Beautiful Blues 2/8/10



  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    My P90X just came and Iam so excited I am going to watch the first couple DVD and start it Monday. I want to know what I am getting into plus it will give em a couple more days of healing. ai am enjoying a day off of work even if I am spending all day at diffrent Dr offices. Now I am off to the dentist :grumble:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    So I just figured out my percentages for the day. Boy am I off! 51/26/22 AHHHH! It is going to take some work to figure this one out. I am either way over on carbs or protein not in between. I am really going to have to play around with this to see if I can get it right. I have upped my protein significantly in the last few weeks and even then I was only at 22% today. I guess it is kinda balanced but not close enough yet. The funny thing is that the dietician at the weighin last night was thinking I should add in more whole grains. I am getting around 2 a day. Most of my carbs tend to be from other sources. We'll see what works!

    Hey Deb,
    I looked at your diary for the last 2 days. Hope you don't mind. Very easy changes imo.

    1st., glad to see your drinking Dymatize Elite, I've been drinking it for a while, really enjoy the taste and not much sugar. :wink:

    Do what your doing, but I would change/add only a few things.
    #1, get more protein.
    - Have another protein shake as an evening snack. I found that my protein shake at night took away any
    chocolate/sweet cravings I might get.
    - add another piece of protein like chicken/tuna to your lunches and dinner.
    - buy cottage cheese and mix in with yogurt. (how I started to eat cottage cheese, now I don't use yogurt ).

    #2, get more fat.
    - Add Almonds. There are other nuts you can use for good fats, my preference are almonds, easy, taste good etc.
    - you can add 5 or so almonds to a snack or a meal to balance it out. I eat approx 15-20 almonds daily.

    #3 reduce carbs.
    - Have 1/2 cup of raisin bran. You will get used to smaller amounts.
    - Watch out for your breaded chicken - When you want protein, should be just that protein, not more grams of carbs than protein . :wink:
    - yogurt has alot of carbs, I was eating those, but if you pull up your sugar. 99% fat free yogurts are loaded with sugar to taste good - Sorry.

    My evening snack.
    I started out eating yogurt, then went to yogurt and cottage cheese, then added an apple.

    Now it's an apple, cottage cheese, and crushed almonds, tastes great..

    Good luck.

    Thanks for the advice, I was actually going to ask you to look at my diary and tell me what you thought. I have only been eating the yoplait lately as I bought a big box at costco and then my kids didn't want to eat it. I prefer greek yogurt and I think that I will swear off yoplait forever, it really tastes too sweet now adays! I actually only ate about half of the raisin bran this morning, I could barely fit anything in after that protein drink. It was sooo very good and filling! I just got it yesterday, my B-I-L has been using for a while and so I thought I would try it. I was thinking of having another shake tonight, and I will add some more protein and almonds to my meals. Thanks so much for the help and information. :flowerforyou:
  • I want to do something everyday. 30 min walking, portion control...something
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    Peter, you have an abundance of information. Thanks for all your posts.
  • ayeshashakoor
    ayeshashakoor Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah my husband eats it a lot, he really likes it as it is a lot thicker, and tastes better according to him. I have not tried it I go over my protein! you can get it from walmart in small containers. Good luck...hope this helps some?
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I assume that is the greek yogurt you are talking about. It took me a second to figure it out.

    Anyone is welcome to join our group. We weigh in on Mondays, send your weights to me if you want to be a part!

    I figured out my final percentages for today thanks to Peter's advice--38 carb/35 fat/24 protein. Not too bad considering. I know I need to get rid of those breaded ckn breasts. They were an impulse buy. Pretty tasty but not so good for you. The fat is mostly the cheese I had with dinner. Yummy! I think this may be doable though.

    Have a great night everyone!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    My new goal is to workout in the morning and then workout again in the evening. I will see how that goes and then go from there. Hey not giving up just trying more. my hubby said it was ok as long as i don't over do myself and get myself into seizures. pfffhhhh seizures. he he.
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    almomay - your success with reducing your carbs is very motivating to me. I am still working on it but I will keep at it. I think its important to find ways to incorporate a diet into a lifestyle - I need to find ways to make it work for me and not feel deprived.

    tttthumper - thanks for all the information. I recently added almonds to my food list as well. Yum!

    Yesterday was my evening workout day off. I love the reward of a night free. I made a great low carb stuffed chicken recipe - very tasty. And I baked some South Beach Diet PB&J cookies - YUM! Here is the recipe if your interested -->

    Anyway, did level 3 of 30 day shred this morning, and I have a spinning class this evening.

    Hey this weekend is Valentine's Day :heart: !! Anyone have special plans! :flowerforyou:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I usually make a nice dinner for my hubby and me. I might even pull out some candles and make it a bit more romantic. I am going to make a cheesecake, one of my hubby's faves. My goal is to have my house completely clean by then--deep cleaned. I am kinda in the spring cleaning mode. I am ready for spring!!

    j-g be careful and don't over do it. :wink: I love the idea of working out twice a day. I would always tell my patients to do that first instead of increasing the amount of time at one workout. You get the same benefits as you would having it all together, but it is easier on your body!

    Lets keep our game faces on and have a great Monday weigh in!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi Team,

    We're still snowed-in in NYC but I have not been outside so I have no idea how bad it is. I think for Valentines day I'll just have a dinner at home. I'm busy with school work this weekend, so will be studying.

    The plan for today is to do Insanity Plyometric Cardio circuit which is 40 minutes. My butt and legs ache from working them out yesterday but in a good way!

    Enjoy your day everyone and stay positive!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning all,

    Jason, thanks for the compliment. That's why I like networking, passing of information from one to another, anything I've read or doing, I'm definately willing to share. I think I read before, sorry to hear that your going through some troubles, we're waiting for you to get back on track on here. You can do it.

    Sandy, how's the stretching going. One more stretch I realized I was doing was while I was sitting down in a chair, or on a couch, and reaching down, straighten the leg, pulling up on the toes. Also, do you do any calve raises with weights?

    Deb, glad to have helped. Once you start getting 1 or 2 days of meals under control, then it's basically repeat. Shrug, I have alot of repeat meals, I think we discussed before in one of these forums.

    Taradise - glad to have helped. Yes I really enjoy almonds, very yummy, and versitile just use one of those choppers. How is the 40-30-30 doing for you?

    Almomay - If I remember correctly doesn't Tony want you to do 30-50-20 (C-P-F) as well, or maybe that was Phase II. I know each phase he wants people to switch the macronutrient percents.

    Off to burn 800 calories punching targets, shooting hoops, and hitting home runs :laugh:
    Go into the weekend strong blue team.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I usually make a nice dinner for my hubby and me. I might even pull out some candles and make it a bit more romantic. I am going to make a cheesecake, one of my hubby's faves. My goal is to have my house completely clean by then--deep cleaned. I am kinda in the spring cleaning mode. I am ready for spring!!

    j-g be careful and don't over do it. :wink: I love the idea of working out twice a day. I would always tell my patients to do that first instead of increasing the amount of time at one workout. You get the same benefits as you would having it all together, but it is easier on your body!

    Lets keep our game faces on and have a great Monday weigh in!!

    Thanks for concern. I have been kinda shaky so I'm going to be doing one workout for right now and work my way up to 2. I have a doctor appt. next week.
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    tttthumper - I am still working on the 40,30,30. I am working on finding quick and easy meals I can cook. Its only been a couple of days, but I plan to stick with it as much as I can to see how I feel after a week. So far so good.

    almomay - good luck with the snow. I know DC has been shut down all week long.

    Valentine's Day is a special one for my husband and I :heart: The day will be our 1 year wedding anniversary. We are celebrating low key with dinner... but have a fantastic cruise plan for the end of Feb. YaY! :bigsmile:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi all,

    tttthumper- I haven't read Tony Horton's Nutrition advice but I'm going to look it up in the material I have. I was reading Jillian's book "Making the Cut" which is specifically for people who want to lose 20 pounds or less and there she recommends for fast oxidizers to go 30-40-30 (carbs, protein, fat). I'm trying the 20-50-30 she recommends in her "winning by losing" and I'm going to see how I feel. If it's too much for me, I might change it. I've always done really well on low carb diets and I always wondered why. I've never heard about oxidation before now, and I've read lots of diet books. It's real funny. Actually, I think I should schedule an appointment with my doctor and get a complete physical to see if I have any deficiencies or cholesterol. That's always a big news!

    jg- For me, working out more than 2 hours total in one day is just too much and I find it counterproductive. I know the contestants in The biggest loser workout like 4-6 hours a day, but they're in a controlled environment. I was working out at home 1 hour and at the gym for 1 hr and 30 minutes and I noticed there was no change i my weight. These days I like to workout 40 minutes a day to 1 hour and 30 minutes a day.

    Taradise- Happy Anniversary!

    Happy valentines day everyone!!!!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have heard that you shouldn't work out more than two hours continuously. Honestly an hour and a half is more than enough for me and I only do that once a week.

    My percentages were pretty good today, 45/28/27--Getting closer. I really wasn't hungry most of the day. I was eating what I had logged because I had logged it. I may need to think about how much food I am allowing myself.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I was bad today and did exercise and I didn't log at all. I have been very shaky this last week and hoping my doc can help me out with that. Going to try a few different things. What is the %'s for if you don't mind me asking??
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I was bad today and did exercise and I didn't log at all. I have been very shaky this last week and hoping my doc can help me out with that. Going to try a few different things. What is the %'s for if you don't mind me asking??

    The %'s are for eating balanced carbs, protein and fat in 40%-30%-30% of your daily intake.

    Almomay had put in the last few pages about a quiz you can find your metabolic type. A few of us are 40-30-30.
    Hi all- Here's the quiz and an excerpt from Jillian Michael's book, if anyone would like to try to find your metabolic type.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Okay, you have probably been able to tell by my lack of posts that I have been very busy this week, but I have been lurking when I catch a few minutes. Today while I was swimming (and might I add that I achieved my goal for the month there today - 1/3 of mile, half crawl and half breaststroke, in 35 minutes! Took me a year to get there. Now my new goal is to up the crawl to 2/3 of my laps.), anyway, I was thinking of what to do to get off of this plateau that is starting to drag me down. My new plan: Very honestly log every bite and taste that goes in my mouth, and lighten up to let myself eat some of my exercise calories if I want them. I will also try to increase my protein (thanks to you all), and if I end the day above my goal of 1450 calories for the day, I will exercise in some form for 30 minutes either before I go to bed, or early the next morning. This will be in addition to the minimum of 5 weekly 30 minute sessions that I am striving for. I'm counting on all of you to help by holding me accountable! Today was easy, as I burned 900 calories. I pledge to do this at least until you see 75 pounds lost on my ticker. Thanks for being here for me! Here's to smart choices!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Lost my job today and I am not sure what to do next. I guess I will take the weekend off and hot the ground running Monday
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Lost my job today and I am not sure what to do next. I guess I will take the weekend off and hot the ground running Monday

    I am so sorry to hear this! What happened?? I will pray that all works out for you.
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