It seems sugar is in everything!!!



  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    yea I just try to keep a minimum on high fructose corn syrup. I don't like sweet foods that much but I have to have a couple of teaspoons of sugar in my coffee. I won't give it up.
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    the sugar recommendation on MFP is crazy low. two pieces of fruit and you're over.

    i wouldn't worry about it in the slightest. don't track it.

    This is how I feel. I only track carbs protein and fat. Sugar and sodium would just discourage me.
  • RobKarmic
    RobKarmic Posts: 108 Member
    A weight loss book written by an engineer would be one sentence long "To lose weight; you must consume less calories than you use."
    it's not about sugar eat whatever you want
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    the sugar recommendation on MFP is crazy low. two pieces of fruit and you're over.

    i wouldn't worry about it in the slightest. don't track it.

    This is how I feel. I only track carbs protein and fat. Sugar and sodium would just discourage me.

    you should keep an eye on sodium. too much can cause water retention and weight gain.
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    Most fruits have a "no sugar count" option that has been added to the database...I use those when adding fruit to my diary because I am not going to worry about fruit sugar intake. That way I have a better idea how much sugar I'm consuming from foods like chocolate, bread, milk, etc. That said, I don't worry about it too much - I just don't like to see my numbers go into the red from 1 banana.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Man 3 sugar threads in less than 30 minutes......... lol


    Never tracked a single gram of sugar over the last 41 months and have managed to drop a few pounds.... Concentrate on your calorie intake and your main macros (Protein, Fat, and Carbs) and let the rest fall in line. I still put 2 scoops of Domino Pure cane sugar in my coffee every morning for breakfast.....
    Whoa, how could you ruin a good cup of coffee like that?! :(
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    I had this for breakfast.


    *licks screen*
  • shade0343
    shade0343 Posts: 59 Member
    I tend to agree with the comment about just watching out for products with sugar added. The sugars in fruit for instance come with fibre which slows their absorption into the body. High fructose syrup, etc can lead to metabolic disorder. I am slowly eating up the stuff with sugar added I already have and NOT buying anymore. When I do use sugar it's the minimally processed kind and usually 1/2 to 1/3 the recommended amount. You become really appreciative sugar and honey when you are not burying food in it. Just how I look at it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    please see my friends thread

    he eats lots of sugar. he's fine.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Most fruits have a "no sugar count" option that has been added to the database...I use those when adding fruit to my diary because I am not going to worry about fruit sugar intake. That way I have a better idea how much sugar I'm consuming from foods like chocolate, bread, milk, etc. That said, I don't worry about it too much - I just don't like to see my numbers go into the red from 1 banana.

    So these are the cause of the unnecessary database entries of incorrect/incomplete information. Wish they'd purge these along with the "net carbs" entries. And then I wish people would stop screwing up the public database with their bizarre food views.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Sugar doesn't matter, just track carbs instead.
  • rsm535
    rsm535 Posts: 12 Member
    I feel ya! I always go over my sugar limit so fast on here. Just don't pay attention to the sugar amount that mfp adds up, since so many foods have natural sugars that aren't bad for you. Just don't eat foods that have added sugars and you'll be good! :)

    I can't say Ditto fast enough. Don't stress on the sugar content of foods that come from the produce section. Just watch the sugar content of what little processed foods that you eat. And, familiarize yourself on how to recognize different types of sugar that you'll find in ingredient labels.. Which is pretty much almost anything that ends with "ose", or the "healthy" sounding ones such as "evaporated cane juice".

    All in all, sugar IS a natural product, but just be careful about the amounts that are snuck in with processed foods.
  • Kellikat80
    Kellikat80 Posts: 591 Member
    I had this for breakfast.


    *licks screen*

    Looks amazing! Chocolate is a weakness. I do indulge in some dark chocolate, but I try to limit it. I appreciate everyone's posts. I do get a lot of my sugar from fruit and milk. But, I also love bread and pasta, which I buy whole wheat. I'm not worried about loosing weight as much as I am maintaining my current weight and being healthy and toned up. I am just trying to not be an unhealthy skinny girl. :smile: Most of the time, people tell me everything in moderation is the key.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    MFP doesn't differentiate between the types of sugar. It's the refined stuff and the high fructose death syrup you have to watch out for. There's nothing wrong with the sugars in fruits.