Body Fat % Goal vs. Scale Goal



  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I'm more interested in BF% than weight, but it's impossible to get an accurate reading at home. I get results anywhere from 13% to 18%... usually around 16%. I don't even know where to set my BF% goal (I just know I want it lower), let alone how to know when I've gotten there. It's a bit easier and more reliable to track weight.

    I have several alternate tests. The most reliable for me is the "take your shirt off and jump rope in front of the mirror at the gym test". When my belly doesn't bounce... I'm at my target BF%. When it's bouncing... I know I should cut back a little. Seriously... even the results of this test can change week to week.
  • fitQueenbeast
    Although I have a weight loss goal, my ultimate goal is to decrease my body fat % to 21. Once I hit that, I'll make another goal of hitting 17%. I'm an endurance athlete and am now running and training so it's very important to get the body fat % down. Plus, low body fat% will help in building lean muscle....
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    My goal body fat is 15-16% by mid March. My weight should be around 118 at that point.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    My goal body fat is 15-16% by mid March. My weight should be around 118 at that point.

    You look super lean. What's the BF% in your profile pic? I would guess that's 15-16%.
  • skinnyitaliannn
    I'd like to focus on bodyfat instead, but just not sure how to measure it? I've only had my bf% measured once at the gym by a trainer, it was 22% .. not sure how to do it on my own! Is there some sort of scale to buy or something? I hate the scale and only want to focus on bf & muscle.
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    I used to be very concerned with the number on the scale.......shoot who am I kidding I am still obsessed - but now I look at it more as a guideline than me doing everything in my power to get to a certain weight.

    I had a goal weight of 135lbs, but as I started to lose the weight and get more definition I started to drop in BF. I started around 25% (gve or take) I'm not sitting aroudn 19.6% with a goal of 18%.

    I think in order to get to 18% I may actually ahve to lose the next 3-6lbs - but I can say that I'm smaller than I've ever been, but not the lightest I've ever been.

    I think BF is a good goal to have vs. the actual scale numbers!
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I'd like to focus on bodyfat instead, but just not sure how to measure it? I've only had my bf% measured once at the gym by a trainer, it was 22% .. not sure how to do it on my own! Is there some sort of scale to buy or something? I hate the scale and only want to focus on bf & muscle.

    There are scales. I have one and it's worthless. The little things they have at the gym aren't any better.
  • skinnyitaliannn
    I'd like to focus on bodyfat instead, but just not sure how to measure it? I've only had my bf% measured once at the gym by a trainer, it was 22% .. not sure how to do it on my own! Is there some sort of scale to buy or something? I hate the scale and only want to focus on bf & muscle.

    There are scales. I have one and it's worthless. The little things they have at the gym aren't any better.

    So how is everyone figuring it out? :p
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I'd like to focus on bodyfat instead, but just not sure how to measure it? I've only had my bf% measured once at the gym by a trainer, it was 22% .. not sure how to do it on my own! Is there some sort of scale to buy or something? I hate the scale and only want to focus on bf & muscle.

    There are scales. I have one and it's worthless. The little things they have at the gym aren't any better.

    So how is everyone figuring it out? :p

    People get medical body analysis tests done for reliable results. They are pricey. I have a BF scale and calipers, and neither of those methods works to get a true measurement, but they are "good enough" to show a downward trend I guess.
  • skinnyitaliannn
    I'd like to focus on bodyfat instead, but just not sure how to measure it? I've only had my bf% measured once at the gym by a trainer, it was 22% .. not sure how to do it on my own! Is there some sort of scale to buy or something? I hate the scale and only want to focus on bf & muscle.

    There are scales. I have one and it's worthless. The little things they have at the gym aren't any better.

    So how is everyone figuring it out? :p

    People get medical body analysis tests done for reliable results. They are pricey. I have a BF scale and calipers, and neither of those methods works to get a true measurement, but they are "good enough" to show a downward trend I guess.

    I suppose good enough really is, good enough though, right? :laugh: Maybe in a few months I'll try a medical body analysis, but unfortunately, with the holiday season & presents to buy, I can't afford something too pricey.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    My goal body fat is 15-16% by mid March. My weight should be around 118 at that point.

    You look super lean. What's the BF% in your profile pic? I would guess that's 15-16%.

    Thank you!
    Profile pic between 17-18%...currently I'm about 19%
    My abs still show if I flex but I have a little winter
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I'd like to focus on bodyfat instead, but just not sure how to measure it? I've only had my bf% measured once at the gym by a trainer, it was 22% .. not sure how to do it on my own! Is there some sort of scale to buy or something? I hate the scale and only want to focus on bf & muscle.

    There are scales. I have one and it's worthless. The little things they have at the gym aren't any better.

    So how is everyone figuring it out? :p

    People get medical body analysis tests done for reliable results. They are pricey. I have a BF scale and calipers, and neither of those methods works to get a true measurement, but they are "good enough" to show a downward trend I guess.

    I suppose good enough really is, good enough though, right? :laugh: Maybe in a few months I'll try a medical body analysis, but unfortunately, with the holiday season & presents to buy, I can't afford something too pricey.

    I'd recommend calipers over a scale. I think the measurement fluctuates less and is probably more correlated to BF.