is being skinny worth it?



  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Wait! Wouldn't that mean end thread? :laugh:

    das ist richtig...

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    My Sarkasmus detector is down. That was a joke right? "Das ist richtig." means "That's right."

    Who cares what it means......It's not in English and we all know how important it is to follow the forum rules.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Why do I always have to be that guy...but screw it here I go. Im calling bull**** on all the people who say all they care about is being healthy not skinny. Let's be honest everyone wants to look good naked and atractive to the opposite sex. This isn't superficial or wrong it's in our DNA our very being and that fine. Don't get me wrong I do wanna be healthy and live a long life for me and my kids. But when I take my shirt off now and I catch my wife checking me out and staring at these fancy new muscles, hell yeah its worth it!

    Yes, but you are looking at an isolated portion of the question. For one thing, when it comes to men, emaciation is not glorified to the extent it is with women. So for you being ripped with muscle is your goal. And that goal is worth it. But that does not mean you are sacrificing to be skinny.

    You are conflating skinny with attractiveness. Leanness, health, confidence. All of these are components of attractiveness.Case and point, I got down to 129lbs, and there are women well below that weight at my height range (I'm 5'3"). But I was not comfy-I could see my bottom rib. To me this was neither healthy nor attractive. So I made the decision to gain weight again. Now I'm a smidge over my goal weight (about 5-7 lbs) of where I am the most comfortable - 135 or so.

    So yes. It is worth avoiding processed junk, cooking my own dinners, planning out my grocery lists, and being smart about going out with my friends. Yes it is worth working out 6 days a week. Yes it is worth getting up early and going to be early. Yes it is worth drinking all that water and peeing like a damn racehorse all day long. But not to be skinny. To be healthy and happy. To be lean and strong. To have energy to do all the things I want to do from running to work to school to going out.

    That's what my sacrifices are worth.
  • chnkysoup
    chnkysoup Posts: 79 Member
    I probably wouldn't have started "dieting" if my body didn't hurt all the time. But I think it is worth it, nothing can top that feeling of accomplishment and being truly happy with the way you look and the way you fit into clothes.
  • For me, it's not a case of being skinny. It's basic survival. I have a lot of major health issues, and I AM obese. So...if I want to live and have some kind of quality of life, I HAVE to lose weight. Getting "skinny" will have major health benefits for me, but being "skinny" is only a fringe benefit. A lot of us are doing this for our health. :heart:
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Honestly, I got skinny by eating GOOD TASTING delicious healthy food (along with portion control, of course).

    I enjoy eating so much more than I did when I was fat. I savor every bite. I don't feel sick afterwards, have grease stomach, or feel sluggish.

    It 100% worth it a million times over.

    And it's not just being skinny, or fitting into a size 2. It's the amount of energy I have, the fact I can do multiple pull up. I can do squat thrusts, high knees, jumping plyometic moves, and my balance and coordination are out of this world.

    It is sooooo worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    For me, this is all worth it because of a few reasons. The superficial, yes I want to look better, but also FEEL like I look better. I want to look in the mirror and not cringe. I want to not hide behind people in photos. I want to walk into a store knowing I can find whatever pants/shirt/dress that I'm looking for and it will look good and be something I want to buy and not just something that fits. But keep in mind my goal is not to be "skinny" or even fit in a bikini. I want to be a size 8/10, which with my height and how I carry things should be about 140-150lbs. I have a boyfriend who loved me and thought I was beautiful at 211lbs so what guys think of me have nothing to do with why I'm here and what I'm doing.

    The health reasons, my mom died from Diabetes when I was 18 (she was 41 years old). My sister was diagnosed with it 3 years ago and struggles everyday with medications, food choices, weight, checking her blood sugar and being petrified of dying young like our mom. I don't want to have to struggle like that with a disease I can prevent myself from getting to a degree. We also have heart disease on both sides of my family with people dying by their late 50's/early 60's. I'm breaking that cycle.

    I also have a chronic knee injury and the 25lbs I've lost so far has taken 200lbs of pressure off my knee. I can't tell you how much PAIN that has elleviated. I can climb up stairs (somewhat awkwardly but I can do it!). I can sleep through the night now without waking up from intense aching. I haven't been forced to sit down in tears, waiting out a wave of pain in over 5 months. I haven't had to take pain medication stronger than Aleve in 5 months. The biggest thing? I can jog for 2 minutes straight. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but 5 months ago I could barely make it through 2 miles of a Leslie Sansone power walking video. I've signed up for a 5k in January which I know I will have to walk at least half of, but thats okay because I've never done a 5k anything in my entire life.

    All of this wouldn't be possible without all of the things I've done the last 5 months to get to where I am now and is definitely worth logging my food, exercising even when I'm tired and all the other stuff.
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    really, is it worth all the time and effort that women put into eating foods they don't really love, exercising when they'd rather not, and just not being truly happy to be "skinny?" what do men/women really think about skinny women, and what do you women think about society and feeling like you must achieve a certain body image to be considered attractive? do you wish you could just eat and not exercise and let your body do what it wants and be happy like that, or do you feel content with eating diet foods or restricting calories, daily exercise, and feeling the pressure to be skinny?

    this is not meant to offend anyone of any body type, i'm just curious as to what you all think! society frustrates me sometimes. :p

    I have so many thoughts on this. I don't think that anyone should lose weight to become skinny for any reason other than to make themselves happy. If someone is happy with how they are, but think they should lose weight because they don't look like a model or because a chart says they should, then that's crap.

    I tried for years to convince myself that I was happy just as I was. A year ago, I was a 5'3" size 28/30, and 200 pounds overweight (based on BMI). I was not happy. I was too tired to do ANYTHING. Just getting dressed would be an exhausting thought. I would collapse on the couch as soon as I got home from work because I was so worn out by just existing.

    At that size, I also used to think that I would be happy just to get to size 18. Guess what? After 100 pound loss, I'm there and not ready to be done yet. I'm no longer exhausted all the time, but I'm no where close to being as in shape as I want to be. It's all me, because my opinion on my body is the only one that counts. I'm sure that I'm going to be "done" WAY before I hit a size that "society" would deem acceptable.

    So, the simple answer for me is yes. Yes, the exercise and calorie restriction is completely worth it since otherwise I'd still be 200 pounds overweight and just existing instead of actually living. But it has nothing to do with what anyone else thinks.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I live a healthy lifestyle - I don't want to be skinny. I want to be FIT & HEALTHY! There's a bit difference.

    Also, when it becomes your lifestyle, you are not restricting calories, or forcing yourself to do things you don't want to do or eat things you don't like to eat. I crave healthy foods (sure I splurge once in a while, but when I do like on the holidays it feels so freakin good to get back to my normal healthy eating the next day)..... working out is part of my day now - like taking a shower. I WANT to go to the gym..... I WANT to go run this half marathon on Sunday...... I WANT to make healthy choices because I feel so much better when I do - it has nothing with wanting to be skinny because that isn't my goal. Skinny does not equal healthy
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Is being skinny worth it? YES!

    I don't eat foods that I don't like. I don't starve myself. I enjoy good foods, snacks and junk food. Just in moderation. Being overweight can cause a lot of health problems. There's a lot of heart disease in my family and hopefully one of the ways I avoid that is by eating right and exercising.

    And to be totally honest. I'm vain. I don't want rolls. I don't want a muffin top. I don't want my arms to be bigger than my boyfriends. I don't want back fat. I want to continue shopping off the rack and not have to worry they won't have my size some day.

    I don't want to be 100 lbs. I want to be 125. I want to look and be healthy.

    Yes, of course there are days when I don't want to go to the gym and I have to push myself and I end up feeling a million times better about myself when I do.
  • patinaragazza
    patinaragazza Posts: 37 Member
    I guess until you try the exercise and eating really don't know what your body wants. I believe that if you give the exercise and eating a true chance (at least 6 months) and it still feels forced and miserable then maybe yes, it is not worth it to be skinny and its best to just have a change of attitude about your body image. I truly believe there are men and women out their that just are not going to be dieters and exercisers. Women and men who work hard, play hard and the way their body looks just does not matter. But I don't think its fair to your psyche until you give the exercise and just a tiny bit of mindful eating a try. I know I struggled in the past with wanting to be ok with myself the way I was--but frankly I was not happy with the way I was. And now I know why my body (and mind) likes to be healthy and for the past 4 months--I feel better than I have in 11 years. I have not lost a lot of weight and but damn--my body is changing and I feel sore and awesome!
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