is being skinny worth it?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I want to be skinny but not ana-skinny and still be able to eat a pizza here and there
    unfortunately, the skinnies are treated better than overweight, like when you apply for a job, companies (almost always) pick the skinny over the "average"

    Do you have a source for this?

    well, a friend of my dad works in the staff department and before they even read the applications, they look at the photo and decide then if they even wanna see the rest of the application, and he said they reject the "ugly" and "fat" ones

    I also see it myself, I want a new job, keep applying (with great refenrences, skills etc) but I hardly get invited to interviews, ok here I don't know for sure its cos of my overweight, but its the only reason I could imagine so *shrug*

    (maybe its just the grumpy-me that sses everything pessimistic tho xD )

    When did you start having to have photos attached to your resumes?

    always have to in Germany ;x

    I even tried applying w/o photo and I didn't even get an answer at all :(

    So glad we don't have to do this! I look HORRIBLE in photos. Nothing like I look IRL.

    What is the logic behind that?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I want to be skinny but not ana-skinny and still be able to eat a pizza here and there
    unfortunately, the skinnies are treated better than overweight, like when you apply for a job, companies (almost always) pick the skinny over the "average"

    Do you have a source for this?

    well, a friend of my dad works in the staff department and before they even read the applications, they look at the photo and decide then if they even wanna see the rest of the application, and he said they reject the "ugly" and "fat" ones

    I also see it myself, I want a new job, keep applying (with great refenrences, skills etc) but I hardly get invited to interviews, ok here I don't know for sure its cos of my overweight, but its the only reason I could imagine so *shrug*

    (maybe its just the grumpy-me that sses everything pessimistic tho xD )

    When did you start having to have photos attached to your resumes?

    always have to in Germany ;x

    I even tried applying w/o photo and I didn't even get an answer at all :(

    So glad we don't have to do this! I look HORRIBLE in photos. Nothing like I look IRL.

    What is the logic behind that?
    Anything involving customers; the logic is the more attractive your staff, the more likely people are to spend time in your store/office buying your products.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    really, is it worth all the time and effort that women put into eating foods they don't really love, exercising when they'd rather not, and just not being truly happy to be "skinny?" what do men/women really think about skinny women, and what do you women think about society and feeling like you must achieve a certain body image to be considered attractive? do you wish you could just eat and not exercise and let your body do what it wants and be happy like that, or do you feel content with eating diet foods or restricting calories, daily exercise, and feeling the pressure to be skinny?

    this is not meant to offend anyone of any body type, i'm just curious as to what you all think! society frustrates me sometimes. :p

    Ive lost a hundred pounds.

    I only eat food I love.
    I exercise regardless if I feel like it because I was taught by the age of 3 (and on through Physical Education in every grade of school) that physical activity is a necessary and fundamental part of life and there is no reason why people graduate highschool and stop exercising as though it was some temporary BS for teenagers.
    I was not truly happy when I was over 250 pounds.
    I am truly happy now! Running and playing and up and down the stairs and in and out of trees and hills and bikes and laughter and pulling my jeans down without having to unbutton them. Im not freaking skinny - Im fit.
    I eat real food not diet food.
    I realized that I thought of a certain body type as te4h most beautiful and decided to go get it for myself...

    If these are the thinks that are going through your brain that make you wanna quit - baby you are doing this for ALLLLLLLLLL the wrong reasons....

    Im not even sure what your point is here.

    MEN dont think one thing is attractive.
    you dont have to starve yourself, eat nasty bland food and do two hours of cardio a day to get small.
    who the hell is teaching you people these things.

    Wrong post is wrong.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    really, is it worth all the time and effort that women put into eating foods they don't really love, exercising when they'd rather not, and just not being truly happy to be "skinny?" what do men/women really think about skinny women, and what do you women think about society and feeling like you must achieve a certain body image to be considered attractive? do you wish you could just eat and not exercise and let your body do what it wants and be happy like that, or do you feel content with eating diet foods or restricting calories, daily exercise, and feeling the pressure to be skinny?

    this is not meant to offend anyone of any body type, i'm just curious as to what you all think! society frustrates me sometimes. :p

    My goal isn't to be skinny.............but rather to get back to being Athletic and fit like I was when I was in the Army. I am all about fit and being healthy.

    I don't give a hoot about society and what they think. I care about me and how I look. I have never been "model thin", but I was once very fit and muscular, in which some men do not like due to looking "masculine"......pfffft whatever.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I want to be skinny but not ana-skinny and still be able to eat a pizza here and there
    unfortunately, the skinnies are treated better than overweight, like when you apply for a job, companies (almost always) pick the skinny over the "average"

    Do you have a source for this?

    well, a friend of my dad works in the staff department and before they even read the applications, they look at the photo and decide then if they even wanna see the rest of the application, and he said they reject the "ugly" and "fat" ones

    I also see it myself, I want a new job, keep applying (with great refenrences, skills etc) but I hardly get invited to interviews, ok here I don't know for sure its cos of my overweight, but its the only reason I could imagine so *shrug*

    (maybe its just the grumpy-me that sses everything pessimistic tho xD )

    When did you start having to have photos attached to your resumes?

    always have to in Germany ;x

    I even tried applying w/o photo and I didn't even get an answer at all :(

    So glad we don't have to do this! I look HORRIBLE in photos. Nothing like I look IRL.

    What is the logic behind that?
    Anything involving customers; the logic is the more attractive your staff, the more likely people are to spend time in your store/office buying your products.

    Wow. I have never, ever considered the aesthetic appeal of staff when choosing a store. I look at price and quality of product. I don't even know what staff will look like until I walk in and then I'm not looking at the people but the products themselves.

    What a shame. Is this the case, though, for a job that doesn't involve face time with customers?
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I don't necessarily think being skinny is worth it, and that was my goal when I started this endeavor.

    I do think that being fit, healthy, confident, strong and more emotionally balanced is definitely worth it.

    I believe that being free of the shame and guilt I felt when I would binge and attempt to fix the difficulties in my life by consuming massive amounts of food is worth it.

    I believe that the pride and sense of accomplishment, not to mention the endorphin rush, that I get when I accomplish a workout or fitness goal that I never dreamed I would be able to do is worth it.

    I believe that my daughter would tell you that having a healthy, active mom who isn't ashamed to attend events and socialize with other parents is worth it.

    I believe that being able to do things without worrying about a weight or size limit (horseback riding, amusement park rides, flying on a plane) is worth it.

    Would I put forth this much effort simply to be a size that society deems attractive or acceptable? Probably not, but I've learned that there is a lot more to this than a number on a scale or a size on a tag in my jeans.

  • brittany103
    brittany103 Posts: 96 Member
    It's definitely worth it, I would rather be unhappy about what I'm eating, than unhappy about the way I look.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    really, is it worth all the time and effort that women put into eating foods they don't really love, exercising when they'd rather not, and just not being truly happy to be "skinny?" what do men/women really think about skinny women, and what do you women think about society and feeling like you must achieve a certain body image to be considered attractive? do you wish you could just eat and not exercise and let your body do what it wants and be happy like that, or do you feel content with eating diet foods or restricting calories, daily exercise, and feeling the pressure to be skinny?

    this is not meant to offend anyone of any body type, i'm just curious as to what you all think! society frustrates me sometimes. :p

    Being skinny is not worth it. But being healthy and fit is!!!!!!! I ENJOY eating healthy foods, I ENJOY exercise and I ENJOY the rewards that come from it. My goal is not a size, a number. It's to be the best I can be, healthy, fit, happy, centered and balanced. Healthy mind, healthy body!
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member
    :noway: Im not aiming ot be skinny. I am aiming ot be healthy and I am not doing it for anyone but for myself! There is a difference
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Exercising and being active has so many benefits to my well being and happiness and I need to exercise in order to do what I love (dance) and to keep my muscles strong to prevent further injury to my joints. There are times when I don't want to exercise, but if we all never had any discipline we would actually be less happy (I'm always glad when I push through the inertia and get moving). Eating well and with moderation is not a hardship to me. I enjoy my food and feel nourished and healthy and I get to eat every single day (something to be thankful for). Having a fit body is enjoyable to me as well.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I agree with all of the other ladies who say they aren't shooting for "skinny" so much as healthy. I still eat almost everything I want, just in smaller quantities, and I feel stronger and healthier than I've ever been. It is SO worth it.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    really, is it worth all the time and effort that women put into eating foods they don't really love, exercising when they'd rather not, and just not being truly happy to be "skinny?"

    I eat all my favorite foods (just not tons and tons of it), I only exercise when I feel like it (exercise feels good to me, so I usually look forward to it), and I'm very happy being at a healthy, slim weight. You don't have to be miserable to be "skinny." If you're miserable, you're doing it wrong! :flowerforyou:
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm a nurse. You need to change your focus. Not skinny, healthy. You are decreasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, diabetes. Keep pushing.

    I agree with this. However, I'm not going to lie, YES, it is worth it to be skinny. It's okay to be a little vain and feel good about all the attention you get after you lose weight. The compliments make the hard work worth it. Your focus should most definitely be on getting healthy, but the compliments definitely help keep you motivated.
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    Yes, I want to be skinny.

    Edit- (for vanity, and fitness)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I want to be skinny but not ana-skinny and still be able to eat a pizza here and there
    unfortunately, the skinnies are treated better than overweight, like when you apply for a job, companies (almost always) pick the skinny over the "average"

    Do you have a source for this?

    well, a friend of my dad works in the staff department and before they even read the applications, they look at the photo and decide then if they even wanna see the rest of the application, and he said they reject the "ugly" and "fat" ones

    I also see it myself, I want a new job, keep applying (with great refenrences, skills etc) but I hardly get invited to interviews, ok here I don't know for sure its cos of my overweight, but its the only reason I could imagine so *shrug*

    (maybe its just the grumpy-me that sses everything pessimistic tho xD )

    When did you start having to have photos attached to your resumes?

    always have to in Germany ;x

    I even tried applying w/o photo and I didn't even get an answer at all :(


    When did Germany start putting so much focus on something as meaningless and trivial as your looks/heredity?
  • Oops25
    Oops25 Posts: 68 Member
    I recently reached my goal and though I am not stick-thin or sickly skinny, I am skinny now & believe me, I am loving it ! And I think it is totally worth it, it was worth all the hard work that I put-in & it is worth me restricting myself from bad food in the future too.. Coz honestly, bad food might give you momentary pleasure but when you stay healthy & fit, you have a lifetime of pleasure ! Its tough to push yourself to go exercise when you would rather want to just laze on the couch, but again it is totally worth it when you see your tummy melting, your hands getting definition & you becoming sexier by the day..

    The above was my personal opinion, others might have a different philosophy but I know that I have never been happy whenever I put on weight, couldn't be happier than now since I am skinny now & I wish I stay like this for the rest of my life !
  • Suzyqall72
    Who knows since I'm not.

    I really wanted to reply to the other issue-the job ramifications of being heavy. I knew a girl who applied at a large theme park for a job. They told her that if she wanted to work for them, she would have to work underground because she did not fit their physical profile to meet customers. She didn't feel like it, so she didn't take the job. I've also read studies that say that teachers spend more time with attractive children. I think that's reality.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    really, is it worth all the time and effort that women put into eating foods they don't really love, exercising when they'd rather not, and just not being truly happy to be "skinny?" what do men/women really think about skinny women, and what do you women think about society and feeling like you must achieve a certain body image to be considered attractive? do you wish you could just eat and not exercise and let your body do what it wants and be happy like that, or do you feel content with eating diet foods or restricting calories, daily exercise, and feeling the pressure to be skinny?

    this is not meant to offend anyone of any body type, i'm just curious as to what you all think! society frustrates me sometimes. :p

    You're doing it wrong. I eat what I like and what fuels me to be fit, when I exercise I do activities that I enjoy. I find great satisfaction in my lifestyle.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I don't consider myself "skinny", but I am in a healthy weight range and physically fit. I don't give up any foods I like. I exercise a lot, but generally doing things I really enjoy (like playing hockey). You don't have to deprive yourself to meet your goals... as many people say, moderation is key. On a day when you want to splurge and have some "sinful" foods, just make sure to burn off some calories being active in some way.
  • wow29
    wow29 Posts: 283 Member
    really, is it worth all the time and effort that women put into eating foods they don't really love, exercising when they'd rather not, and just not being truly happy to be "skinny?" what do men/women really think about skinny women, and what do you women think about society and feeling like you must achieve a certain body image to be considered attractive? do you wish you could just eat and not exercise and let your body do what it wants and be happy like that, or do you feel content with eating diet foods or restricting calories, daily exercise, and feeling the pressure to be skinny?

    this is not meant to offend anyone of any body type, i'm just curious as to what you all think! society frustrates me sometimes. :p
    It is not just about being skinny anymore, not that that isn't a part of it, I want to live a long and healthy and happy life. I need to be able to move about easily to do or try what I need or enjoy to do without carrying an extra 60 lbs,