Men, how often do ask your SO to do something...

n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
After they've gotten comfortable...

Seriously, why oh why do women wait until you've got all comfortable and prepared to sit down to do something mindless before they ask you to get up and do something?


  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Not that often. But she does seem to think that just as I am drifting off to sleep is the perfect opportunity to discuss an issue, instead of when we were both wide awake. :grumble:
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I never ask SO to do anything. He's kind of an *kitten*. So I just do it myself.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Honey? while you're up...
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Somebody did NOT get the "only men eff up on MFPland memo" dude, I'll resend it. Please read it.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    After they've gotten comfortable...

    Seriously, why oh why do women wait until you've got all comfortable and prepared to sit down to do something mindless before they ask you to get up and do something?

    My wife has learned she can ask me to do something but can not tell me when to do it or how to do it. I will do it on my schedule....when I get up
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    My husband and I both do this to each other.

    We kind of make a joke out of it, now.

    Oh, and since Dani isn't here.....

    Just break up.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I don't have to ask.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Not that often. But she does seem to think that just as I am drifting off to sleep is the perfect opportunity to discuss an issue, instead of when we were both wide awake. :grumble:
    Hah, a million times this.
  • ekkand
    ekkand Posts: 592 Member
    I do it all the time. HAHAHA Just to see if he will do it. AND OF COURSE HE DOES!
  • ekkand
    ekkand Posts: 592 Member
    My husband and I both do this to each other.

    We kind of make a joke out of it, now.

  • I just hit her if she didn't already do it for me.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I just pretend to use the force to get something until my boyfriend gets up and gets it for me. :)
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I just pretend to use the force to get something until my boyfriend gets up and gets it for me. :)

  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    I just hint until he does something. Im pretty ocd so i dont ask himto DO anything, because he sucks at doing things, but i ask him to bring me things.
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    She usually waits to ask when she knows I'm on the computer. I just get up and deal with it...
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I asked my husband to get stuff all the time. It doesn't matter what he's doing he goes and gets it or does it. No worries here.
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    I asked my husband to get stuff all the time. It doesn't matter what he's doing he goes and gets it or does it. No worries here.

    Does your husband have a brother/friend with the same trait around my age? :huh: :bigsmile:
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    I just pretend to use the force to get something until my boyfriend gets up and gets it for me. :)


    Oh! And this^
  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    We take turns. Tonight was my turn, I got up to get him advil & water.
  • gluestic14
    gluestic14 Posts: 18 Member
    Before you think about it like that, think about this - how many things do you never find yourself doing because your SO takes care of it? Like, for example, doing the dishes, washing the clothes, etc? I know I am the official dishwasher in my house. I've waited for the dish fairy to come and do them for me (aka my boyfriend) but it rarely happens haha. At the same time, he always changes my oil and does anything like that so it's somewhat even :-) Although, he definitely asks for more "favors," but that's kinda my fault because I can be stubborn and not ask for help.