Tell me straight with rules i can trust.



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    1. You still have enough weight on you that it will progress quicker than if you only had 15 or 10 to lose - so the scale not moving wont really discourage you.

    2. If you are eating less than 1500 calories a day, NOW you get to amp it up and eat more!!! YAY!!!!!

    3. Get your BMR calculated and be honest about how active you are when you arent exercising. here is an amazingly easy 1-2-3-4 one :D Height, weight, age, sex - calculate! Your BMR is how much gas you need just to turn on the car and get to and from work, ok? So its how many calories your body requires just to get the vital crap done and sleep. Not workouts- just organs and peeing- got it?

    4. Now you get your TDEE - this a sciency looking set of letters that mean - THIS IS ABOUT HOW MUCH I BURN ON THE REGS, WALKING AROUND, WORKING OUT, HAVING SEX, CLEANING MY HOUSE, ETC.

    Its not a big bro-science bit of too confusing rubbish- its honestly just the total energy you expend in a day.

    Make sense? BMR is how much gas you need to go to work, TDEE is how much gas you used all day cause you didnt just go to work, you went shopping and then out with your friends and probably wal-mart ugh

    You can find out your TDEE here! and I'll explain why in a minute!: or here to be more specific and get a more accurate number:

    5. Now - SUBTRACT your BMR from your TDEE

    My BMR is 1570
    My TDEE is 2900

    The difference is 1330.

    Now Im going to split that difference in half - 665.

    SO Im going to put 665 extra calories in my BMR (1570) tank each day. 1570 + 665 = 2,235 calories to eat for the day.

    Why??? Why would I eat MORE than my BMR to lose weight??

    5. Now you get to put all the slave driving falling off the elliptical boring as hell cardio on the shelf :D

    NOW you get to finish an entire workout in only 30 minutes or so (not including warm up and stretching) and be done at the gym!!

    Now you get to start making sure that when all the weight is gone, the body underneath is the one you want - not just a smaller one with loose skin hanging off a droopy booty, know what I mean?? Now its time to enjoy making sure you look great naked too!!!

    NOW you get squeeze all that tricky deceptive fat out of the way of your gorgeous muscular system and half the pretty muscles get shaped and the rest of the muscles shrink down to a leaner all over situation on your body.

    If you find you have a lot of extra weight on your upper and lower back, your love handles, your gut, your boobs and thighs.... then you gotta jump into weight lifting with the rest of us and a good cardio session like once a week.

    The weight lifting will whittle you down (believe me!!!) and AND improve your cardio when you switch back to it.

    If you have NO clue where to start - get this book - The New Rules of Lifting for Women and actually read it (cause its actually a good fun read and Im not good with sciencey books keeping my attenti...OOH SHINY!) Ive read it a couple times and Im still amazed.

    Come over to the dark side and lift with the rest of us that are tired of killing ourselves and not making progress.

    We want you here.

    That was amazing advice!

    Yes it is great advice. OP just spend a little time finding out your numbers so you know how to go about it and don't end up wasting time over or under-eating.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    I dont want to know about TDEE NET BMR. This confuses me. I dont want weight loss to take over my life.
    Therefore I want some straight forward advice and help that works :)

    sorry to tell you this but your life is physically manifested in your body. If you want to change your body, you have to change your lifestyle and mindset. Otherwise you will revert back to your previous body.
  • denisemroth
    denisemroth Posts: 36 Member
    What I really like about MFP is that you can do all the things you do now, just in moderation. I'm very similar to you in that I'm short (5'1"), have a desk job and like to have drinks and yummy food. I started tracking my food on this site in early October and I've lost about 23 lbs. I was in the 180s and my goal is the 140s. On the week-ends I try to get hour and a half walks in each day and during the week I'm lucky if I can get 3 - 20 minute walks accomplished. I set my calories at 1200/day.
    Good luck!!
  • sky15425
    sky15425 Posts: 219 Member
    Great advice, so simple to understand. Thanks.
  • bubbleskiwi
    bubbleskiwi Posts: 148 Member
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    1. You still have enough weight on you that it will progress quicker than if you only had 15 or 10 to lose - so the scale not moving wont really discourage you.

    2. If you are eating less than 1500 calories a day, NOW you get to amp it up and eat more!!! YAY!!!!!

    3. Get your BMR calculated and be honest about how active you are when you arent exercising. here is an amazingly easy 1-2-3-4 one :D Height, weight, age, sex - calculate! Your BMR is how much gas you need just to turn on the car and get to and from work, ok? So its how many calories your body requires just to get the vital crap done and sleep. Not workouts- just organs and peeing- got it?

    4. Now you get your TDEE - this a sciency looking set of letters that mean - THIS IS ABOUT HOW MUCH I BURN ON THE REGS, WALKING AROUND, WORKING OUT, HAVING SEX, CLEANING MY HOUSE, ETC.

    Its not a big bro-science bit of too confusing rubbish- its honestly just the total energy you expend in a day.

    Make sense? BMR is how much gas you need to go to work, TDEE is how much gas you used all day cause you didnt just go to work, you went shopping and then out with your friends and probably wal-mart ugh

    You can find out your TDEE here! and I'll explain why in a minute!: or here to be more specific and get a more accurate number:

    5. Now - SUBTRACT your BMR from your TDEE

    My BMR is 1570
    My TDEE is 2900

    The difference is 1330.

    Now Im going to split that difference in half - 665.

    SO Im going to put 665 extra calories in my BMR (1570) tank each day. 1570 + 665 = 2,235 calories to eat for the day.

    Why??? Why would I eat MORE than my BMR to lose weight??

    5. Now you get to put all the slave driving falling off the elliptical boring as hell cardio on the shelf :D

    NOW you get to finish an entire workout in only 30 minutes or so (not including warm up and stretching) and be done at the gym!!

    Now you get to start making sure that when all the weight is gone, the body underneath is the one you want - not just a smaller one with loose skin hanging off a droopy booty, know what I mean?? Now its time to enjoy making sure you look great naked too!!!

    NOW you get squeeze all that tricky deceptive fat out of the way of your gorgeous muscular system and half the pretty muscles get shaped and the rest of the muscles shrink down to a leaner all over situation on your body.

    If you find you have a lot of extra weight on your upper and lower back, your love handles, your gut, your boobs and thighs.... then you gotta jump into weight lifting with the rest of us and a good cardio session like once a week.

    The weight lifting will whittle you down (believe me!!!) and AND improve your cardio when you switch back to it.

    If you have NO clue where to start - get this book - The New Rules of Lifting for Women and actually read it (cause its actually a good fun read and Im not good with sciencey books keeping my attenti...OOH SHINY!) Ive read it a couple times and Im still amazed.

    Come over to the dark side and lift with the rest of us that are tired of killing ourselves and not making progress.

    We want you here.

    I've worked mine out and it is pretty identical to yours, minue about 10 calories. There is no way I would eat 2200 calories a day! That's what I ate on xmas day and felt like i'd really overeaten. I stick to 1500 usually and that works for me.
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    Brilliant post. Thanks for making it simple. Have previous worked out my numbers but as I put on 6lbs over Christmas recalculated my numbers and looking forward to getting back into it again.

    Need to work my way up with weights though, was only on, got a way to go yet :)
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    Just had a thought, following this advise. I have worked out my daily allowance. Do I need to eat back my workout calories or has that already been taken into account?
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    Bump, great explanation thanks.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    You know what? I know you just added me, but Im removing you from my friends list already. If you dont want to put in the effort to learn and understand and comprehend, and you would rather just make other people tell you all the answers, then you don't deserve the results either.
    This is why I ♥ ya UV \m/
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    You know what? I know you just added me, but Im removing you from my friends list already. If you dont want to put in the effort to learn and understand and comprehend, and you would rather just make other people tell you all the answers, then you don't deserve the results either.

    LOL I get your frustration but to be fair to the OP she said upfront that she doesn't want to learn. Her very first sentence starts with: I don't want to know...
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    You've gotten lots of good advice in this thread from people who know what they are talking about. The only thing that I would like to add is to suggest that you read the book New Rules of Lifting for Women. It gives you an excellent dietary guideline to follow, explains the reasoning behind it, and gives you a comprehensive workout plan to help you achieve your goals. Best of luck!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    10 Click on your diary.

    20 Look at remaining calories

    30 if number is green, eat. else

    40 If number is red don't eat

    50 goto 10
  • Kar3n84
    Kar3n84 Posts: 24 Member
    Yoovie's explanation was dumbed down so much with great advice it was clearly just her being lazy and not taking the same time to read it and understand it, that yoovie put into writing it.

    You know what? I know you just added me, but Im removing you from my friends list already. If you dont want to put in the effort to learn and understand and comprehend, and you would rather just make other people tell you all the answers, then you don't deserve the results either.

    LOL I get your frustration but to be fair to the OP she said upfront that she doesn't want to learn. Her very first sentence starts with: I don't want to know...
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    10 Click on your diary.

    20 Look at remaining calories

    30 if number is green, eat. else

    40 If number is red don't eat

    50 goto 10

    BASIC language FTW!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I knew this would happen. Everyone is providing their point of view and you're going to get confused. Lol

    Forget weight, although monitor it. Focus on body fat percentage. You can buy body fat calculators on Some have a scale and a BF calculator all in one. They are accurate enough. Ignore people that say they aren't accurate as a you are calculating a trend downward not a precise measurement. You are not working for NASA, it doesn't matter that much.

    Starting lifting weights. Use the 5x5 or Strong Lifts or New Rules of Lifting for Women. (google them, don't ask what they are).

    That's all you need to know. The rest is bullsh!t.

    Set you cals for around 1500 to 1800 and just adjust until you find a place where you are getting the result you want. Don't worry about scale weight, you might increase at first.

    Good luck!
  • 1. You still have enough weight on you that it will progress quicker than if you only had 15 or 10 to lose - so the scale not moving wont really discourage you.

    2. If you are eating less than 1500 calories a day, NOW you get to amp it up and eat more!!! YAY!!!!!

    3. Get your BMR calculated and be honest about how active you are when you arent exercising. here is an amazingly easy 1-2-3-4 one :D Height, weight, age, sex - calculate! Your BMR is how much gas you need just to turn on the car and get to and from work, ok? So its how many calories your body requires just to get the vital crap done and sleep. Not workouts- just organs and peeing- got it?

    4. Now you get your TDEE - this a sciency looking set of letters that mean - THIS IS ABOUT HOW MUCH I BURN ON THE REGS, WALKING AROUND, WORKING OUT, HAVING SEX, CLEANING MY HOUSE, ETC.

    Its not a big bro-science bit of too confusing rubbish- its honestly just the total energy you expend in a day.

    Make sense? BMR is how much gas you need to go to work, TDEE is how much gas you used all day cause you didnt just go to work, you went shopping and then out with your friends and probably wal-mart ugh

    You can find out your TDEE here! and I'll explain why in a minute!: or here to be more specific and get a more accurate number:

    5. Now - SUBTRACT your BMR from your TDEE

    My BMR is 1570
    My TDEE is 2900

    The difference is 1330.

    Now Im going to split that difference in half - 665.

    SO Im going to put 665 extra calories in my BMR (1570) tank each day. 1570 + 665 = 2,235 calories to eat for the day.

    Why??? Why would I eat MORE than my BMR to lose weight??

    5. Now you get to put all the slave driving falling off the elliptical boring as hell cardio on the shelf :D

    NOW you get to finish an entire workout in only 30 minutes or so (not including warm up and stretching) and be done at the gym!!

    Now you get to start making sure that when all the weight is gone, the body underneath is the one you want - not just a smaller one with loose skin hanging off a droopy booty, know what I mean?? Now its time to enjoy making sure you look great naked too!!!

    NOW you get squeeze all that tricky deceptive fat out of the way of your gorgeous muscular system and half the pretty muscles get shaped and the rest of the muscles shrink down to a leaner all over situation on your body.

    If you find you have a lot of extra weight on your upper and lower back, your love handles, your gut, your boobs and thighs.... then you gotta jump into weight lifting with the rest of us and a good cardio session like once a week.

    The weight lifting will whittle you down (believe me!!!) and AND improve your cardio when you switch back to it.

    If you have NO clue where to start - get this book - The New Rules of Lifting for Women and actually read it (cause its actually a good fun read and Im not good with sciencey books keeping my attenti...OOH SHINY!) Ive read it a couple times and Im still amazed.

    Come over to the dark side and lift with the rest of us that are tired of killing ourselves and not making progress.

    We want you here.

    This was such a simple wonderful explanation!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I dont want to know about TDEE NET BMR. This confuses me. I dont want weight loss to take over my life.
    Therefore I want some straight forward advice and help that works :)

    Here's a bit about me.

    Ive been on countless diets. Herbalife, Slimming World, Strict Calorie Restriction. I was on MFP for a year. Continuously changing calorie goals as I never knew where I should be. I lost about 4lb. Ive kept it off. Luckily.

    Now Im back.

    Im 5ft 9
    I weigh 151lb
    I want to weigh 140lb
    I have 11lb to loose.

    I sit on my bum day long. I get up. Work out for about 50/60 minutes, mixture of cardio/weights. I sit down for 8 hours on the phone. I drive home. I sit down. Im pretty lazy like that. But thats my job now, which I hate!

    Ideally I would like to work out 3/4 times a week. Any more than this I get tired and ratty and simply, its hard work getting up at 5am 5 times a week. I want to enjoy weightloss, exercise and eating.

    I like to have a drink on the weekend, I like to eat out with my boyfriend/friends and not be restricted.
    I am a chocoholic.

    Please someone tell me how many calories I should be eating enough for me to loose continously on a weekly basis.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    IMO you are being unrealistic, you don't want to exercise more or restrict yourself when eating out, continue to eat chocolate and drink alcohol - depending how often you do these things and how much your eat chances are this will have you maintaining. The reality is that it is far easier to eat 500 kcals than burn the same amount off, which is why most people agree weight management is 80% diet. Stop seeing this as a temporary diet and start seeing it as a permanent lifestyle change which will improve your chances of long term health and wellbeing, food is primarily there to fuel your body and supply essential nutrients.

    Diet friendly foods can be tasty if you add herbs/ spices/ garlic/ chilli etc. but there often is a period of adjustment when your tastebuds get used to less sugar/ fat/ salt. Concentrate on what you can and should be eating - servings of oily fish, fruits and vegetables, fibre, reduced fat dairy - and less on what you cannot and should not eat. If you eat enough of the right foods your body will be too full to crave junk. Exercise wise do you consistently hit the recommended 10,000 steps each day, if not what can you do at lunchtime or after work? Can you do activities with your friends instead of eating and drinking - frisbee in the park, ten pin bowling, ice skating and so on?
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    1. You still have enough weight on you that it will progress quicker than if you only had 15 or 10 to lose - so the scale not moving wont really discourage you.

    2. If you are eating less than 1500 calories a day, NOW you get to amp it up and eat more!!! YAY!!!!!

    3. Get your BMR calculated and be honest about how active you are when you arent exercising. here is an amazingly easy 1-2-3-4 one :D Height, weight, age, sex - calculate! Your BMR is how much gas you need just to turn on the car and get to and from work, ok? So its how many calories your body requires just to get the vital crap done and sleep. Not workouts- just organs and peeing- got it?

    4. Now you get your TDEE - this a sciency looking set of letters that mean - THIS IS ABOUT HOW MUCH I BURN ON THE REGS, WALKING AROUND, WORKING OUT, HAVING SEX, CLEANING MY HOUSE, ETC.

    Its not a big bro-science bit of too confusing rubbish- its honestly just the total energy you expend in a day.

    Make sense? BMR is how much gas you need to go to work, TDEE is how much gas you used all day cause you didnt just go to work, you went shopping and then out with your friends and probably wal-mart ugh

    You can find out your TDEE here! and I'll explain why in a minute!: or here to be more specific and get a more accurate number:

    5. Now - SUBTRACT your BMR from your TDEE

    My BMR is 1570
    My TDEE is 2900

    The difference is 1330.

    Now Im going to split that difference in half - 665.

    SO Im going to put 665 extra calories in my BMR (1570) tank each day. 1570 + 665 = 2,235 calories to eat for the day.

    Why??? Why would I eat MORE than my BMR to lose weight??

    5. Now you get to put all the slave driving falling off the elliptical boring as hell cardio on the shelf :D

    NOW you get to finish an entire workout in only 30 minutes or so (not including warm up and stretching) and be done at the gym!!

    Now you get to start making sure that when all the weight is gone, the body underneath is the one you want - not just a smaller one with loose skin hanging off a droopy booty, know what I mean?? Now its time to enjoy making sure you look great naked too!!!

    NOW you get squeeze all that tricky deceptive fat out of the way of your gorgeous muscular system and half the pretty muscles get shaped and the rest of the muscles shrink down to a leaner all over situation on your body.

    If you find you have a lot of extra weight on your upper and lower back, your love handles, your gut, your boobs and thighs.... then you gotta jump into weight lifting with the rest of us and a good cardio session like once a week.

    The weight lifting will whittle you down (believe me!!!) and AND improve your cardio when you switch back to it.

    If you have NO clue where to start - get this book - The New Rules of Lifting for Women and actually read it (cause its actually a good fun read and Im not good with sciencey books keeping my attenti...OOH SHINY!) Ive read it a couple times and Im still amazed.

    Come over to the dark side and lift with the rest of us that are tired of killing ourselves and not making progress.

    We want you here.

    This was very helpful! :smile:
  • Tresor
    Tresor Posts: 23 Member
    Great information - glad I found this post.