Have YOU ever been Stalked one MFP or else where?



  • I haven't a clue. I'm quite oblivious to women that are enamored with me for some reason ... which explains my being single. I rather like it that way - less drama. LOL
  • healthyinpink
    healthyinpink Posts: 87 Member
    Yeeeeeepppp, been there, done that LOL.
  • Yep I was stalked during college. He would break in my apartment and when I would come home he would have laid out an outfit on my table for me. Throw my underwear around the room. THen I moved apartments and he tried to come in my living room window while I was watching tv. Police came and chased him, but didnt get him/. I moved again and got a gun. Haven't had trouble since with him. But a guy tried to get into my vehicle with me while I was sitting at a green light. Cops came then too, I'm a magnet for idiots. lol
  • lorijh72
    lorijh72 Posts: 118 Member
    Yep I was stalked during college. He would break in my apartment and when I would come home he would have laid out an outfit on my table for me. Throw my underwear around the room. THen I moved apartments and he tried to come in my living room window while I was watching tv. Police came and chased him, but didnt get him/. I moved again and got a gun. Haven't had trouble since with him. But a guy tried to get into my vehicle with me while I was sitting at a green light. Cops came then too, I'm a magnet for idiots. lol
    HOLY SMOKE...that's some scary stuff ....YIKES!!!!
  • Yes, after an A&F photo shoot, the girl who does the cloths for the photo shoot kept following me home and calling me and hanging up, and now wont stop texting me... I don't know how to tell her to stop without being a **** about it :/
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Mention your NFL Linebacker boyfriend in casual conversation.

    Seriously, I had a stalker in highschool. She told all her friends that I was going to run away with her and marry her. In reality, I told her to come to my place if her father beat her again. More of less, she followed me around and tried to sign up for my classes. She was mad that I was taking honors and AP classes cuz she couldn't get into them. I finally told her that I had a girlfriend in another school. And she started asking me for the name and school.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    I'm currently accepting applications for stalkers.
    Must be motivated, committed and hard working.
    100 % bat *kitten* crazy a plus.
    Slacker stalkers need not apply.

    hahah classic..
  • lorijh72
    lorijh72 Posts: 118 Member
    @Marx4...I myself don't do any social networking...MFP is it...my husband had a ex-GF that stalked him on FB...he agreed to delete his profile and not participate on FB...it almost ruined our relationship!
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    <sarcasm>Married women mingling with single guys on the internet is a great idea!</sarcasm>
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    yes, in real life and on FB. And the same dude that stalks me and several of my classmates on FB found me on here and has requested me a couple of times. He don't use his real name on here but I can tell it's him by the weird way he talks. He almost talks like Yoda. Me and my classmates figure he did a lil too many drugs back in the day lol.

    I also have a "work stalker" where I used to work. I'm a school bus driver and I drive for one of the same schools I used to with my old company so whenever he is sent out to sub out there, he's always lurking by my bus before the kids get out of school. Now my new kids make fun of me (My old kids who still go to that school do, as well) because he's always lurking around looking for me.

    I've also been stalked a few times in the past...damn I could sit here typing all night lol
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    yea i have I met this guy on a dating site... first date was ok then he turned into a dirty pervet.. I told him to go away but in not such a nice manner.. then the phone calls and texts would come in all hours of the night... dirty photos etc explicit messages.. I got so pissed off that I told him if it didnt stop i was taking everything to to cops.. he got the hint
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Whenever I get unwanted messages I just do not reply and remove the person! :)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    yes. i had someone start a thread about me. someone that wasnt on my friends list. it was uber creepy.
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    While I was studying in Japan, I lived with a host family in a small town in Yokohama. There was a French African guy who stopped to talk to me one day while walking from the train, which I didn't find weird because we both stood out being among the few non-Japanese in the area.

    He said he wanted to be friends and I was like, 'Uh... okay?' and then he asked for my phone number. I told him I didn't have a cell phone (only a half lie, as I didn't have a Japanese cell phone) and so he asked for my email. And by asked I mean he would not take no for an answer.

    Then he asked if he could follow me home.

    I told him I really had to go and started walking away. He was just staring at me. And staring. AND STARING. I ran into the nearest convenience store, taking a bit of comfort in the fact that I know how to say "Help me" and "Pervert" in Japanese. I waited in there for a few minutes until I was sure he was gone, then ran home. Luckily that was the last I saw of him.

  • gotogirl81
    gotogirl81 Posts: 278 Member
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i used to do marketing at different home depots, and a guy who worked at one of them would not leave me alone. he worked in the garden center but would pop up all over the store in the different sections i was in, and would come out when i was smoking a cig and bother me. he somehow got my number and started texting me, that finally stopped about a month ago. luckily it was at a home depot on the other side of the hudson river (he told me he lives over there), and i no longer do that job so i do not ever have to see him again (that store and where he lives is over an hour away so i hope he doesn't find me). i have been stalked online too, i just blocked the people and reported their user names
  • gotogirl81
    gotogirl81 Posts: 278 Member

    creeper cat.
  • gotogirl81
    gotogirl81 Posts: 278 Member

  • S1NN3R
    S1NN3R Posts: 452 Member


    And I am not stalker material. *pouts* :tongue:

    ETA: I have, however stalked some of you all....just throwing that out there.