

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wow Texas - that is the most detailed key stroke art I've every seen!!

    Thought I'd post a picture of the gift I am giving my 11 year old for Christmas. He has no clue. He hasn't asked for one and won't be expecting it at all. Isn't it cute? I have no idea where he'll ride it. It actually has a headlight on it too but it's not on it yet in this picture.


    By the way, I have to say my husband is the sweetest guy on earth. This morning when I was ready to weigh in I had him come up with the phone to take a picture because I was certain I was going to see the 150's. I knew he was worried I'd be disappointed again. When he saw the scale, and after he took the picture, he grabbed me in a bear hug and started jumping up and down. He was so happy for me!!
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    That's a cool gift for your son; what kind of helmet did you get him?

    That keystroke art is borrowed but isn't it cute?!

    Sweet dreams! Been up since 5:30 am which is early for me; much to do tomorrow too :bigsmile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my lovely ladies,

    What wonderful wordsmiths you all are. I'm loving the new songs (which are now firmly in my head and will possibly drive me mad over the next day or two!)

    My last day at work until Thursday. We did a very nice sale to Hugh Laurie - he bought several maps, totalling a nice few thousand pounds. He really is a charming guy. I may be a little in love!

    As it is my last day here, I suppose I should actually do some work, but will try to pop by again later.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Amanda:smile: I think I`m a little in love too...Hugh Laurie:love::heart: ! Lucky you!!! Enjoy your day!

    Cheryl:smile: Great gift for your son! Congrats again on getting into the 150`s!!!

    Teri:smile: Fabulous art!

    Barbie:smile: Glad Jake is doing okay!!! Sounds like a wonderful day for you both!

    Michele:smile: Hope you get your tree decorated! I`m like you, come Jan. I`m ready to take my tree down! Get everything back to normal!

    Yesterday I used a new curling iron,and it turned some of my hair PINK:noway: :angry: , I didn`t have time to rewash it so I put on a hat and out the door I went, a cute guy maybe 25 or so told me I looked sexy:laugh: ,( you could see a bit of the pink in one curl that was sticking out:grumble: ). I washed it last night (again), and I still have pink in my hair:angry: , it`s not quite as bright pink as it was, but it`s still pink:noway: ! Now I`m a bit worried I thought it would wash out, I guess I`ll wear a hat again today and try rewashing it again tonight...I may have pink hair for Christmas:embarassed: . Has anyone here ever had this happen, and if so how did you get it out? I think I`m a bit old to be sporting pink spots in my hair:tongue: . I have to pick up the turducken this morning, I know the grocery store is going to be packed, and the parking lot is so small:grumble: , I think I`ve recruited a friend of mine to drive me and just drive around the parking lot while I`m inside, I got everything else I needed the other day, so all I have to do is pick up the meat, I told him I would treat him to lunch, his choice! I must go now and see what I can do with this hair!
    Hope you all have a fabulous day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning I' have been trying to get here but been babysitting a sick 4 year old for two days. I'd get here read a few post and then it was Memere so off i'd go. Was a long two days just not used to that anymore. But at least i'm home and can take them when they are sick. But many times a few days latter i'm sick. And a few days brings us right at Christmas. Oh well them are the breaks.

    Need to wrap the presents at least I got the tree decorated lots of stuff in the bottom of the tree as my grandson helped me and I wasn't aboot to undo his hard work. Another job he did and i was very grateful for he washed all my top cupboards and I tied the red bows on the doors. He liked doing that.

    Up to darn early 5:30 this morning after a toss and turn night. So think i'll need a nap before I start my day.

    Cute bike you must have a few acres with all them horses. He could ride it there.

    Pink hair keep them if twenty year olds are turning heads. Hope you find a solution. But it's only hair if nothing else it will grow out.

    Back later
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning dear friends,

    It is a beautiful morning at present, the sunis casting a rosy glow on the horizon, every cloud a different shade from coral to lavender blue. The trees are etched charcoal silhouettes against the ever changing morning palate. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, I keep telling myself for the snow is set to begin at any moment now just as I am trundling off to work. We are all still working crazy hours but the good news is that our little accident victim is coming along well and has started the occasional shift.

    Now, I would like to thank the universe for sending along yet another couple I haven’t seen in a dozen years. “Kate, wow, you look fantastic! You’re so slim!”…… but could you not have stopped her right there instead of allowing her to continue, ” ‘cuz you were really big the last time we saw you!” (Spoken like a true skinny person who has never weighed more than 100 pounds her whole life…….sigh) But I shall take the surprise look on their faces as a compliment and leave it at that.

    I have done quite a lot of walking (Christmas shopping) to counterbalance the sweets that I have shoved into my mouth. My DH has discovered a sweet shop that carries goodies from all around the world and we are systematically and geographically eating our way across Europe in chocolate and candy. Thankfully some of it is quite awful and I can resist but the others…. well, I make him take them downstairs to his lair hopefully keeping them out of my reach. It is easy to succumb to temptation as this time of year is difficult, I lost Dad 5 days before Christmas some years ago and that feeling of despair creeps up on me about this time of year, its a strange mixture of delight and dread.

    I am also quite behind in my baking, this is the baking that I am to provide for Christmas dinner but the elves are eating it as fast as I bake it (even right out of the freezer!) I have threatened to skiver them but unless I bake other equally scrumptious treats to fill them up there will be nothing but a plate of crumbs as my contribution. The downstairs is decorated nicely by DH but the upstairs still has a dishevelled workshop appearance. Time to clean up! Only one more gift to wrap but it’s really big, I’ll need the help of my son and we will have to do it while my DH is asleep on the couch.

    Well our piggy finally went to market, almost 300 pounds of him, so Thursday night we drove down to Bashaw (a 3 hour round trip), joining other family members, to the cousin who had raised ‘Kevin Bacon’ and four of his siblings for the family feasts. At -28 degrees they could leave the piggy parts out in the truck while waiting for us to arrive that evening. He drove the truck into the garage so we had light and could see which boxes were ours. The truck box looked suspiciously lacking for five 300 pound pigs. Yes, we knew you only got about half the weight returned but when we opened our boxes, we found it hard to explain why one family got 10 roasts and we got three! Odd shaped pigs? There were no ribs, sausage, hawks, hams or lard ……. Our 300 pound pig had been reduced to about 50 pounds. Nothing made sense and the cousin was on the warpath! Put it all back in the truck box and I am taking back to the butchers tomorrow to get him to straighten it out. What a major screw-up! Apparently our messages never got relayed from the receiver to the cutter; the left hand didn’t know what the right hand was doing….. but it was finally resolved, extra boxes were found in the freezer and the cousin will be delivering most of our piggy on Sunday as he is coming up to his sisters for Christmas. The butcher will be making our sausage at no cost to assuage the cousin’s temper, sausage which we will get sometime in the New Year. I think the butcher is now on the black list.

    I am going to have to schedule time to get back her to read up on everyone's posts this weekend. Hope all is well with everyone.

    Wishing you all the very best,
    hugs, Kate

    ps. There is the snow * * * * right on schedule*
    * * *
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi my wonderful fitnesspal friends! Boy are these holidays tougher than I imagined! Since I really don’t get to holiday parties, I thought it would be easy. NOT! I’m trying to plan better because when I am at home I tend to make poor eating choices, so today will be a salad lunch and fruit for me so I can have beer-cheese soup tonight. Not the healthiest, but I haven’t made it in over a year and had a request for it this week, so here we go! I will also get on that danged elliptical today too! DH and DD#2 are out shopping and DD#1 has to work today, so I’ll be home along for quite a while.

    I need to get ½ my next chapter done, then I’m wrapping gifts and GULP baking cookies. I plan to give most of the cookies to neighbors, I don’t eat dough (bleh), and I’ll save a few for Christmas eve. We always have cookies while I read “The Night Before Christmas.” It’s so cute…..the girls bring all their dolls down and arrange them and try to get the animals to listen to. I have to show the pictures to “everyone”.

    Last night we watched the movie Ted. Pretty funny and it reminded me of the best Christmas gift ever. I almost cry still thinking about it. The first Christmas the girls were here, DD#1 wanted her Build-a-Bear to talk as her Christmas present. We tried to tell her that Santa doesn’t usually do that kind of thing..etc. But when I went by the Build-a-Bear store I saw they had recorders you could insert inside a bear before sewing it together. Operation Build-a-Bear was on!

    I had one of the employees record a message “HI Tanya. I love you. You’re my best friend!” Then we had her sit the bear under the tree Christmas eve. When she was asleep, I got the bear, opened him up, inserted the recorder, sewed him back together, and put him under the tree. The next day, at first she didn’t squeeze the right part and she was nearly in tears because he wouldn’t talk. So I told her to put him to bed because he was probably too tired from sitting up all night to talk. Halfway up the stairs, she hit the magic spot, the bear talked, and she started screaming and running around. We all ended up jumping up and down screaming and crying in the kitchen as the bear talked over and over again.

    Best $7 I ever spent in my whole life!:heart:

    I love the Christmas fitnesspal song! We should record it! I really love the water song! I used to love water and now I dread it. So I will commit that song to memory and sing it every day! That is once I quit laughing! :laugh:

    OMG Now I can’t quit singing Jingle bells fitness pals losing all the way!:laugh:

    Barbie: I hope all goes well with Jake’s appointment. Now I have read that the news was good and Jake will be ‘upgraded’ to the newest model. I’m sure you both feel better!:flowerforyou:

    Lila: be safe on your travels:flowerforyou:

    DebA: prayers and good thoughts for your dad!:flowerforyou:

    Wessecg: hooray for NORMAL!!!! Woot Woot YAY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy:

    Nancy: resist……the……wine……!:tongue:

    Sylviatx: I agree with your idea> Is eating this worth the calories…homemade cookies yes over box cake!:drinker:

    Janie: if you can drink the @#$^^*$# water, so can I!:bigsmile:

    Jolene: I love the part “this shirt smells, how much do I weigh?” LOL:tongue:

    JB: lol at holiday pudge from fudge!:laugh:

    Tigress: that’s what we used to do every new years…party at the marriott with a room overnight and breakfast the next day. Now no one around here does them anymore, so we’ll dance the night away at a restaurant where there will be 2 bands, buffet dinner, snacks, champagne, etc.:drinker:

    Texasgal: how did you ever figure out that stroke key art!

    Well ladies I am off to get some work accomplished! I have so enjoyed reading all the carols! They are a hoot! Have a great PLANNED day! Take care, Meg
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    OMG, I fell out of my chair laughing so hard. I love the jingle bells rewrites. :laugh: I have been sooo busy, and have not been keeping up. I vow to be better. The pool is having a contest on swimming starting next year, and I plan to win. DH is taking me to a New Years eve party at the Marriott. A room, dancing, dining, drinking ( I don't do alcohol), and he wants me do dress up. Big laugh on him, I don't have anything to dress up in. I hate buying clothes and haven't bought anything in a year. I will throw something together. Oh well, thanks all for the laugh, I needed it. Tigress

    That is exactly how I felt about shopping for clothes for my son's wedding, but my daughter saved me. She found a dress for me online, and then took me shopping twice. It was the most fun I ever had shopping. I found out that shopping is much more fun with a friend.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I had plan on posting right after I finish the dishes last night but I sat down in my lazy boy (should be called lazy girl) was only in it like for 10 minutes fell asleep was in that chair till morning. My neck is a little sore. But that goes with the rest of me I am hurting today. The last couple of days because of conditions outside I have been working out yo Richard Simmons sweating to the oldies. But I may need to come up with something. New for today.

    @Linda your day sounds like mine except for the game part. Taking my daughter on errands going nonstop once we leave here. I have my lists to make sure we get it done. My family laugh at my lists but I like my lists.

    @Dee and @Michelle I am with you as soon as. Christmas is over I take my decorations down. Ready for normal.

    I love putting them up and I do right after thanksgiving but. By Christmas I am ready to move on.

    @Barbie --good to hear about Jake.
    @Cheryl Congrats on getting into 150's
    @Amanda lucky you!!
    @ love all of these tunes.

    Wishing everyone a good day now off to do my errands.

    50+ and hoping to find some friends/support from a group that can understand menopause, diet, and possibly chronic pain...
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: Good Morning from the West Coast, my friends.

    @Kate - Good idea to leave people's words as compliments, despite the fact that half of those words are not! the older I get the less I worry about what comes out of people's mouths. I TRY to assume they mean well.:wink: My DH is one of those who speaks before he thinks; tact is not one of his strong points.

    @gabuller - welcome, you have stumbled upon a lovely group of supportive ladies. Tell us a little about yourself when you are ready to do so.

    @Barbie - so, Jake is gonna have a new model, or be a new model :bigsmile: . The thought about the difference made me chuckle. You sure still made it into an active day. And I am happy about the good news.

    @Megblair - I love how you all jumped around so happy that the bear talked. Best $7 spent indeed.:tongue:

    @Deedee - pink hair for Christmas!:laugh: The curling iron must have caused some kind of chemical reaction with something in your hair. If that is what it was, it would perhaps not wash out. Never heard of it before. Did you google for a possible solution?

    @Amanda - so nice to see your posts!:flowerforyou:

    @all - love the songs! I am going to print them and keep them handy :laugh:

    Yesterday was not my best day, although I made good food choices, I apparently made too many :tongue: so went over my calories after I thought I was finished for the day:grumble: I woke up at 3 AM last night, which often happens to me. Saturday mornings mean that I at least can eventually go back to sleep and get some more sleep in.

    I have come to enjoy an egg white and veggie breakfast. Puts me on a great path for the day.

    I (re)started logging on December 1st with a mind not to gain over the holiday season. Instead, I lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks. So, I am encouraged. It seems that once I had made up my mind not to eat everything in sight, it was much easier to stick with healthy eating.

    This year all our 4 kids and their significant others will be with us on Boxing Day. I am looking forward to it.

    My post has gone on longer than I had planned! Have a great day and ttyl

    :heart: Rebel
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    ★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★Merry*★* 。*˛.
    ˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* Christmas*★ 。*
    ˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥Everyone ♥ ˛* ˛*
    .°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。
    *(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .

    Happy that you enjoyed the keystroke art - it is something borrowed; although I recognize the keystrokes from the character map I do not have the patience anymore to do - all the same wishing everyone a joyful day and make a good noise!

    Liz, I have one of those fall asleep chairs - I hope you are feeling healthier and pain-free as the day goes on.

    Personally, I keep my decorations up until after the New Year typically. I don't usually have them up until sometime in December. Today I am putting the stockings on the mantle. Good thing I don't decorate nearly as much anymore or it would be New Year's :laugh:

    This year I am giving my six grandchildren money balls for Christmas - posting a picture below only I did put them in a box to be be opened.

    Meg, that is a touching memory of your teddy bear Christmas - ready to make new memories?!

    Kate, wish you much success in retrieving your share of the piggies.

    Later- off to do some housecleaning and minimal deco.

  • cws4me
    cws4me Posts: 25
    Today I decided that I will enjoy and give thanks for each day I have. I came back to MFP and have made a commitment to myself. I saw you message board and would like to become a part of your group. I am 56 yrs old and just trying to get back to a normal weight. I know happiness is within yourself but I sure would love to be a normal size again :) I will check in for inspiratiion and words of wisdom and hopefully I can add some to someone who needs it. Good luck and happy day to all.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Welcome csw4!

    Just a note to tell all of the amazing and creative pals here that I have not stopped laughing about the wonderful songs you
    have created.....:bigsmile:
    So I give thanks to all of you...:drinker:

    Just putting out some greenery, tree is trimmed, and there is a lot to do, but...I need to see a longtime friend who has come back for a Christmas visit...so, people before presents!

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Merry Christmas, y'all~
    for those of you who have LOST this month, Congratulations! :flowerforyou:

    for those of you who haven't~ hang in there! :happy:

    for folks like me who have gained, and will probably gain even more b4 January, it's the Holidays! :ohwell:

    hoping i get back on track when i return to school. :smile:

    yes, my doc has "given me my wings" and agrees that i should at least TRY to go back to school and see how it goes. :happy:

    if i stumble or step wrong, and mess things up, i guess i can go back to him, and get another med leave pass....

    i will do the research on health insurance plans after retiring.....

    i didn't mean to ramble on about this~ all i was going to say was "i wish you all a Wonderful, Blessed Christmas and Time with

    your families and loved ones! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Janie- Happy to hear that you got the okay to go back to work!

    I am among those who are gaining- just a little, but know I will get back on track before the first of the year. I am off from school for a bit, so no excuses for the exercise. Eating has been okay.

    I hope you and your family hace a peaceful, relaxing holiday season.

    Deb A
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Noooooo, for the second time ever I had something written to almost everyone and it's GONE!!!! NOOOO.

    Well, I had a comment for DeeDee about her pink hair, Megblair and Liz for something I don't remember.

    Texas - still looking for a helmet.

    J - your jingle will stick with us.

    Junekaatz - I actually love when someone remembers how big I was.

    Barb - thanks for combining all the jingles.

    Worried about New year's eve party - don't know if I want to eat my calories or drink them :drinker:

    This morning I wanted to make certain I was truly in the 150's, and instead of 158.6 I was exactly 158!! I'm not going to record it or weigh myself again until Friday but that would be so cool if I could be .6 down for next week.

    Well, everyone have happy happy holidays. I love those money balls.:laugh:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy Holidays. I started my winter break today. 11 days off. Yahoo!

    My husband is so sweet. He was willing to buy me a ticket to go see Holly, Brie and Olivia next week because I was so sad about not being with them for Christmas. But then I looked at how much it would cost and I decided it would be better to fly down for a weekend near Olive's first birthday. It will cost about $300 less and I can then spend money on Olivia! The fact that he was willing to was so sweet but I don't feel right spending that much money for a day or two on short notice. I love that he thought about doing it. And now I am not as sad about not being there because I know I can be there next month.

    While on my break I am going to enjoy cooking. I am going to cook the free turkey I got at thanksgiving. I don't know what two people will do with a 20 pound bird but I bet I will get creative with leftover turkey recipes.

    Have a great weekend.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Noooooo, for the second time ever I had something written to almost everyone and it's GONE!!!! NOOOO.

    I know the feeling. Someone gave me this tip, which I found very helpful when I write a longer post: write/save your post in Word or Notepad and then when you're done, paste it here.

    :heart: Reb
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There made it back before there's 5 pages to read never got time to read them all.

    It's not the pig that you wanted to lose weight. It was you LOL.
    Glad you found all your missing meat. It's so darn expensive you don't want to get just 1/4 of it.

    Guess I missed those songs but sometimes they have them in our tops books.

    Texas gal
    I like those money balls great idea I've never seen any around here.

    Good for you for attempting going back to work. If you can't do it then you can retire. But you will have the satisfaction of trying.

    I have so much to do and just don't feel like it. But I need to get going or Christmas will pass me by.
    Went and got the rest of the presents today. So that's done but now to wrap them all.

    Merry Christmas to all. Not here yet but just in case I don't make it back but I will be here.

    Linda C