What do you eat for lunch?



  • seashell99z
    seashell99z Posts: 113 Member
    I've been on a soup kick for a while. My soups (16 oz cans) typically range from 280 - 320 calories. I love Campbell's creamy soups. You don't need crackers and they fill me up.

    Breakfast I alternate between old fashioned oats with 1/2 cup of frozen fruit tossed in or Lean Pockets.

    Toss in an apple, banana, and few almonds, I typically have 400-600 left for dinner. Total calories for the day is 1370.
  • Trollivier
    Trollivier Posts: 67 Member
    On weekends, I always cook some recipe that would give enough food for lunches the next week. So every day, I fill half my plate with some salad, and the rest with what I cooked. I normally cook stuff like pasta with meat, rice and chicken, stuff like that. So in the end, my lunch plate is half veggies, quarter fibers/carbs, quarter meat. I make sure I get some milk (yogurt, soy milk) for desert, and some fruits/almonds for snacks.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    My diary is open, feel free to take a look :)
  • emmuci
    emmuci Posts: 160 Member
    Depends....lean fish and meat, soup, veggies, maybe a salad :smile: but i usually tends to eat healthy stuff and not eat very much. i also eat more courses of food...for example a small bowl of soup and then some fruits, or a fruits and a sandwich...
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    1 small lemon pepper chicken breast
    1/2 bag of valley fresh steamers usually the brocolli, rice, and cheese, or the herb roasted potatoes

    Lunchables Combinatinos either the Ham or Turkey Sub one... I love subway but they are way to high in calories so this give me my sub plus a kooliaide, cookie and apple suace/jello for $3 and about 300 calories.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I know I will probably get yelled at for saying this but I work during the days and usually forget to bring something with me. I cant leave on lunch so I either eat a yogurt that we have here or pick a piece of fruit.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    All the people who eat clean are gonna murder me, but I eat a lean cuisine every day for lunch.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Leftovers. :happy:
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    Bump, some good ideas here. I make a low cal dressing with 0% yoghurt and a touch of mayo and harissa and have that with cooked potatoes, tomatoes, spring onions and some lean meat or tuna. Sometimes I mix up the potatoes for lentils, just out of a can, or add a boiled egg. Add a handful of salad on the side and bob's your uncle. Another staple is soup, a small piece of bread and a bit of salad. Great for the colder days :)
  • 8goodgirl0
    8goodgirl0 Posts: 127 Member
    My usual is: cereal bar (although I have for breakfast when I arrive at work), sandwich with Quorn chicken style, and 2-4 pieces of fruit.

    I'm thinking I might change to cottage cheese, 2 quorn fillets and fruit.
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    A salad with romaine lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms, Vegan Boca burger (protein source), and 1/4 avocado for healthy fats to help absorb nutrients : ) I use vinegar & spices as 'dressing'.
    Sliced veggies, usually cucumbers or celery & an apple on the side.
    Occasionally all have vegan chili of a hummus/veg wrap instead of the the salad.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I'd recommend a bigger breakfast to start. But typically for lunch I just bring left overs from dinner the night before and eat with a piece of fruit. (Cuz at lunchtime I could use a bump of sugar/energy).
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Almost always leftovers:

    Salad with chicken breast, cheese, onions, bell peppers, Annie's cowgirl ranch
    Meatballs with peas and parm
    Chili with cornbread
    Chicken pot pie
    Quiche with veggies and sausage

    Stuff like that. I usually have about 500 cal for lunch
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I typically eat leftovers from the night before for two reasons:
    1. It's easy.
    2. It keeps my evening portions under control, knowing that I need the extra food for the next day.

    Lately I've been loving the Campbell's Bisque soups though. OMG Amazing!

    ETA- Always a salad of spinach and lettuce with various other veggies with it. It's easy and ensures I get those greens in, plus it adds very little to my calories and fills me up! I make up a big salad on Sunday and then put it in smaller containers for the week so it's easy-grab and go!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I know I will probably get yelled at for saying this but I work during the days and usually forget to bring something with me. I cant leave on lunch so I either eat a yogurt that we have here or pick a piece of fruit.

    There's nothing wrong with that so long as you don't overeat later to compensate. What matters is your overall calorie intake.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Most of the time I pack some sort of sandwich - ham, turkey or homemade chicken salad, a slice of pepperjack and some lettuce on those sandwich thins or a flatout wrap. And I usually have an apple with it. Once in a while I'll pack leftovers.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I eat a pretty wide variety of stuff for lunch. Sometimes huge salads, or leftovers from the night befores meal. Sometimes I make tostadas. I just bring the tostada chips, and beans and veggies and put them all together at work. Sometimes I make baked potatoes ( I cook these in the oven at home and then reheat them at work). I sometimes will make a sandwich with these little pocket bread things and a ton of veggies. It kind of just depends on what I feel like eating.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Salad or steamed veges usually. :smile:
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    I eat pretty much the same thing for lunch every day during the week. Usually some type of fish, a couple of cups of veggies, and 1/2 cup black beans or black eyed peas. I vary the seasonings to keep it interesting. Low cal/fat, tastes great, and keeps me feeling full all day.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I eat the following while at work:

    Amy's Organics burritos
    Evol burritos
    Kashi frozen meals

    Why? Well because it is cheaper than eating out and those brands are usually rated a B+ or A- in terms of frozen foods. Once in a while I hit the salad bar or go get some soup at a nearby bookstore.