in need of some brutal, honest advice

I'm 19 years old and at 5ft3 currently weigh 6 stone 11. My periods have stopped and I'm constantly tired and run down. I realise i'm underweight but i love food and don't think I have an eating disorder. I eat around 900 calories a day, often going up to 1,400 2 nights a week if I go out at uni and drink.

I'm finding it really hard to loosen my control. MFP reccomends eating 1,600 calories a day to maintain my weight but that's got to be rubbish?! How can i go from eating practically double what i eat now and maintain my weight?

I've been weighed by my doctor but he didn't really seem that concerned, so i'm just worried as to why i feel so tired and run down all the time if my weights not that big an issue. I'm not starving myself I have treats every now and then, had a mince pie yesterday, pizza express the other day...

whats going on?!


  • raichhype
    raichhype Posts: 74 Member
    It sounds to me like you have got an eating disorder sweetheart.
    Why are tracking on here? To try and mainatin your weight? or to see how much you're starving yourself?

    You're aware of how thin you are and if that wasn't enough of an indication YOUR PERIODS HAVE STOPPED.
    You are NINETEEN (I am also nineteen) Periods don't just stop unless there is something wrong.

    900 calories a day is not healthy.

    To up your calories you need to eat things that aren't high in fat like pizza express and mince pies. They may have lots of calories but it won't make you feel good. Try eating more pastas and breads!

    Can I repeat one more time, YOUR WEIGHT IS AN ISSUE. GET A NEW DOCTOR.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Your 5ft 3 and weight roughly 95 lbs? You definitely need to go see someone for some help or start eating more.. You should probably start eating 1400 calories to start with and then increase even more until you are in a healthy weight range.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Definitely an eating disorder. You are under weight and not eating enough. Most active women I help eat 1700-2000 calories, which means maintenance around 2400-2600 calories. And many of that are around 120 lbs. Now, your problem will be you need to gain weight and fix months/years of under eating. This means slowly upping your calories, and I would suggest a lot of weight training to help build muscle and help reduce the amount of fat you gain back. But no one on here can help with the psychological issue you have.
  • Kathrynaline
    Yeah, baby girl. Your undernourished. Your body is shutting down! Next step death. Eat the calories your body needs. Even if you don't understand'll see that you won't gain weight, you'll stop losing and your body will have the fuel it needs NOT TO DIE.
  • hjensen2263
    hjensen2263 Posts: 68 Member
    The reason you can eat 900 calories a day and have no weight change is because your metabolism has slowed down. You're body has freaked out because it isn't getting the energy and nutrients it needs (hence the fatigue) and has adjusted as best it can to try and keep you alive. Slowly work your way up to 1600, maybe upping your calorie intake by 100 calories each week or two, and you're body will adjust. Trust me, a normal healthy body can take in 1600 calories per day and not gain any weight.

    I would also suggest talking to someone; a family member, friend, or even therapist. It does sound like an eating disorder honey.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    don't think I have an eating disorder. I eat around 900 calories a day,

    That's the only info we need. Yes you do. Please get some help :)
  • skittles1928
    skittles1928 Posts: 57 Member
    I agree with the rest of the posters. Listen to your parents; they're trying to help you. It's time to realize you have disordered eating, and if you can't make yourself start eating more, it's time to go to a therapist or professional of some sort for help. Good luck. Your body needs nutrients.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    It sounds like you have an eating disorder. You're underweight, you're not eating nearly enough, and your periods have stopped. Yes, your weight is the issue. That is why you feel tired and run down. Your body doesn't have the energy it needs to perform basic functions. You think you're eating plenty, but honestly, you're not.

    Go back to the doctor and ask for help. If necessary, see another doctor. That should be possible even if it's an NHS GP practise. Are you seeing a doctor form your uni? Did you tell them that your periods have stopped? Did you tell them how much you're eating? Also, I expect at uni you have access to free counselling service, so please take advantage of that too.

    This is very serious, and the longer it goes on, the more serious it will get. Please get professional help now.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    I am a nursing student and I believe you are eating FAR TOO FEW calories. Your body needs more than 900 calories to do what it needs.. just normal metabolic functions.

    If you dont have an appetite - at LEAST drink an ensure with each meal. They are gross, I'm not gonna lie - but if you can't find your nutrients from food.. do yourself a favor and have a dang ensure.


    ** and seek counseling and/or a support group.. they do wonders!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Read or watch Forks over Knives. You have to not only watch what your eating but how youeat too. I went thru all the same crap trying this and that and some diets.

    Just sit and read and try it. I adopted some of the priciples to use the way i want.

    one thing is for sure. YOU HAFTA GET OFF YOUR *kitten* AND MOVE!!!! lol
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    When you lower your calories, your TDEE decreases in response. You can maintain your weight by eating double what you eat now because your TDEE will go up when your body senses that food is available again.

    Also, 900 cals a day make it next to impossible to get sufficient micronutrients.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Eat nuts - lots of nuts - almonds, pine, walnuts
    Eat avocados - a lot of healthy fats

    Peanutbutter and Jam sandwiches (on brown!!!) - do it!

    you will reach 1,600 calories in no time

    And you will gain HEALTHY weight.

    Start some weight training, the protein will help!

    Don't forget your greens!!!

    I hope this helps :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    If you have secondary amenorrhea it's a classic sign that you are not eating enough.

    The fact that you are not hungry is meaningless. A prolonged lack of calories and nutrients will mean you have unreliable and distorted hunger cues. You're not in an immediate danger but you are not in optimal health clearly

    You need to eat more in a systematic fashion.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    If you dont have an appetite - at LEAST drink an ensure with each meal. They are gross, I'm not gonna lie - but if you can't find your nutrients from food.. do yourself a favor and have a dang ensure.

    This is good advice. It's often used in ED treatment. It should help while you are on your way to cobbling together a treatment plan.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Please go to a new doctor and say this: I am 5'3" and I only eat 900 calories a day (but sometimes I drink 600 calories of booze). I only weigh 6 stone 11 pounds. My periods have stopped. I have a hard time "loosening control" of my eating.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You most definitely have an eating disorder. You need to seek help.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Brutal and honest. 1. find a new doctor...your low weight is contributing to your fatigue and loss of menses. 2. you said it yourself: you are underweight which means you need to eat more (healthy food). 3. 900 calories is not enough to sustain an adult person of any size no matter how sedentary they are. Suggestion: no more pizza or drinking parties to increase your calories occasionally. Work really hard at consistently adding more calories, say 100 per day for a week, then another 100 per day for a week...repeat. keep that going until you feel more energetic and your period starts up. Then add 100 one more time. See how you feel and what happens with your body. Do strength training. Limit cardio to 20 min 4 or 5 times per week. Repeat: find a new doctor.
  • dcdemocrat34
    Seek another doctor, 900 calories is not much at all even for someone of your height. Anytime periods stop (especially at 19) you need to be EXTREMELY concerned.

    Please, please, please go talk to someone, or another doctor, before this gets away from you
  • kcatlin9
    kcatlin9 Posts: 321 Member
    consistent responses here is you're not eating enough and i agree. the only thing i would add is...

    eat 5 times per day. i'm guessing you're only eating 2 or 3 times a day. increase your calories by eating healthy foods (more great advice on this in the thread) 5 times per day (don't miss breakfast) and you will have the nutrients you need and your metabolism will be steady throughout the day and you'll burn calories.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Take a look at what's going on in your life. Your period has stopped. That's no joke. Your mentrual cycle is a normal part of a healthy woman's body and yours has stopped. You're 5'3" and you weight 96 pounds which puts your BMI at 17.0 according to This puts your very underweight. I really am concerned for you and think that you may need help. Don't be afraid or embarrassed. Speak with your doctor as soon as possible and be honest about your eating habits, your feelings about food and about how you feel when you eat and how you see yourself in the mirror. If he is competent at all, he will be able to help you. Good luck.