over the counter weight loss pills

what is everyone's opinion on over the counter weight loss pills? anyone have any luck with them? any side effects?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Send me $100. I'll do the same thing diet pills will do for you... nothing

    And no nasty side effects!! :)
  • VeganZombie13
    Leave them alone and do the work..
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    I take lipobind the odd time when I've eaten something greasy. It is supposed to bind some of the fat and stop it entering your metabolism. I dunno if it makes a huuuuuge difference but it does something, Shall we say the 'output' is different :embarassed:
    after taking a few of the tablets.
    I still count the full whack in my diary but hopefully the Lipobind are taking some of the edge off the occasional Big Macs
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    If they worked everyone would be skinny...

    The most effective way to lose fat is a moderate deficit (like 20% less than TDEE) and weight training..
  • lindalou4850
    lindalou4850 Posts: 217 Member
    I think I have tried every diet pill on the market through out the years. The only thing that works is to eat right and exercise. So I say Don't waste your money.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    I take lipobind the odd time when I've eaten something greasy. It is supposed to bind some of the fat and stop it entering your metabolism. I dunno if it makes a huuuuuge difference but it does something, Shall we say the 'output' is different :embarassed:
    after taking a few of the tablets.
    I still count the full whack in my diary but hopefully the Lipobind are taking some of the edge off the occasional Big Macs

    The output is probably different because you've just consumed and expensive snake oil. Show me a peer reviewed scientific journal with a double blind study showing it does something and I'll retract my words. Until then: They are all Snake Oil!
  • Blondie_05
    Eat right, sleep more, & workout! You will see results!
  • ImAhTrini
    Weight loss pills leave me jittery, so I don't mess with them. However, I have used Hoodia in the past and I love it!

    It's a natural appetite supressant with NO side effects. Some places sell Hoodia with green tea or other crap in the pills, but I get mine from Viatamin Shoppe and they have no extra anything in them.

    I take one about 30 minutes after I eat (you're supposed to take it before meals, but I always get hungry after I eat...LOL) and I'm good to go. They're not in the least bit addictive. I have the same botlle I bought over a month ago.

    *Note*.....I don't take them every day or even every week. I only use them when I'm stressed/depressed and need help fighting the urge to eat everything in sight.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    BTW, i know you didn't ask for this advice, but have you tried to eat more than 1000-1200 calories and do some heavy weight lifting. IIRC, you have had similar threads or other threads about not losing. At this point you probably have just suppressed your metabolism and making fat loss very hard now.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    or you could just... you know... lol try a short cut.

    cause we all know that eating smart and exercising and drinking water and getting sleep is the only method that comes with a guarantee so we should totalyl skip that one and try the easier things first - the ones that you know - do the work for you.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    only thing they ever did for me was make me hyper - bout it
  • Mwaries88
    Mwaries88 Posts: 21 Member
    I took Oxy Elite Pro while doing p90x and lost 35lbs the first month. Im sure it had a lot to do with me exercising (obviously) but Oxy Elite made me SWEAT like crazy...I loved it, because I knew it was working. I felt like I could move mountains while taking that pill.

    Unfortunately, after you've taken one bottle, you have to try to wean your body off from it from what most people say...I didn't see any problem coming off...Im actually going to start taking them again December 1st (it's been a few months since I stopped).
    Check out the reviews, they are almost all very good.
  • Mwaries88
    Mwaries88 Posts: 21 Member
    By the way, it definitely supresses your appetite...I had to force myself to eat a lot of the times. Make sure you keep up with your daily calories.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    You might as well be throwing your money away.

    To tell you the truth, it usually isn't what you're eating, it's what is eating you - what are you're reasons for eating? Stress? Life? Work? Relationship? Financial?

    Learning how to control the emotional aspect of eating will help you a lot more than any pill.
  • Shady12
    Stay away! I took some years ago and I did lose some weight but made me feel terrible and gave me permanent arrhythmia. You flat out need a plan to eat well and work out some. I've lost and gained several times..right now I'm on the Customized Fat Loss program and works and seems like it will be easier to keep the weight off for once. If you want more info-

  • horselady34
    horselady34 Posts: 51 Member
    Nothing has worked for me, I tried many and Im staying away from supplements as well.. Again each person is different and what works for one doesn't mean it will work for the other.. I was at my lowest weight ever 10 years ago and never used diet pills.. I have congenital hypothyroid ( born without the gland ) It feels impossible for me to lose anything on a low calorie diet, I can't imagine what would happen if I ate anything above 1500, I do workout and pretty much everyday, just about 2 hours of cardio and still can't lose
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Depends on your goals. I do you want to live healthy or die skinny?
  • shortie563
    I did herbalife and it really worked for me, people were commenting on how much weight I lost after a only a month, plus I dropped 2 jean sizes. They were more supplements then diet pills though. Only disadvantage is once you go off it, you gain it back, which is where I'm at today lol
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Complete garbage.

    Do the work.