Weight gain this week :(



  • douglerner
    douglerner Posts: 237 Member
    I appreciate your point. I just sort of feel that this point in my diet it's too early for weight loss to slow down. True I've already lost 60 lb. But I was really really overweight and still need to lose another 60 lb!

    I'm going to do some analysis of my weight loss rates by each week to see if there has been a trend here I'm missing.

    My metabolism may just be slow because I'm older now - 56. And despite one person's kind words here that I'm not sedentary because I cycle every day and do resistance exercise, I really am very sedentary. Of course the bit of exercise I do every day (30 - 40 minutes) is better than nothing, and I'm glad I do it, and the resistance exercises are helping build a bit of muscle. Still, I would classify myself as basically sedentary. I would be a couch potato if I had a couch.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Most likely you've lost muscle. Metabolism slow down due to age is about 7-9 calories per year (based on working out the equations used to calc TDEE and BMR) So, since you are 10 years older than me - at the same lean body mass we might expect a calorie need difference of 90-120 calories.

    Fast weight loss puts muscle at risk. Low protein weight loss doubly so. If you protect your muscle or build it up slightly this will help your weight loss.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    HelloItsDan - thanks for your reply. I'm afraid I don't understand the long and detailed post you linked to though!

    About calories - if I'm not in starvation mode, I don't see how adding MORE calories can help. I'm willing to try the experiment though and will add about 300 calories a day for a while and see if that makes a difference. If you're not in starvation mode though - and believe me I'm not - I don't see how it can help. It has to hurt. But we'll see. As long as I don't exceed my 1800 calorie/day limit I'm willing to try.

    About protein - I'm eating on the low end of the WHO acceptable standard of protein. I'm on an Ornish/Essystyn-like diet for heart health: vegan, no added oils, no nuts/seeds. So eating carbohydrates is fundamental to the diet. I do get protein though, from tofu, and other things I eat. Even brown rice has protein in it.


    I started out justing eating 1000 calories a day and lots of success and then I slowly added 100 more a day to my calorie intake and stayed that way for 2 weeks and would lose more weight. So again I would raise my calorie intake by 100 and again I would lose. My suggestion is to experiment and add a 100 more calories per day and eat that for two weeks and then if you lose do it again. Just test it out because you are eating too little for a guy. I am now eating 1700 calories a day and I am at my goal weight so give it a try

  • douglerner
    douglerner Posts: 237 Member
    Hi, Ginger and others.

    I'm eating a bit more this week. At least 1500 calories per day. I don't know - my weight has basically been fluctuating up and down. I'm 0.8 kg lighter than when I posted this discussion. Still, it's up and down.

    We'll see what happens by my Friday weekly weigh-in.


  • KieranRodden
    Hi Doug, haha was only suggesting you may have lost a few Kg in water weight and not to get too down you had but it back on :)
  • douglerner
    douglerner Posts: 237 Member
    Thanks, Kleran and others. Things seem to be back on track. Nothing really changed on my part, but my weight is coming down again.

