


  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    How do people actually get into smoking ever since the 90s it's pretty much common knowledge it's suicide...

    I could pretty much say the same thing about meth but change the year probably, yet, people still do it. :\
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    If I could make a pack last 3-4 days I never would have quit.
    I just put 'em down. I'm too much of an obsessive to "taper off."
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    I know this goes against the trend, but I smoked Camel no filters for years when I was and beyond. After I graduated from college, I got a great job with a well known band touring and recording. My job was to play guitar, write the arrangements, and provide background vocals. Many think that touring with a band is all that...well, it's long hours and the smoking was getting in the way of my job per stamina and "air" for singing. I just looked in the mirror and quit. I also went back to working out nearly everyday.

    Now, to this day (25 years later), whenever I smell a cig...I get the urge. I just go look in the mirror.

    It works for me, but like some have mentioned, we all are different and it can be had.

    Whatever works for you and there is some great advice here.

    Bless you!

  • samerzz16
    Smoking is definitely a tough thing to quit but possible! My dad used to smoke a pack a day and honestly with him, he quit cold turkey. Sure this method takes a lot of motivation and a lot of fighting to stay off the smokes but it has been about 15 years now since he quit and he never looked back. I think its harder to gradually cut back then to just quit cold turkey because when your cutting back, in the back of your mind you know you can always just take out a cig and smoke it. What I learned in med school about finding out how likely it is for a patient to quit smoking is to see how much motivation they have to even attempt to quit. Im sure you already know how bad smoking is, but I know you can do it! Be strong and push through. Dont let a bad habit control your life and how its going to be lived.
    It depends from person to person. I tried doing it cold turkey before but that method didn't work for me. My appetite was totally out of control. And I don't want to gain weight, I don't care if the benefits far outweigh the weight gain. I've worked my butt off to lose those 22 kilos or 50 pounds & I don't want to put it all to waste and go back to where I started. So for me gradually cutting back is so far what works for me.

    If its working for you, then that is honestly amazing! I just hope the cutting back doesn't take very long until you actually stop smoking. I know its tough to lose weight and especially when you have worked so hard to drop the pounds, but in my honest opinion, a little weight gain to stop smoking is worth it. The health benefits for smoking cessation will blow your mind. I know I am biased and obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect yours for sure so please don't take what Im saying in the wrong manner. Ive been dealing with smoking patients for quite some time now and it breaks my heart diagnosing them with squamous or a small cell form of lung cancer or even emphysema. In my opinion a heavier cigarette free woman is a lot more sexier than a thin smoker. And a lot healthier.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I quit about 6 days ago currently using a patch. Every state has a program where you can quit. Look it up online. I am still fighting to quit but I am proud to say that I haven't had a cig in almost a week
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I quit about 6 days ago currently using a patch. Every state has a program where you can quit. Look it up online. I am still fighting to quit but I am proud to say that I haven't had a cig in almost a week


    you can do it
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I quit about 6 days ago currently using a patch. Every state has a program where you can quit. Look it up online. I am still fighting to quit but I am proud to say that I haven't had a cig in almost a week


    you can do it

    Thanks and hoping to give others hope i have a new group called quitters and losers anyone who wants to quit can join and a blog at
  • nayeliscastellanos
    Congratulations and thank you! I am going to order the book soon. Looking forward to quitting by new years!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I would suggest looking at photos of hikers and bikers for motivation.

    Oh that and watching a show like 'Castle' where the Mom clearly has wrinkles around her mouth from smoking.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    My uncle quit after 25 years or something and hikes and bikes now like a madman. That's why I said that.
  • nayeliscastellanos
    Thank you for the replies. Congratulations to all who have quit! I will quit. I know it. I want to thank all of you for your support as well.
  • nayeliscastellanos
    My uncle quit after 25 years or something and hikes and bikes now like a madman. That's why I said that.
    Thats crazy. Thanks for the tip. I been wanting to go hikin and I love bike riding!
  • sparnell1988
    I used to smoke 1 1/2 to 2 packs a day. I had heard about chantex is a prescription from the doctor. I read the side affects and heard different reviews about it. I smoked from the time I was 16 until Dec. 20th 2010. I'm only 24 but I took it for the first week and you can smoke with it and it comes in a 2 month supply and you are supposed to take it everyday until its gone. I took it for the starter week and 3 more days. The urge was gone. I havent picked up a cigarette since. Everything is better. The taste of food exercising EVERYTHING. Lol I didnt gain any weight. The key to that is to keep busy with something else. Sometimes easier said than done. The good thing is that when I went to the doctor for it he actually gave me a coupon for it and I actually got it for free!! So if you haven't quit yet I highly suggest to give it a whirl. Good luck and let me know how your coming along.
  • nayeliscastellanos
    How do people actually get into smoking ever since the 90s it's pretty much common knowledge it's suicide...

    Just like other people get into drugs and alcohol. I am not here to discuss how I got started but I posted this to get advice on quitting because I am obviously aware of the health problems it creates. Thank you for your wonderful reminded though.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I quite on September 25, 2012. I went the harm reduction route and use a Personal Vaporizer (PV), also known as an e-cigarette (though we don't reallylike that term. It's been awesome..morning hack is gone, smokers cough is gone, lungs are clearer and clearer every day. Currently training for a 5K...a few months ago if you would have asked me if I would ever train for a 5K I would have thought you were joking...I got winded just walking around with my fat smokers *kitten*. I smoked for 20 years...the last 10 years + I was a 2 pack/day smoker.

    Add me if you like.
  • nayeliscastellanos
    I used to smoke 1 1/2 to 2 packs a day. I had heard about chantex is a prescription from the doctor. I read the side affects and heard different reviews about it. I smoked from the time I was 16 until Dec. 20th 2010. I'm only 24 but I took it for the first week and you can smoke with it and it comes in a 2 month supply and you are supposed to take it everyday until its gone. I took it for the starter week and 3 more days. The urge was gone. I havent picked up a cigarette since. Everything is better. The taste of food exercising EVERYTHING. Lol I didnt gain any weight. The key to that is to keep busy with something else. Sometimes easier said than done. The good thing is that when I went to the doctor for it he actually gave me a coupon for it and I actually got it for free!! So if you haven't quit yet I highly suggest to give it a whirl. Good luck and let me know how your coming along.

    Nice! I have heard of it but I have not looked into it. I am glad it worked for you. If the book people are recommending does not work then I will got ahead and look into something like Chantix. I have tried the gum and that was worthless. I have also heard of drinking baking soda but it taste awdful
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    Instead of smoking cigarettes, pop a peppermint in your mouth. Same concept, MUCH better smell. :)
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    I got an e-cigarette. It's cheaper, safer, you still get the nicotine and the "habit" of smoking, and it comes in hundreds of yummy flavors. Plus you can taper down from high nicotine content to 0 nicotine and wean yourself off gradually. Plus, I can now actually breathe and jog.
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    How do people actually get into smoking ever since the 90s it's pretty much common knowledge it's suicide...

    Exactly. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but maybe this will be motivating...

    My aunt had a mini-stroke at the age of 36 and was a 2-pack a day smoker... Of Reds, no less. Her doctor told her if she didn't quit smoking she would be dead in 5 years. So she switched to ultra lights. She, quite literally, dropped dead at the age of 40 because she didn't quit smoking. She had a heart attack. At the age of 40. She was at a healthy weight and ate relatively healthy. A "bad habit" killed her. Did I mention she was only 40 years old?
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    My uncle quit after 25 years or something and hikes and bikes now like a madman. That's why I said that.
    Thats crazy. Thanks for the tip. I been wanting to go hikin and I love bike riding!

    You're welcome! He's doing really well. His lungs have grown new healthy tissue and he's back to being healthy.