Looking for dedicated members to join short challenges



  • hmbrandon
    No fast food for me, just slow food, well they took 5 hours to cook, yes I made some Christmas puddings and of course like any good cook I had to taste some, just a little.
    Anyone want the receipe ?

    Would love it!
  • hmbrandon
    it is Tuesday and I have avoided FAST FOOD so far! I am so proud of me!

    Awesome! Me too! Went to the grocery store to buy some breakfast foods so I don't get tempted!
  • Surfrider
    Surfrider Posts: 364 Member
    Little late to the party, but I havent had any fast food so far this week.

    Age: 34
    Height: 5'10"
    SW: ~248
    CW: 221
    GW: 190
    UGW: 185
  • vaylina
    This challenge will be easy for me, I haven't eaten fast food in years- but I lookforward to other challenges. I always find it easier to lose weight when you know you've got others doing it with you/ supporting you.

    Age: 17
    Height: 5ft 6'
    SW: 160
    CW: 160
    GW: 135
  • some1toluv
    some1toluv Posts: 6 Member
    i'm game !
    Age: 31
    Height: 5 ft 8
    Starting weight: 276
    Current weight: 197
    Goal weight: 150
    ultimate goal: 140
  • BuckeyeBabe10
    BuckeyeBabe10 Posts: 204 Member
    Another good day staying away from fast food - would have been easy to grab something this morning after out-of-office business meetings, but I thought twice and just went straight back to the office. Luckily, I'd packed my lunch and had included a vanilla greek yogurt, which I ended up having as my breakfast. Then ate my packed lunch, snacked on my apple slices/caramel I'd stored in our office fridge, and went overboard on the coffee all day long. :o) Dinner was non-fast food, but still a little indulgent (cheddar cheese, crackers, asian ground turkey lettuce wraps, and even succumbed to my chocolate craving).

    Over on cals for the day, but kept the food groups balanced, macros within reason, and am beyond satisfied. Now to do some calisthenics during commercial breaks of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show tonight (talk about motivation to really hit the gym in the morning!).
  • TheLittleLebowski
    Little late but haven't had any fast food either this week (Pizza is my Achilles)
    I think I'll find this particular challenge quite easy as I'm currently broke ;)

    Age: 20
    Height: 6 ft 3
    Starting weight: 280lbs
    Current weight: 210
    Goal weight: 180
    ultimate goal: 190 (muscle)
  • hmbrandon
    Little late but haven't had any fast food either this week (Pizza is my Achilles)
    I think I'll find this particular challenge quite easy as I'm currently broke ;)

    Age: 20
    Height: 6 ft 3
    Starting weight: 280lbs
    Current weight: 210
    Goal weight: 180
    ultimate goal: 190 (muscle)

    Welcome! We are happy to have you!
  • hmbrandon
    Another good day staying away from fast food - would have been easy to grab something this morning after out-of-office business meetings, but I thought twice and just went straight back to the office. Luckily, I'd packed my lunch and had included a vanilla greek yogurt, which I ended up having as my breakfast. Then ate my packed lunch, snacked on my apple slices/caramel I'd stored in our office fridge, and went overboard on the coffee all day long. :o) Dinner was non-fast food, but still a little indulgent (cheddar cheese, crackers, asian ground turkey lettuce wraps, and even succumbed to my chocolate craving).

    Over on cals for the day, but kept the food groups balanced, macros within reason, and am beyond satisfied. Now to do some calisthenics during commercial breaks of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show tonight (talk about motivation to really hit the gym in the morning!).

    Hey, you have to indulge sometimes! I had a nice, big breakfast but worked out with my trainer today, so I deserved it! Glad to see you are on track. 3 more days to go for the challenge!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    had to go pick up my rental car and hubby wanted to stop for Wendy's. I told him NO!!!!
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! Would love to join in. Just started diet today AGAIN but know I need challenges to keep me going. Good luck everyone and stay focused!
    Age: 28
    Height: 5' 10"
    CW: 180
    GW: 150
  • hmbrandon
    Day 3, team! You're doing so well! Any ideas for our next challenge you wanna throw out there for Sat-Wed?
  • jkoot
    jkoot Posts: 8
    Last night I was up into the wee hours of the morning and although I had a good dinner and wasn't even all that hungry I got into my Jumbo bag of chocolate chips after all! I've always been one to reach for comfort food - how do you get through these cravings? Any advice?
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    Early workouts? I have issues if I don't get my workout done early of working out really late and then staying up all night.
    Maybe a sleep challenge. To try to get 6-8 hours a night?
    Late night snacking challenge?
  • tegantheaverage
    tegantheaverage Posts: 142 Member
    I'd like to sign up for future challenges!

    Age: 22
    Height: 5 ft 5
    Starting weight: 205
    Current weight: 159
    Goal weight: 130ish maybe?
  • momto2lovelykids
    momto2lovelykids Posts: 110 Member
    i would love some motivation,somewhere i could be accountable.
    have 6kg to reach goal and really want to be close by new year.
    Age: 34
    Height: 5 ft 3
    Starting weight: 82.5kg
    Current weight: 75.9kg
    Goal weight: 70 kg
  • Tamefearnua
    Christmas Plum Pudding

    75g/3oz Self Raising Flour
    175g/6oz Light Muscavado Sugar
    175g/6oz Margarine
    3 Eggs
    1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
    1/2 teaspoon Nutmeg
    1 teaspoon Mixed Spice
    Pinch of Salt
    225g/8oz Raisins
    225g/8oz Sultanas
    125g/4oz Mixed Peel
    100g tub Cherries
    100g packet Ground Almonds
    175g/6oz Breadcrumbs
    1 bottle Guinness (300m/1/2 pint)

    Cream margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the lightly beaten eggs and mix well. Stir in the sieved flour, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and mixed spice. Next add the raisins, sultanas, mixed peel, cherries and ground almonds. Mix well. Finally, add the breadcrumbs and bottle of stout. Stir well, cover and leave to stand overnight. Transfer to a 1 1/2 litre/3 pint greased pudding bowl. Cover pudding with greaseproof paper and secure with string or tinfoil. Place pudding in a saucepan with water half way up the side. Cover and steam for 5 hours or longer. The longer the pudding cooks the richer and darker it becomes. Top up saucepan with boiling water as required and don‘t let it boil dry.

    To steam pudding in oven:
    Put two long strips of tin foil crosswise on work top. Place roasting tin on foil. Sit pudding bowl into the tin and fill with boiling water to within 2cms/1" of top of tin. Then bring tin foil around to form a parcel, which should be airtight to prevent any steam escaping.

    Place in preheated oven at 150°C/300°F/Gas 2 for the same length of time as above. There is no need to top up with water during cooking.

    To serve:
    Steam pudding for 2 hours and serve hot.
  • hmbrandon
    Christmas Plum Pudding

    75g/3oz Self Raising Flour
    175g/6oz Light Muscavado Sugar
    175g/6oz Margarine
    3 Eggs
    1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
    1/2 teaspoon Nutmeg
    1 teaspoon Mixed Spice
    Pinch of Salt
    225g/8oz Raisins
    225g/8oz Sultanas
    125g/4oz Mixed Peel
    100g tub Cherries
    100g packet Ground Almonds
    175g/6oz Breadcrumbs
    1 bottle Guinness (300m/1/2 pint)

    Cream margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the lightly beaten eggs and mix well. Stir in the sieved flour, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and mixed spice. Next add the raisins, sultanas, mixed peel, cherries and ground almonds. Mix well. Finally, add the breadcrumbs and bottle of stout. Stir well, cover and leave to stand overnight. Transfer to a 1 1/2 litre/3 pint greased pudding bowl. Cover pudding with greaseproof paper and secure with string or tinfoil. Place pudding in a saucepan with water half way up the side. Cover and steam for 5 hours or longer. The longer the pudding cooks the richer and darker it becomes. Top up saucepan with boiling water as required and don‘t let it boil dry.

    To steam pudding in oven:
    Put two long strips of tin foil crosswise on work top. Place roasting tin on foil. Sit pudding bowl into the tin and fill with boiling water to within 2cms/1" of top of tin. Then bring tin foil around to form a parcel, which should be airtight to prevent any steam escaping.

    Place in preheated oven at 150°C/300°F/Gas 2 for the same length of time as above. There is no need to top up with water during cooking.

    To serve:
    Steam pudding for 2 hours and serve hot.

    Sounds delicious, thanks!
  • hmbrandon
    Last night I was up into the wee hours of the morning and although I had a good dinner and wasn't even all that hungry I got into my Jumbo bag of chocolate chips after all! I've always been one to reach for comfort food - how do you get through these cravings? Any advice?

    I have a hard time at night too... Sometimes chewing gum helps!
  • gwyndol
    gwyndol Posts: 11 Member
    My name is Gwen, and I'd love to join in. I've found that having short-term goals really builds my confidence, especially since my goal seems a million years away! I haven't hit the fast food joints this week, so I'm on track for the goal this week!

    Age: 43
    Height: 5 ft 5 in
    Starting weight: 277 lb
    Current weight: 260 lb
    Goal weight: 160 lb