pb and nutella F the thigh gap lololol
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Please look up the meaning of that word - she is an 18 year old girl and there is nothing to indicate that she is a troll
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I would ask why you want one?

    Whether you will have a thigh gap at a healthy weight depends on genetics, and more specifically how wide your hips are and where your body fat is distributed. Some people have thigh gaps naturally at a healthy body fat and others do not. Legs are attractive if they are strong and well shaped, no matter whether they have a gap at the top or not.

    If you want to firm your legs up, start strength training. Eat a or slightly above maintenance and lift (squats, lunges etc).
  • BritneysStuntDouble
    [img]http://officialconfusion.com/77/images/titles Mind the Gap.jpg[/img]
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm 5/4 how much do you think I need to weigh around to have a thigh gap? I know it depends on your hips and things but just an estimate. I weigh 113lvs at he minute and don't have one, please don't just say I'm the right weight now because my body isn't toned or slim at all :)

    Get a boyfriend. They're great for making thigh gaps!

  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    Why would you want a thigh gap? We all have different body types. Some people have thigh gaps and then there are those of us who don't, we just have sexy legs. ;)
  • sugar_cube
    sugar_cube Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5/4 how much do you think I need to weigh around to have a thigh gap? I know it depends on your hips and things but just an estimate. I weigh 113lvs at he minute and don't have one, please don't just say I'm the right weight now because my body isn't toned or slim at all :)
    There is no estimate, it has to do with your hips and thighs. While people may have a thigh gap when they lose weight it depends on their bone structure/body type. Don't worry about it, it truly is silly. Work with the body type you have. :) Also, I just want you to know you are thin. I'm the same height but weigh 135 and I'm a 6/8. You're definitely on the smaller side.
    Never. Gets. Old.


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: omgosh I'm dead XD

    pizza forever and always though

    Also, that's a thigh gap?I thought that was just thin legs...
    I thought this was a thigh gap
  • sugar_cube
    sugar_cube Posts: 23 Member
    ^^I don't get how that is a thigh gap. Or i guess I don't get why having skinny legs gets a new name :laugh:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    112. SO close.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    How fat do I have to get to have hips? The answere is: never gonna happen. I have weighed 153 lbs and I did not have hips--I had big boobs and a fat gut but no hips, no butt. Why? That is how my body is designed. I am an inverted triangle. I will never look like Marilyn Monroe or Beyonce. But I can look as good as possible for my body style--that is my aim. Don't try to achieve something that isn't in your genetic make up. I am 5'4 132 lbs and I have a thigh gap but no hips.

    Love this!
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    What the H IS a thigh gap? I thought I knew but think I've been confused.
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    You're 18, 5'4 and aiming to get down to 100 lbs, which would put you at underweight for your height.

    You're profile says your inspirations are to have others think you're beautiful.

    I think you should stop looking at the number on the scale, or the thigh gap, or trying to fit into anyone elses expectations of beautiful. Focus on being fit and healthy. Mentally aswell.
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    Never. Gets. Old.


    LMAO this is great. Barbecue chips!! MMM
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Pringles can thigh gap tutorial

    Just came up with this, but it WORKS!

    Step 1: eat a can of pringles

    Step 2: cut the bottom of the can off

    Step 3: place pringles can between your upper thighs

    Step 4: using ample duct tape, secure the can between your thighs

    Step 5: celebrate!
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member

    Nevermind. This cleared it up. I don't care about the thigh gap, but I would like the diamond. In fact, I will probably build my legs/thighs to the point that I no longer have a thigh gap, but I'm looking forward to the diamond. :-)

    ETA: OP, there is no magic number, it is a genetic pre-disposition.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I'm 5/4 how much do you think I need to weigh around to have a thigh gap? I know it depends on your hips and things but just an estimate. I weigh 113lvs at he minute and don't have one, please don't just say I'm the right weight now because my body isn't toned or slim at all :)
    If you don't have one at 5'4" and 113lbs, you're not going to have one at any semblance of a healthy weight.

    Protip; everyone has a thigh gap when it matters.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I'm 5/4 how much do you think I need to weigh around to have a thigh gap? I know it depends on your hips and things but just an estimate. I weigh 113lvs at he minute and don't have one, please don't just say I'm the right weight now because my body isn't toned or slim at all :)
    If you don't have one at 5'4" and 113lbs, you're not going to have one at any semblance of a healthy weight.

    Protip; everyone has a thigh gap when it matters.

  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I'm 5'3 141 and I have a gap :)
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    Leave her alone if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. For all those negative comments you all took time out to say them. Pathetic.

    Not everyone can get the thigh gap, and there wouldn't be a certain weight even knowing your height. Just keep working on your inner thighs, there's machines for that.