Running Apps



  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    ipods can't track distance, route or pace since they haven't got 3G (or 4G) capability. You would need to use either a GPS tracker or iPhone (any smartphone). ipods are great when on wireless.

    ETA: there are apps however that can give cues for intervals, such as C25k

    You can track all of those things without an internet connection....but you do need a GPS receiver. Does an iPod have one?

    ipods do not have the capability to track distance (GPS) out of the box.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I use Zombies Run for motivation and music, and CardioTrainer for pace/distance. I may switch to Endomondo for that because of the integration to MFP.

    Also, these are on Android, but I believe they all exist on Apple too.
  • naculp
    naculp Posts: 225 Member
    Runkeeper! It's the one I use, and it just flat out works great. You can customize your mileage/ time cues, set up personalized workouts, and check elevation/pace graphs on their website. Best running app!
  • dcdemocrat34
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zombies RUN! It has really gotten me back into running mode, and makes it fun, and easy.
    I also have the Nike's with the sensor in them, which are quite frankly the best pair of work out/running shoes I have ever bought.
    I synch it up with my iphone, and off I go with the Free Nike running app. Both are VERY accurate. I haven't tried Endomondo, but will check it!
  • sassyfrass9
    sassyfrass9 Posts: 71 Member
    i thought the new ipod touch with wifi would be able to have the gps capabilities. wonder if my best/cheapest bet would be to buy a cheap ipod shuffle and invest in one of the garmin HR monitor watch with gps included.... thank you all so much for your input!
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    Sadly, only if you can maintain a constant wifi signal (which would be almost 100% unlikely since people password protect them). If you buy an ipad with 3G, you could run with that ;)

    I think your idea of an inexpensive shuffle with a GPS watch is good, unless you can invest in a smartphone.
  • wwk10
    wwk10 Posts: 244 Member
    Its easy to try them all and then delete the ones you did not like.
    I tried them all on Android.
    Ended up with Sportstracker, but I dont remember why Iliked it best.
  • draganddog
    Im running with streetquest - run is a game. And im really happy, at certain hours there is an event called Painting in which you are a brush and paint your map :) Im trying to be in at least 2 times in a week with my two friends. Its so much fun :D