Does anyone else seem to get sick.. A LOT?

Just a general question for anyone cruisin' the forums today: Does anyone else have any experience with getting sick (ie: sore throats, cough, runny nose, congestion, overall cold-like symptoms) a lot?

I eat pretty healthy. I exercise regularly. I take vitamins every night. On paper, you would think that I'm a candidate for the title "healthy". But I get sick... A LOT.

I do have allergies, and I'm sure that's part of my problem... But has anyone out there found little tips that help you from constantly getting colds and boosting your immune system?

**Note: Yes, I have apt. w/ my doc schedued for next week.**

Thank you in advance for any suggestions :flowerforyou:


  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    I know it hasn't been proven by science or whatever, but I swear by Airborne. Whenever someone in my office is sick or I am in big crowds of potentially plague carrying people, I drink it. And I'm rarely sick.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You are correct on the allergies, that will contribute a lot. But sometimes it just comes down to your personal genetic makeup. Some people get sick more often no matter how healthy their lifestyle. Others rarely get sick no matter how unhealthy their lifestyle.

    I am the latter. I rarely get sick. I do have a fairly healthy lifestyle, but I rarely got sick when I ate junk and never exercised either. I'm just lucky in that respect. My oldest daughter has allergies and gets sick a lot even though she's never been much of a junk food eater and has always been fit. I guess she didn't get my lucky gene. :ohwell:
  • If you weight train or even train in any sports too extensively to the point your body cannot recover fully, you might be over-training. If that's the case, your body's immune systems will decrease drastically. Perhaps you are just unfortunate that you are around sick people, and it is winter flu time. lol =) Hope you feel better.
  • I never seem to get sick. I take two multi-vitamins and drink loads of water.

    Edit: I am on a calorie restricted diet so I take two multi-vitamins so my body gets everything it needs. My honey takes fish oil pills and vitamin C supplements and he eats lots of oranges so he is able to avoid getting sick that way.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Zinc and Vitamin C. Lots of garlic and onions in your diet, they're antiviral. If I hit it early with the Zicam (which is mostly zinc, helps keep the infection from spreading) then it's usually not as bad, but I have a tendency to get sinus infections at least four times a year. It's a pain in the ... well, sinuses.

    Try that stuff - NeilMed Sinus Rinse. It's like a neti pot but easier to use. Make sure to use distilled water. It's not nearly as bad as you might think - I was scared at first, too, but it helps.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I creeped your diary - you don't eat any salad.

    You need greens to stay healthy. Eat more greens, you won't get sick so often.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I've actually found the opposite. Since working on getting to a healthier weight (eating better, exercising), I've been getting sick less often. It seems to have helped my immune system.

    My hubby catches everything going - and we eat about the same (he eats portions more appropriate to him, but he eats what I cook). Genetics appear to play a part.
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    Are you getting enough sleep? I have been logging 7 to 8 hours a night for the past few years, and I notice I am very rarely sick... *knock on wood*.....
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    You are correct on the allergies, that will contribute a lot. But sometimes it just comes down to your personal genetic makeup. Some people get sick more often no matter how healthy their lifestyle. Others rarely get sick no matter how unhealthy their lifestyle.

    I am the latter. I rarely get sick. I do have a fairly healthy lifestyle, but I rarely got sick when I ate junk and never exercised either. I'm just lucky in that respect. My oldest daughter has allergies and gets sick a lot even though she's never been much of a junk food eater and has always been fit. I guess she didn't get my lucky gene. :ohwell:

    I'm like you-- I rarely get sick. However, I recently started tracking my Vitamin C intake and noticed it is always through the roof... I wonder if that has anything to do with it?
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    I've caught 2 colds already since the weather has cooled down. I'm figured with my new healthy eating habbits I'd be unlikely to get sick, but it isn't so. I have noticed that I don't really get 'sick' so much as I just have a stuffy nose and/or cough for a few days. I also drink (and smoke when I drink) so I'm sure that doesn't help. I shake hands with at least a dozen different people every day so I certainly get exposes me to a large number of germs. I'd say the environment and your genes have more to do with it than your diet.
  • Do you have small children or are around small children? They are germ magnets.
    Where do you work? Working in the public says enough too! Do you work somewhere that has a lot of people with small children? Office's are germ magnets as well. One of my last jobs I kept getting pink eye because one of my co workers kids kept getting it and she would carry it on her and I would end up getting it.

    I hardly ever get sick, maybe because I don't have any kids, don't work with anyone in my office who has small children. Or maybe I'm lucky ;)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Just a general question for anyone cruisin' the forums today: Does anyone else have any experience with getting sick (ie: sore throats, cough, runny nose, congestion, overall cold-like symptoms) a lot?

    I eat pretty healthy. I exercise regularly. I take vitamins every night. On paper, you would think that I'm a candidate for the title "healthy". But I get sick... A LOT.

    I do have allergies, and I'm sure that's part of my problem... But has anyone out there found little tips that help you from constantly getting colds and boosting your immune system?

    **Note: Yes, I have apt. w/ my doc schedued for next week.**

    Thank you in advance for any suggestions :flowerforyou:

    You eat a lot of processed foods, hardly any fruits and vegetables. Your body needs green leafy vegetables (iron, calcium, etc), Citrus fruits for the Vitamin C, etc................

    If you have should try and cut out or cut down on the dairy consumption - it is most likely the thing that is contributing the most to your allergies.
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    To sum it up, water, greens and sleep in addition to your already kick butt efforts should help keep you healthy.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I actually found that since I have been exercising and keeping track of my food intake I have been getting sick less.

    I can't remember if you mentioned it or not, but if you go to a gym....maybe start using hand sanitizers? Alot of people don't clean off the machines, that could be were you are getting some germs.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Using chipped Teflon pans gives flu-like symptoms. I almost killed my pet lizard cooking on one before someone told me about it.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Actually the opposite. I used to come down with EVERYTHING. Was sick all the time. Then I joined a gym and started exercising and cut out foods that weren't a positive influence on my heath and I have only had 1 cold (and it was mild) in the lat 18 months. It has been AWESOME to be able to use my vacation days for actual vacations and not illness.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I suffer from allergies and used to get a major sinus infection twice a year. My doctor recommended the Neti pot. I use it every morning and every night and my allergies have improved significantly and I've had only one infection in the last 4 years.

    Nasal solution recipe (from doctor): bring 2 quarts water to boil, let boil 1-2 minutes, turn off fire, add 4 teaspoons non-iodized salt and 2 teaspoons baking soda, stir till dissolved and store in a container. Much cheaper than buying refills.

    I have also read that although most people believe vitamin C is the way to go, you really should boost your vitamin D.

    Good luck!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    If you are constantly sick then I would stay away from things like echinacea that are immune boosters - those are really only designed for short-term use, and instead go for strong antioxidants like pychnogenol or grape seed or green coffee...allergies are basically an autoimmune issue, so avoid any herbs or vitamins that are going to aggravate that condition, antioxidants are great for curing allergies which will in turn relieve your body of some of the stress caused by your overtaxed immune system which will then make you less susceptible to everday germs. Weight loss - even done in a healthy manner - is still a form of stress for your body, so it might also help to try setting aside some time every day (15 min - 1 hour, whatever you can spare) to dedicate to anti-stress like meditation, yoga, bath or foot soak, comedy movie - whatever will help you relax a bit.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Are you immune suppressed in some way? (a lot of conditions can do it - insulin resistance for example). Otherwise, yeah it's probably just unfortunate genetics. My wife is the same, if there's one instance of a cold or flu in a 20 mile radius, she'll somehow contract it. All you can do is be extra careful in your hygeine habits, and as everyone else said - enough sleep, good stress management, water and more water, and garlic, onion, fruit and veg to the nines.
  • aryastark8
    aryastark8 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm exactly like you. Probably have more days with a sore throat than without. I have talked to several Dr.'s about it many times, with no results. The only thing that helped me was when I found out I am allergic to dust mite. Reducing exposure to dust helped, but I still get colds very often. Having enough sleep and reducing stress seems very helpful. One thing that does make a difference, if I stick to it, is drinking a freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon (with lots of water and some sugar/honey) every morning. Oh, and make sure you get enough vitamine D: either spend at least 30 mins a day outside during daylight, or take a supplement. This is very important for your immune system, and also helps with your energy levels.