is low fat dieting that good for you...



  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    OP can I ask where your 55g a day target comes from?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Hmmm I seem to agree with other posters.
    I like a diet that isn't high in saturated fats however I know I still need them for healthy brain function and all that.

    A friend of mine has recently had a heart attack and her dr wants her to stick with a low fat diet. However, what I think she is missing is that she needs to change the diet she has to lower fats and stop eating so much brown food. Cleaner and healthier. She also needs to lose weight so cutting fats alone wont help.

    What is brown food?

    Chocolate? :noway:
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    low fat is a fad that won't die.

    We've had low-fat fad, low-carbs fad .. quickly I will write the low-protein fad book before someone else does

    There are people out there who need to restrict their protein to survive. I am one of those people. I consume 30-35 grams of intact protein per day, consuming more than that is toxic and can cause neurological distress and can render the person mentally incapacitated, it has also resulted in many deaths. incase you're not familiar with it, it's what is known as an inborn error of metabolism. it's nothing to joke about.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    Hmmm I seem to agree with other posters.
    I like a diet that isn't high in saturated fats however I know I still need them for healthy brain function and all that.

    A friend of mine has recently had a heart attack and her dr wants her to stick with a low fat diet. However, what I think she is missing is that she needs to change the diet she has to lower fats and stop eating so much brown food. Cleaner and healthier. She also needs to lose weight so cutting fats alone wont help.

    What is brown food?

    Chocolate? :noway:

    If you were to lay out all your food on a table and it looks mostly brown or beige. Some people call it oven food, where you just shove something in the oven from a packet. It covers most take away, cakes.. ya know anything but fresh fruit, veg and lean meat/fish.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Fat intake is what helps with some major hormone upkeep!
    Eat the fats!

    One of the densest and healthiest fats......srs?!
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Low fat dieting is excellent.

    You will find people here, meaning on this forum, that are on a low carb diet, so they will say fat is good for you.

    For the sake of argument, I am going to call them Atkin's type dieter or Paleo (high fat, high protein, low carb), the new Atkin's diet is lower fat, higher protein and still low carb.

    low fat dieters (myself and other vegetarians and vegans) will argue that essential fat found in plants are good for you but animal fat is not (saturated, trans, and there is a new man-made fat now which I don't remember the name right now).

    No one will argue that there are essential fats and they are needed. Essential because our bodies do not produce them and we need to eat them.

    The argument is where are these essential fats found. I have learned that they are found only in plants, some will argue otherwise, but we can agree to disagree.

    For me, low-fat dieting is really the way to go, unless you do not mind being in a state of ketosis all the time, then you can eat high fats, high protein.
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    For me, a (relatively) low-fat diet is much more sustainable than low-carb. Most of the foods I like are - or can be - low-fat. And I love my carbs! Fat is so high in calories that cutting out unnecessary fats means more calories are available for things I'll actually notice that I'm eating, which works for me.

    If it's not a short-term diet, but a long-term sustainable lifestyle change, it has to work for you and provide a healthy, balanced diet with all the essential nutrients. It seems to be pretty clear that the actual balance of those nutrients has a fairly flexible range, so there should be scope to find what works for you and your tastes.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I keep fats low strictly so I can eat enough volume of food to be satisfied.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Low fat dieting is excellent.

    You will find people here, meaning on this forum, that are on a low carb diet, so they will say fat is good for you.

    For the sake of argument, I am going to call them Atkin's type dieter or Paleo (high fat, high protein, low carb), the new Atkin's diet is lower fat, higher protein and still low carb.

    low fat dieters (myself and other vegetarians and vegans) will argue that essential fat found in plants are good for you but animal fat is not (saturated, trans, and there is a new man-made fat now which I don't remember the name right now).

    No one will argue that there are essential fats and they are needed. Essential because our bodies do not produce them and we need to eat them.

    The argument is where are these essential fats found. I have learned that they are found only in plants, some will argue otherwise, but we can agree to disagree.

    For me, low-fat dieting is really the way to go, unless you do not mind being in a state of ketosis all the time, then you can eat high fats, high protein.

    I do moderate fats (60g+) and moderate protein (120g+) and there is not way I am ever in ketosis as I eat between 150g and 250g of carbs a day, so I would say the last sentence has a false logic.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hmmm I seem to agree with other posters.
    I like a diet that isn't high in saturated fats however I know I still need them for healthy brain function and all that.

    A friend of mine has recently had a heart attack and her dr wants her to stick with a low fat diet. However, what I think she is missing is that she needs to change the diet she has to lower fats and stop eating so much brown food. Cleaner and healthier. She also needs to lose weight so cutting fats alone wont help.

    What is brown food?

    Chocolate? :noway:

    If you were to lay out all your food on a table and it looks mostly brown or beige. Some people call it oven food, where you just shove something in the oven from a packet. It covers most take away, cakes.. ya know anything but fresh fruit, veg and lean meat/fish.

    But isn't meat brown (when cooked)?
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Low fat dieting is excellent.

    You will find people here, meaning on this forum, that are on a low carb diet, so they will say fat is good for you.

    For the sake of argument, I am going to call them Atkin's type dieter or Paleo (high fat, high protein, low carb), the new Atkin's diet is lower fat, higher protein and still low carb.

    low fat dieters (myself and other vegetarians and vegans) will argue that essential fat found in plants are good for you but animal fat is not (saturated, trans, and there is a new man-made fat now which I don't remember the name right now).

    No one will argue that there are essential fats and they are needed. Essential because our bodies do not produce them and we need to eat them.

    The argument is where are these essential fats found. I have learned that they are found only in plants, some will argue otherwise, but we can agree to disagree.

    For me, low-fat dieting is really the way to go, unless you do not mind being in a state of ketosis all the time, then you can eat high fats, high protein.

    I do moderate fats (60g+) and moderate protein (120g+) and there is not way I am ever in ketosis as I eat between 150g and 250g of carbs a day, so I would say the last sentence has a false logic.

    I don't know what type of diet you are on then. That's fine, either way, low fat is a great to diet.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Low fat dieting is excellent.

    You will find people here, meaning on this forum, that are on a low carb diet, so they will say fat is good for you.

    For the sake of argument, I am going to call them Atkin's type dieter or Paleo (high fat, high protein, low carb), the new Atkin's diet is lower fat, higher protein and still low carb.

    low fat dieters (myself and other vegetarians and vegans) will argue that essential fat found in plants are good for you but animal fat is not (saturated, trans, and there is a new man-made fat now which I don't remember the name right now).

    No one will argue that there are essential fats and they are needed. Essential because our bodies do not produce them and we need to eat them.

    The argument is where are these essential fats found. I have learned that they are found only in plants, some will argue otherwise, but we can agree to disagree.

    For me, low-fat dieting is really the way to go, unless you do not mind being in a state of ketosis all the time, then you can eat high fats, high protein.

    I do moderate fats (60g+) and moderate protein (120g+) and there is not way I am ever in ketosis as I eat between 150g and 250g of carbs a day, so I would say the last sentence has a false logic.

    I don't know what type of diet you are on then. That's fine, either way, low fat is a great to diet.

    She is eating what might be termed a balanced diet, instead of low this, or low that.
    Balance is generally considered rather a positive thing.
  • cheerchicksie
    cheerchicksie Posts: 51 Member
    thanks so much everyone!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Low fat dieting is excellent.

    You will find people here, meaning on this forum, that are on a low carb diet, so they will say fat is good for you.

    For the sake of argument, I am going to call them Atkin's type dieter or Paleo (high fat, high protein, low carb), the new Atkin's diet is lower fat, higher protein and still low carb.

    low fat dieters (myself and other vegetarians and vegans) will argue that essential fat found in plants are good for you but animal fat is not (saturated, trans, and there is a new man-made fat now which I don't remember the name right now).

    No one will argue that there are essential fats and they are needed. Essential because our bodies do not produce them and we need to eat them.

    The argument is where are these essential fats found. I have learned that they are found only in plants, some will argue otherwise, but we can agree to disagree.

    For me, low-fat dieting is really the way to go, unless you do not mind being in a state of ketosis all the time, then you can eat high fats, high protein.

    I do moderate fats (60g+) and moderate protein (120g+) and there is not way I am ever in ketosis as I eat between 150g and 250g of carbs a day, so I would say the last sentence has a false logic.

    I don't know what type of diet you are on then. That's fine, either way, low fat is a great to diet.

    She is eating what might be termed a balanced diet, instead of low this, or low that.
    Balance is generally considered rather a positive thing.

    You got it :smile:
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Low fat dieting is excellent.

    You will find people here, meaning on this forum, that are on a low carb diet, so they will say fat is good for you.

    For the sake of argument, I am going to call them Atkin's type dieter or Paleo (high fat, high protein, low carb), the new Atkin's diet is lower fat, higher protein and still low carb.

    low fat dieters (myself and other vegetarians and vegans) will argue that essential fat found in plants are good for you but animal fat is not (saturated, trans, and there is a new man-made fat now which I don't remember the name right now).

    No one will argue that there are essential fats and they are needed. Essential because our bodies do not produce them and we need to eat them.

    The argument is where are these essential fats found. I have learned that they are found only in plants, some will argue otherwise, but we can agree to disagree.

    For me, low-fat dieting is really the way to go, unless you do not mind being in a state of ketosis all the time, then you can eat high fats, high protein.
    Explain to me why saturated fat is bad.
  • stbrad6896

    "You need some fat in your diet, or your body can't process it's vitamins!" - Julia Child
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    One lovely side effect of eating a really low fat diet is constipation.

    For normal people, low fat is not necessary for weight loss. Low saturated fat is a good idea for heart health, though.

    I am on a low-fat diet per my doctor's orders. I have a digestive disorder that makes it hard for my liver to tolerate large amounts of fats at one time. I have to spread my healthy fats out in small amounts throughout the day. If I eat too much at once, I become violently ill, and involuntarily "purge" out both ends (TMI, I know.)

    Anyway, I eat a low fat diet and have NO trouble with constipation. I eat plenty of high fiber carb foods, though. All my numbers have come back great on blood tests, and eating low fat has not proven to be unhealthy for me. It makes it super easy for me to maintain a great BMI and good cholesterol levels.

    When it comes to weight loss, it's all about the calories. But everybody is different in the way they process their macros (like me and my fat sensitivity) so it's up to the individual to decide where those calories will come from. :drinker:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Low fat dieting is excellent.

    You will find people here, meaning on this forum, that are on a low carb diet, so they will say fat is good for you.

    For the sake of argument, I am going to call them Atkin's type dieter or Paleo (high fat, high protein, low carb), the new Atkin's diet is lower fat, higher protein and still low carb.

    low fat dieters (myself and other vegetarians and vegans) will argue that essential fat found in plants are good for you but animal fat is not (saturated, trans, and there is a new man-made fat now which I don't remember the name right now).

    No one will argue that there are essential fats and they are needed. Essential because our bodies do not produce them and we need to eat them.

    The argument is where are these essential fats found. I have learned that they are found only in plants, some will argue otherwise, but we can agree to disagree.

    For me, low-fat dieting is really the way to go, unless you do not mind being in a state of ketosis all the time, then you can eat high fats, high protein.
    Explain to me why saturated fat is bad.

    I would like to know also as there are a lot of saturated fatty acids that are actually beneficial such as stearic acid which occurs in animal fats and milk. Stearic acid has been shown to lower LDL and to be HDL neutral.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Low fat dieting is excellent.

    You will find people here, meaning on this forum, that are on a low carb diet, so they will say fat is good for you.

    For the sake of argument, I am going to call them Atkin's type dieter or Paleo (high fat, high protein, low carb), the new Atkin's diet is lower fat, higher protein and still low carb.

    low fat dieters (myself and other vegetarians and vegans) will argue that essential fat found in plants are good for you but animal fat is not (saturated, trans, and there is a new man-made fat now which I don't remember the name right now).

    No one will argue that there are essential fats and they are needed. Essential because our bodies do not produce them and we need to eat them.

    The argument is where are these essential fats found. I have learned that they are found only in plants, some will argue otherwise, but we can agree to disagree.

    For me, low-fat dieting is really the way to go, unless you do not mind being in a state of ketosis all the time, then you can eat high fats, high protein.
    Explain to me why saturated fat is bad.

    I would like to know also as there are a lot of saturated fatty acids that are actually beneficial such as stearic acid which occurs in animal fats and milk. Stearic acid has been shown to lower LDL and to be HDL neutral.
    Not to mention the effect of a low fat diet on particle sizes of LDL lipoproteins.......basically a low fat diet reduces the size of the particles, hence the reduction in total cholesterol, but smaller particles are also more atherogenic. Also a low fat diet (higher carb diet) has a pretty negative effect on HDL, it lowers it, and despite lower cholesterol numbers if peoples HDL isn't at a decent number no lower effect of LDL is going to help, which has been confirmed by more recent studies that really only confirms what we already knew 30 years ago which is, it's not Total Cholesterol that should be worrisome, but the relationship of HDL/LDL and of course CRP, Lp{a}, trigs in the blood yada, yada.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Low fat dieting is excellent.

    You will find people here, meaning on this forum, that are on a low carb diet, so they will say fat is good for you.

    For the sake of argument, I am going to call them Atkin's type dieter or Paleo (high fat, high protein, low carb), the new Atkin's diet is lower fat, higher protein and still low carb.

    low fat dieters (myself and other vegetarians and vegans) will argue that essential fat found in plants are good for you but animal fat is not (saturated, trans, and there is a new man-made fat now which I don't remember the name right now).

    No one will argue that there are essential fats and they are needed. Essential because our bodies do not produce them and we need to eat them.

    The argument is where are these essential fats found. I have learned that they are found only in plants, some will argue otherwise, but we can agree to disagree.

    For me, low-fat dieting is really the way to go, unless you do not mind being in a state of ketosis all the time, then you can eat high fats, high protein.

    I do moderate fats (60g+) and moderate protein (120g+) and there is not way I am ever in ketosis as I eat between 150g and 250g of carbs a day, so I would say the last sentence has a false logic.

    I am going to average out your numbers when possible.

    Carbs 200 grams = 800 calories
    Fats 60 grams = 540 calories
    120 grams of protein = 480 calories

    So you are eating on average, about 1820 calories a day.

    What is your source of fat (type of food)? 60 grams is very little for me to actually measure out so I am curious. If it comes from eating meat, then you are eating half of your calories from fat when eating meat. Curious!