Long hair - everyday a wash?



  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    My hair is very long and I wash it every other day, I don't consider that gross at all. I try to plan my workouts on days that I'm going to wash my hair. If working out on a non-hair wash day, a braid works well, or even a bun.
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I have always washed my hair every day. My hair is long, just brushing the top of the waistband of my jeans, and somewhat curly and quite healthy. I can't leave my hair for more than a day without washing it. The occasional day off from work if I don't leave the house or have plans, I may not wash it.. but it's limp and greasy at practically the 24 hour mark from my last shower/washing. Like others have said here, I don't blowdry or curl/straighten it out, and rarely even use styling products in it.
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    asian people wash their hair every day.
    How do you know? Did you ask all of them?
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    my hair is long (middle of my back) and I wash it every day. It's curly, so i wake up with giant, crazy hair.

    When I straighten it, sometimes I'll wash it the night before instead, blow dry it straight, and use a flat iron in the morning. I use a morrocan oil and condition it often. it's pretty healthy and shiny.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    My hair is long and I do not wash it everyday. I find that after I take it down it dries and doesn't leave me feeling all gross. I have very dry damaged hair (If I knew I was going to grow it out I would not have beleached it) I add leave in conditioner on the days I don't wash. It is always pulled back or up when I work out.
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    I wish my hair everyday, I feel dirty if I don't.
    My hair seems to be fine.. :huh:
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    I wash my hair once a week in winter and around 3 times a week in summer. I have long hair and I colour it very frequently, so I also use a henna wax conditioning masque every couple of weeks to get it better condition. I only use tresemme moisture shampoo, other brands like pantene irritate my scalp and leave my hair dull.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    My hair is waist-length, and I wash my scalp every morning. I don't, however, wash the length. I suppose some shampoo does get on it as I'm rinsing it, but there's no need to shampoo your length daily. I do use conditioner after every wash. I oil my hair 3-4 times a week, in the evenings, and leave it on overnight. I sleep with my hair in a side braid. Jojoba, coconut and argan oil are good choices. Plain old olive oil will work as well. If you're worried about drying your hair with daily washes, try conditioner-only washes. Most conditioners contain some cleansing agents, and you can wash your scalp and hair using just conditioner. It works great for getting rid of the post-workout sweat.

    If you want to keep your hair healthy, the best thing to do is to treat it like antique lace. Heat - hair dryers, curling irons, flat irons - are all murder on hair. Avoid them whenever possible. Always comb your hair, starting at the ends and working your way up the length. Don't drag tangles - that causes breakage. Stop and run the knot backwards to get it out. Go easy on styling products that contain a lot of "cones" - silicone, dimethicone, etc. - in the ingredients. They build up and dull the hair over time. Don't use a brush often on your hair - once or twice a day is plenty. Brushing also causes breakage.

    Check out the Long Hair Community - an online forum for long hair - for lots of tips and advice. Good luck!
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    I am caucasian with normal to oily hair. Right now it's only a bit above my shoulders but it used to be down my back. Typically, even if I didn't work out, I would need to wash it every day with shampoo - every other day at the most, or it would get too greasy. I condition almost every day, too, to keep it soft, shiny, healthy. If I work out and sweat, I need to wash, and sometimes repeat!
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    Also - If I shower and do not wash my hair, I need to wear a shower cap. If my hair gets soaking wet but not washed, it becomes more greasy lol not sure how, but it does.
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    Personally, I think the health of your hair is based ALOT on the shampoo and conditioner you use.

    Agreed - you don't have to go all out for salon products, but if you shop around you can get nicer shampoos and conditioners cheap or on sale. I need to switch up the kind I use every few months (or just when there is a sale or coupon lol) or else my hair gets too used to it and isn't as healthy. Maybe that's just me though lol
  • Kristen_nicole95
    Kristen_nicole95 Posts: 112 Member
    I wash every other day and condition every day
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I don't wash my hair everyday unless I get especially sweaty from activity or have used an extra amount of hairspray etc. I just rinse my hair under warm water. That usually gets out most of the styling products I use and if needed I use some conditioner.
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    I wash mine every day; have since I was 14!

    You just have to be careful with which shampoo/conditioner you use. Make sure that whatever you use is designed to be used daily. I do all the naughty things, like colour, blow dry, straighening irons... but my hair is still really healthy. Perhaps I'm just lucky!

    If I just rinse, somehow my hair ends up MEGA greasy - worse than if I do nothing. Not sure what that's all about.

    lol same!
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I have a job that I can wear sweat pants, pajamas or whatever I want. No makeup, etc. So, I usually wash every other day. Even when I was doing Insanity and sweating bullets every day, still just every other day.

    The only reason I don't wash every day is pure laziness. My hair is long, fine and is hard to comb out after a shower and I just don't want to mess with it. In extreme cases, I will flip my head over and put some baby powder or cornstarch at my roots, then pull it back up in a messy bun. Works for me. If I have somewhere nice to go, then I'll definitely wash it. Otherwise, I'm a hot mess with dirty hair every other day. :wink:
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have long hair and I could not go without a wash after working out. The results would be gross. When I don't workout, I may just shower and give my hair a rest. Works well.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I have dry hair so I only wash it a couple times a week, and use a dry shampoo in between.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I also find not washing it after sweating to be pretty icky. BUT, sometimes I will wet it and apply conditioner if I had just washed the previous day because I don't think it's really dirty at that point and well the conditioner is gonna help with any smell.

    I also found a great product, it's similar to that Wen stuff but much cheaper. It's a cleansing conditioner by Salon Grafix. I don't think I would use this everyday, bc some days I just need a shampoo, but this is a good alternative to using shampoo everyday imho.

  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I can tuck my hair into my waistband. I wash it every other day. I can't go longer than that and I've never tried dry shampoo. I braid it for workouts and overnight and sometimes all day. As long as you're taking care of it and not abusing it with heat drying and styling you should be fine if you want to wash it every day. I wash it, comb conditioner through and let is sit for a few minutes, rinse, towel dry, comb it out and let it air dry before brushing it. Once or twice a month I'll use hair oil on the ends to help protect it.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I wash mine every other day. I have a TON of hair. It's almost back down to my butt now and it's very thick. When I wash it everyday it gets really frizzy. I just keep it in a really high ponytail when I work out. And it's worked out that I wash it on run days, because I'm drenched those days.