New Haircut: Opinions Please



  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    i think it's ok, but would go shorter in the back so it's more even....if that make sense? i like the inverted bobs :smile:

    Can't go too short, or I'll end up looking like a basketball with hair. Have to keep some length around my face/jaw/chin.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I agree with the others, that particular haircut is a little old-looking, and you're too young and pretty for it. I think you should ask your hairdresser for suggestions on layers and maybe mix up the fringe bangs. Also, I'm jealous that you can pull off fringe bangs, because I can't, but I want to do fringe bangs so badly! :sad:
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    The hair in the picture is very thick. I would be afraid yours is too thin to hold the style. I can see why people think it's outdated. If you cut the back a little shorter than what's in the picture, I think it wouldn't be as outdated.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    The hair in the picture is very thick. I would be afraid yours is too thin to hold the style. I can see why people think it's outdated. If you cut the back a little shorter than what's in the picture, I think it wouldn't be as outdated.

    Well, I was sort of thinking that anyway, but I'm afraid to go above the jawline for fear of drawing attention to my double chin. The part of the hair cut I like is all the layers on the top. I was hoping that maybe it would help keep my hair from looking so flat. I don't know. I need to do something with it soon. It looks awful right now. It's longer than in this photo because it's been several months since I got it cut. I'm just tired of the cut I've been getting, but it's hard to find a cut that works for my face and thin hair.
  • RubyRed8067
    No. Too short, and if your hair is thin on top, it will turn out bad.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I like the layers in the cut, but speaking from the point of view of someone who has no body in their hair, unless you're prepared to put a curling iron through it every morning, I doubt you'll be able to get the style or the body. And even then you'll probably need a lot of product to keep it the way you style it.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If you like it, do it. It looks like it would be a lot of work and take a lot of time to achieve that result everyday (blow-drying, using styling products, and actually possessing some skill with hair styling). I'm an "au naturel" type and I have zero skill for hair styling, and I'm too picky and easily frustrated, so it wouldn't be for me. Time? Even as a single mom, I have time, but in the morning I'd rather just drink my coffee and watch History channel. lol

    Edit: and as soon as I would put my toque on to go to work, it would all be for naught. :cry:
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I agree that it looks old. Its not a bad cut, just looks like an older lady's hair. I like your cut now, but maybe try some layers and the side swept bangs. Or like another poster said get the cut with a shorter back and longer front.
  • bullisnn82
    one thing to remember with haircuts is that they're not permanent. If you don't like it, you'll have to live with it for a little bit as it grows out, but if you love it, u'll never know unless u try it. With thin hair layers and short layers at that are usually better because any weight can weigh the hair down and make it look even thinner, so it might be a good cut from that standpoint, but be careful not to get it too short on top or you might be able to see scalp which would be terrible. Talk with a stylist about it before going all the way. Part of the appointment is the consultation, you can always leave without doing it if you decide it's not for u, and also they may be able to suggest some modifications, or a different, similar cut that would work better.
  • porterca
    porterca Posts: 187 Member
    In general I like it. I think you'd look good with it if you cut off the part that wraps around the neck. Have it end at the jaw line or just below, but not half way down the neck. That will give it more of a bob, but keep the layers.
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    I think it is really pretty and would be pretty on you! If you like the look you will feel amazing in it. Disregard any negative comments!
  • SkettiGurl
    SkettiGurl Posts: 186 Member
    I don't really like it honestly and think it would be a pain to keep up looking nice. If you want your hair shorter why not try a pixie gwenyth Paltrow in Sliding doors. I LOVE her hair in that movie!
  • glamis_dust_bunny
    try something with a little angle to it. your bob is cute have them cut it a little shorter in the back and angled more towards the front and sweep your bangs rather than curl them. img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=36806402 my hair is thin and i have a very similar hair cut so i know from experience if they do the layering right in the back you will get the lift you want.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Wow! I'm surprised at all the negative comments. I think the hairstyle is really cute. But what do I know, I'm old. :ohwell:
  • glamis_dust_bunny
    I thought it was cute too but thought if she didn't have the hair around the back of the neck it would be more flattering.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    try something with a little angle to it. your bob is cute have them cut it a little shorter in the back and angled more towards the front and sweep your bangs rather than curl them. img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=36806402 my hair is thin and i have a very similar hair cut so i know from experience if they do the layering right in the back you will get the lift you want.

    I love the original photo -but I am OLD - 61 :laugh: - I like the layers and the way it could be messed up to spike out or made smoother. Maybe not the length around the back of the neck. But like some others have said it would need thick hair, or some product to make it sit right? I like the one above too, that is less of a change, maybe looks younger (?) and wouldn't take as long to grow out. Layers can add some bulk to your hair.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    There are many variables -- face shape, hair texture, the way your hair lies on your scalp, how much if any product you want to use, how much personal maintenance you want to do on the cut and how much it will need, etc. -- that will determine how much your cut looks like the cut on the model. I would ask your hairdresser about all these things. Then decide if you need/want to compromise on the cut, and how to fit it to you.

    My hair is thin also. Back in 2010 I had it cut for the first time since the 1970s. (I am waaay low maintenance on hair.)

    When I had it cut, I brought this shot to the hairdresser as a guide, not for color but for cut alone:

    We then improvised, since I didn't want to have to use product to fluff anything up. Here's the result, which I was very happy with:

    I now bring the right-hand "after" shot with me as a cheat sheet when I get my hair cut. I end up looking more or less like the shot, depending on who does the cutting. I know to specify that I want my hair high and neat in the back and close on the sides, that my hair grows faster near the back of my crown (so cut it a little bit more), and otherwise leave about an inch. I now also know to specify that my hair should be cut when it's dry or just very slightly wet (otherwise it's left too long) and that the top should be cut with a scissors and not a razor (otherwise it's left too short). It's a learning process.

    Most important: hair grows out. If you don't like the result, you get another chance. Though I must admit that for a few weeks I felt pretty badass with a buzz cut. :-)
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    one thing to remember with haircuts is that they're not permanent. If you don't like it, you'll have to live with it for a little bit as it grows out, but if you love it, u'll never know unless u try it. With thin hair layers and short layers at that are usually better because any weight can weigh the hair down and make it look even thinner, so it might be a good cut from that standpoint, but be careful not to get it too short on top or you might be able to see scalp which would be terrible. Talk with a stylist about it before going all the way. Part of the appointment is the consultation, you can always leave without doing it if you decide it's not for u, and also they may be able to suggest some modifications, or a different, similar cut that would work better.

    It reminds me of one of Halle Berry's haircuts - and she looks fabulous! ^^^ This ^^^ . Proper layers help thin hair look more voluminous. If you're worried about drawing attention to your chin area, then DON'T wear a blunt bob that ends there! I've worn my hair superduper short (buzz-cut! Yikes, that was a mistake -- very bad haircutter!), bobbed, pixie, shoulder-length, to very long with and without layers. I have fine (individual hairs are very thin) hair that is fairly thin b/c I'm blond, but not unusually thin.

    As my buzz-cut grew out, I let the top grow longer and curled it and kept the back shorter -- as many other commenters have suggested. I LOVED the look and got compliments on it ALL THE TIME! But it was definitely more work than I wanted. I'm a wash and go girl. I don't even own a hair dryer, so although the compliments were nice, to me the work was not worth it and I continued to let it grow out more and more until, eventually, it was long enough that I can tie it up in a knot whenever I want.

    All that to say -- if you love the style, go for it! If you're too hesitant now after all the "No"s, then start with some layers and see how you feel about that. Short hair is not old (I've never seen soap operas so never associated that kind of style with old vamp), but you do have to have a certain attitude to pull it off, a level of outward confidence that says, "Hey, I'm an attractive young woman who's not afraid to do things differently!"

    At the end of the day, IT"S ONLY A HAIRCUT. IT"LL GROW OUT. :flowerforyou:

    Live your life! I hope you love it, whatever hairstyle you end up having!
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    .... a pixie gwenyth Paltrow in Sliding doors. I LOVE her hair in that movie!

    Yes, that was such a GREAT look!!