Anxiety / Anger



  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I try to do something that occupies my attention. If I can't concentrate on the things that bother me then I can calm down. If finals or projects are building up and it's making me anxious, I start making something. Crocheting or knitting is nice because the motions are repetitive. You can also count the stitches while you work so you are keeping your mind busy. Reading is also a great idea, though it can be hard if you're really upset.

    If it's just for a short amount of time I try to pick a relaxing song and repeat it over and over in my head trying to remember the lyrics. This helps me control my breathing. It can also be helpful to say positive things. For example, I'm terrified of shots, hence having to control my breathing so I don't faint. Thinking, "I'm so scared right now" isn't very helpful. So I try to think phrases like, "I'm fine".
  • RubyRed8067
    Pamela, you just described me! I'm 35 and STILL have anger issues, and I know exactly what you mean by not being able to stop being mad. I just can't seem to let stuff go.
  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    I used to be terribly depressed, like took a razor to the bathtub once (and not to shave). I felt hopeless and like my life had no purpose. I met someone (ended up marrying him, lol) who introduced me to Jesus. I had heard people talk about Him, but he was the first person I had ever met that actually knew Him personally. Once I accepted Him and asked Him to come into my life and gave my life to Him it's been an upward spiral ever since! A lot of people know of God, but u gotta find Him yourself. Find a good church to start, and give Him what you are and see what He can do with it (it's amazing how far He's brought me, and I know He can do the same for you)

    ^^^ THIS!!! <3<3<3

    I was similar, suffering from suicidal depression, had been prescribed Celexa, but I didn't have anyone who really introduced me to Jesus. I had someone who told me to pray "God, IF you're there, help me" (I was an atheist). I did more than that, I said "God if you're there, show me the way". ... I didn't even think or expect anything to come of it ... but ... well, God showed up and took my depression away in a few short hours ... I have RUN towards Him ever since, and I have not had a depressed day since ... where there was anger and hate, and anxiety and angst, there is now peace and joy and love and happiness ... and peace ... did I mention peace? It's a peace that surpasses all understanding, or that "perfect peace" as in "in harmony with all of creation" Since then, I HAVE come to Christ, and instead of dreading the next day, I embrace each day as a blessing, a gift from God, to be unwrapped in His presence!

    ETA: FTR, I never filled that Celexa script ...
  • Beckycm1971
    Beckycm1971 Posts: 40 Member
    I know Jesus personally as well, and I know my life without Him would be so much more difficult because I have lived without him, but I'm not high on Him anymore. I seek Him and spend time with Him but I don't feel at peace about much of anything except knowing where I will be going when I die, and that wasn't even an issue for me. It's the day to day struggle that's so difficult. I have spent the last two years trying to find my way back to that amazing feeling of being in love with Jesus, and I can't find it. With doing everything I know I need to do, I just can't find it.
    I used to be terribly depressed, like took a razor to the bathtub once (and not to shave). I felt hopeless and like my life had no purpose. I met someone (ended up marrying him, lol) who introduced me to Jesus. I had heard people talk about Him, but he was the first person I had ever met that actually knew Him personally. Once I accepted Him and asked Him to come into my life and gave my life to Him it's been an upward spiral ever since! A lot of people know of God, but u gotta find Him yourself. Find a good church to start, and give Him what you are and see what He can do with it (it's amazing how far He's brought me, and I know He can do the same for you)

    ^^^ THIS!!! <3<3<3

    I was similar, suffering from suicidal depression, had been prescribed Celexa, but I didn't have anyone who really introduced me to Jesus. I had someone who told me to pray "God, IF you're there, help me" (I was an atheist). I did more than that, I said "God if you're there, show me the way". ... I didn't even think or expect anything to come of it ... but ... well, God showed up and took my depression away in a few short hours ... I have RUN towards Him ever since, and I have not had a depressed day since ... where there was anger and hate, and anxiety and angst, there is now peace and joy and love and happiness ... and peace ... did I mention peace? It's a peace that surpasses all understanding, or that "perfect peace" as in "in harmony with all of creation" Since then, I HAVE come to Christ, and instead of dreading the next day, I embrace each day as a blessing, a gift from God, to be unwrapped in His presence!
  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    I know Jesus personally as well, and I know my life without Him would be so much more difficult because I have lived without him, but I'm not high on Him anymore. I seek Him and spend time with Him but I don't feel at peace about much of anything except knowing where I will be going when I die, and that wasn't even an issue for me. It's the day to day struggle that's so difficult. I have spent the last two years trying to find my way back to that amazing feeling of being in love with Jesus, and I can't find it. With doing everything I know I need to do, I just can't find it.
    I used to be terribly depressed, like took a razor to the bathtub once (and not to shave). I felt hopeless and like my life had no purpose. I met someone (ended up marrying him, lol) who introduced me to Jesus. I had heard people talk about Him, but he was the first person I had ever met that actually knew Him personally. Once I accepted Him and asked Him to come into my life and gave my life to Him it's been an upward spiral ever since! A lot of people know of God, but u gotta find Him yourself. Find a good church to start, and give Him what you are and see what He can do with it (it's amazing how far He's brought me, and I know He can do the same for you)

    ^^^ THIS!!! <3<3<3

    I was similar, suffering from suicidal depression, had been prescribed Celexa, but I didn't have anyone who really introduced me to Jesus. I had someone who told me to pray "God, IF you're there, help me" (I was an atheist). I did more than that, I said "God if you're there, show me the way". ... I didn't even think or expect anything to come of it ... but ... well, God showed up and took my depression away in a few short hours ... I have RUN towards Him ever since, and I have not had a depressed day since ... where there was anger and hate, and anxiety and angst, there is now peace and joy and love and happiness ... and peace ... did I mention peace? It's a peace that surpasses all understanding, or that "perfect peace" as in "in harmony with all of creation" Since then, I HAVE come to Christ, and instead of dreading the next day, I embrace each day as a blessing, a gift from God, to be unwrapped in His presence!

    Daily prayer, meditation, and keeping myself in His Word helps, as does giving to Him those things I can't do anything about, and keeping the eternal perspective in sight. This is all temporary, and I need to make the best use of the gifts He has given me. If I die tomorrow, I get to be with Him, and if I don't I get to help Him do His work here on earth. I heard a pastor once say "If you know how the story ends, the plot twists are largely irrelevant" ... That helps too.
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    first you need a Boy friend if u r still single, othing can calm you down better than getting laid, Yoga, and lift some F***ing weight when u r mad, eight are the only thing that made me survive college without beating anyone xD

  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Give diaphragmatic breathing a chance. When you have anxiety the stress hormones enter your system. They go away when you are able to calm down.

    It does not seem like it at first but the breathing works and there is science to back it up.

    This stuff. Soooo weird. I have literally sat for an hour listening to my breathing.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I run and listen to techno music.

    you sleep. I suggest taking naps if that will help.
  • BeccaCares
    I have struggled with severe depression for seven years. I know how it feels to get stuck in a world of darkness. Some things that I do to prevent emotional breakdowns and nights of frustrations are learning different workout routines, hang out with an old friend, day trips, bubble baths with music, retail therapy (:, and going on long walks. I am also a nanny, and I enjoy spending time with younger kids. I babysit for a family with three year old triplets and a seven year old. I think spending time with kids at that age range can really help those with depression because kids enjoy the simple things in life. Just enjoying the little things in life has helped me so much.
  • eatathome
    eatathome Posts: 81 Member
    With all due respect, Jesus People, mental illnesses are real, actual illnesses that are suffered by people of all walks of life (yes, even those who "know Jesus").

    If someone on these forums told someone not to get their insulin Rx filled and just take a walk with Jesus, the whole community would jump down their throats.
  • Jennaissance
    I got a wood stove. Chopping elps every day except TOM. Then I go shooting at the range.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    I am a type A and always burning with impatience. I generally keep it contained and hidden until I am on a mission. LOL I do make an ^zz of myself at times.

    I had a business failure that completely ruined me. I lost everything but my house and cars and it was due to a malicious and uncalled for reason.

    I stayed awake at night fixated on killing the dirty b who caused this, that was all I could think of.... and though I did act on my desires, he got away and left the area and hasnt been seen in years. Lucky us.

    I realized that I was going to a dark place and had to get control somehow. My brain told me it was a total waste to ruin my life over such a slug, but my heart said I still had to do it.

    One day it just came to me, find a way to physically burn my rage. I found a bicycle and rode like the possessed. I rode hard and fast and before long I left my guts on the road....and I wasnt mad anymore, i was too damn tired.... and now I had another goal, get my weary and burned out behind back to the house! LOL

    It took months, and often I had to jump on the bike several times a day. I rode on the highway so I could totally go into myself and not have to contend with some jack wagon driver getting me mad again. I started riding every day 15 miles and then going farther, 35 - 50 miles and then found a group for weekend rides. I was in the greatest shape of my adult life.

    Im not being dramatic or overstating anything. I was on the verge of ruining many lives by acting out on my rage....though I still have fantasies. LOL

    Another thing you might want to try is soothing classical music.

    Science has found that classical music soothes & reduces blood pressure, and anxiety. It also stimulates the brain into producing serotonin. Google: "classical music serotonin"

    Researchers have found links between diminished serotonin & depression. Google this also.

    I cool down from my runs listening to classical. Hopefully someone here can help with selections as my knowledge is limited. Some of the composers I know are Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven ,Pachelbel, Strauss, Rachmaninoff, Schubert.

    Try it kiddo.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Breathing is totally underrated. It always works for me when I do it (not often enough). But sometimes it feels good to 'get out' of yourself, the situation, whatever - walking for that. Especially around green things if you can (they calm us bc patterns in the leaves/grass). Something about the rhythm, moving without strain, just works to clear my head. The fresh air helps too.

    That's for immediate calming. But your anxiety is about some thing or things, and learning to reframe how you think about them - to change the meanings you give things - really will help most (or in addition to the physical work). I'm sorry you haven't been helped by your therapists so far. There are other ways of shifting your perspective - books, films, talking to friends. I hope you find ones that help you.
  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    With all due respect, Jesus People, mental illnesses are real, actual illnesses that are suffered by people of all walks of life (yes, even those who "know Jesus").

    If someone on these forums told someone not to get their insulin Rx filled and just take a walk with Jesus, the whole community would jump down their throats.

    That is an extremely valid reply and statement. I know that mental illnesses ARE very real. My wife knows also, all too well, the pit I was in, and I am sure it was no picnic for her to sit and hear me talk about how I just wanted the pain to stop and the lengths I was willing to go to do so. Interestingly enough, God was not on the list of options for THIS atheist.

    I should have added that i checked with my doctor PRIOR to not taking the Celexa. He was one of the first to know about my experience. I also know that there are MANY who have a relationship with Christ who must take meds.

    I was, however, relating my experience. Apparently God saw fit to do that for me as a means of getting my attention.

    I apologize if my comments appeared to downplay the medical nature of depression.
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    I have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - I think I have always had that disposition since I always scared easily as a child - don't know why; just high-strung I guess. What helps me, with anxiety and anger/frustration, is meditation and yoga, in conjuction with medical advice. It can be VERY hard to get to where you can control your thoughts, but it is so worth it. Yoga also helps your body and mind in a calming way. The more you practice it, the easier it will be to get your mind to that point. Breathing exercises also help greatly. Much of this is easier said than done, but it is worth it when you practice it. Hugs to you. :flowerforyou:
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I suffer bad anxiety. I find whisky helps. Note this isn't to be taken as medical advice. It just works for me.
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    I am a type A and always burning with impatience. I generally keep it contained and hidden until I am on a mission. LOL I do make an ^zz of myself at times.

    I had a business failure that completely ruined me. I lost everything but my house and cars and it was due to a malicious and uncalled for reason.

    I stayed awake at night fixated on killing the dirty b who caused this, that was all I could think of.... and though I did act on my desires, he got away and left the area and hasnt been seen in years. Lucky us.

    I realized that I was going to a dark place and had to get control somehow. My brain told me it was a total waste to ruin my life over such a slug, but my heart said I still had to do it.

    One day it just came to me, find a way to physically burn my rage. I found a bicycle and rode like the possessed. I rode hard and fast and before long I left my guts on the road....and I wasnt mad anymore, i was too damn tired.... and now I had another goal, get my weary and burned out behind back to the house! LOL

    It took months, and often I had to jump on the bike several times a day. I rode on the highway so I could totally go into myself and not have to contend with some jack wagon driver getting me mad again. I started riding every day 15 miles and then going farther, 35 - 50 miles and then found a group for weekend rides. I was in the greatest shape of my adult life.

    Im not being dramatic or overstating anything. I was on the verge of ruining many lives by acting out on my rage....though I still have fantasies. LOL

    Another thing you might want to try is soothing classical music.

    Science has found that classical music soothes & reduces blood pressure, and anxiety. It also stimulates the brain into producing serotonin. Google: "classical music serotonin"

    Researchers have found links between diminished serotonin & depression. Google this also.

    I cool down from my runs listening to classical. Hopefully someone here can help with selections as my knowledge is limited. Some of the composers I know are Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven ,Pachelbel, Strauss, Rachmaninoff, Schubert.

    Try it kiddo.

    I am also a type A - and my husband went through a similar experience with a business he started with his cousin & was cheated. It helps to keep in mind that if I obsess over this b*****d and waste my physical & mental energy in him, he wins. He is not worth my life. Karma is a byotch and God will deal with him in due time. But, I will have to answer to God if I waste my life stewing over a low-life who is not worth my time.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Is it possible your diagnosis is wrong?

    For years, I was diagnosed with Unilateral Depression and was on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. They made me worse. More agitated, more jumpy, I would swing into insane rages. I was unable to physically relax, let alone mentally. A few years ago I was rediagnosed as Bi-Polar, Type 1. I was put onto mood stabilizing medications instead and suddenly things started to even out.

    For Bipolars, SSRI's can be a dangerous combination. Introducing a flood of serotonin into a mind that already has unstable levels of it floating around can increase anger, anxiety, and restlessness.
  • marinebiologist_girl
    Speak to a doctor about anti-depressants or beta blockers. Drink teas - camomile and ginger are particularly calming. Go for long walks. Find a way to vent - for me, I vent out my stress on original writing and roleplaying (D&D, WH40K, etc). Reading a book/fanfic helps too. Exercise. I find doing something physical gets me into a kind of zen.
  • marinebiologist_girl
    I suffer bad anxiety. I find whisky helps. Note this isn't to be taken as medical advice. It just works for me.
    Certainly not medical advice, no, but whiskey is classified as a downer, which lowers your mood. Not necessarily in a bad way - it lowers good and bad emotions, and thus I've actually found a shot of a good whiskey very relaxing as it slows my thoughts a bit.