Embarrassed to get fit?



  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. If people look at you just keep walking. Sometimes whether you know it or not people may find you inspirational or they may be proud of you. :)
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    Not sure if I'm the only one with this problem so I thought I'd ask.. Long story short, I am sort of embarrassed for people to see me attempting to get fit. I live in a small town of 2,000 people, so everybody knows everybody. And everybody knows everybody's business. And for some reason, when I am out in public for a walk or a jog, I pray and hope that nobody I know will see me. Why? I'm not exactly sure. Anybody with similar feelings?

    LMAO we must live in the same town! Go out there do your thing run, walk! Who cares if anyone sees you? You are doing something for your health.
  • NatsukoG
    NatsukoG Posts: 104
    I had the exact same problem ! I would never tell people I was trying to lose weight.
    I think in my head, to actually vocalise my goals at the start of my weight loss, would have been admitting there was a problem, that there was something wrong me. It was also because I never really believed that I would accomplish any of my weight loss goals and to admit my intentions would bring scorn upon me.

    I've realised since then, 99% of people will be positive, screw the other 1%, Go for a jog and wear the sweat proudly, suffer the small indignation now, then reap the rewards in the future.
    It's like I wrote this myself. Even now it is physically obvious to people I've been dieting, I hate talking about it. Except on mfp of course :smile:
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Not sure if I'm the only one with this problem so I thought I'd ask.. Long story short, I am sort of embarrassed for people to see me attempting to get fit. I live in a small town of 2,000 people, so everybody knows everybody. And everybody knows everybody's business. And for some reason, when I am out in public for a walk or a jog, I pray and hope that nobody I know will see me. Why? I'm not exactly sure. Anybody with similar feelings?

    No. I live in a small town too. I have a very visible job, so many people know me.
    I use to walk all the time - now I walk a lot and run a lot. People will get use to seeing you. It helps to keep me on track - I don't want to fail in front of the entire town (or revert back to how I was - now THAT would be embarrassing).
    Who knows, maybe it will inspire them.
  • Goddessmaker1
    Goddessmaker1 Posts: 114 Member
    I can understand the mind set here but I'm actually embarrased of the opposite of not being fit. It's embarassing to take pictures and do things while being fat and unsigthly. For me that is motivation to keep trucking and moving. Eventually you will build enough steam to not care about anyone who isn't on the positive note.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Accept yourself where you're at now and be very proud that you want to improve on that! Many others in your community wish that they had the strength and will power to do what your doing so Walk Tall! :indifferent:
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Accept yourself where you're at now and be very proud that you want to improve on that! Many others in your community wish that they had the strength and will power to do what your doing so Walk Tall! :flowerforyou:
  • sunnygirl19
    sunnygirl19 Posts: 60 Member
    I used to feel the same way. Then I thought by sitting at home, who wins? Now when I run/jog I always think of that Friend episode with Pheobe running and it makes me smile.


    After a while I put my I Pod on and learned to ignore the world and just run. Its more of a feeling now and I enjoy it, Good luck :)
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    I live in a small community approx 1200 people. I know exactly what you mean, add to the fact I have lived here forever. THe county I live in everybody seems to know everybody. I decided that I just give a rat's *kitten* anymore. THis is for me, not them. I'm not doing it to impress or to get compliments from them. I am doing this for me, to feel better, to control my MS without meds, to be the mom my kids need, and to look at myself and not want to vomit.
    You have to decide if it's more painful to be unfit and unhealthy then it is to get out and move despite what other people in your community say or think.
    Good luck!
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    No way!!! I felt that way when I first started and would walk at night so no one would see me. The truth of it is.....getting exercise/being active is not easy for everyone and people will admire you for getting out there and doing something about it. Not only that but the most important opinion is your own. Please don't let what you think others think prevent you from being a happy healthier person.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I have had those feelings before. But really, you've got to ignore them and keep going! Now when I see someone exercising who is larger, I smile and think "good for them!". If you get rude remarks, just ignore them; you are doing something to improve yourself!
  • OptimisticlyOptimistic
    I totally understand, and felt the same way last night. I took my first class at the Y. Of course I got there later than the "seasoned" class takers - because I was nervous and paced for a while (and debated turning around and going back home). Well, long story short - I took the class...ended up in the front row (in full view of EVERYONE) and I was the largest one in the class (of the women AND men). There were some of the things I was not able to really successfully do (dips - and lunges TOTALLY sucked) but I DID it. And I was so incredibly surprised at how many people told me I did great - and asked if I'd come back. They were so kind and so welcoming. I grew up in a small town of less than 1000 people. The town I'm in now isn't a whole lot bigger. There is a whole world of country back roads for you to walk/run on. And if someone sees you - big whoop. You may become their inspiration!


    Best of luck!

  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I felt like that for a long time. I only just recently decided to do the 30-day shred. I never wanted to work out at home where my partner could watch. But I decided to swallow my pride and do it anyway, now she is doing it WITH me. I also have a gym membership at a co-ed gym. Before, I would only go to an all female gym. After a while, you just stop caring so much about what others think. I rather them see me trying to get fit, than see me sitting on my fat *kitten* and thinking I'm lazy.
  • pohlcm08
    I know what you mean, I lived in a very small town too and always prayed I wouldn't see anyone I knew and like you, I didn't know why I was embarrassed but I was. I moved to a larger city for a while during college and joined the YMCA and came to love working out so much that when I moved back it didn't bother me anymore. Now I just hope to be inspiration for all the people that do see me. Get on out there and be proud of yourself for doing something that most people in small towns don't do! Plus the endorphins you get afterward are totally worth it :)
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    I can totally relate! And then I read this....someone posted it on MFP a while back...and I cried...lol. But seriously I have learned how people truly think. And I am no longer the fat girl! :)

  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Small towns? You guys don't KNOW small towns. My town, which is technically a village, has 192 people in it. So there is NO chance that someone I know won't see me. But my problem is a little different. If I DON'T run. EVERYONE knows. And people literally ask me about it. Why didn't you go for your run today Grace? Go F*** yourself random neighbor person. It's cold outside. So yeah, I get why it can be embarrassing, but for different reasons :)
  • jesslinn85
    You could always say you're "picking up cans."
  • 6packb450
    You have to do this for yourself and no one else. I get embarrassed in the weight room and can do great on the cardio machines. I have become so imbalanced and have to develop my upper body. Am I afraid of the teen girls showing me up? No... I am not looking at what they are doing, and they shouldn't be looking at what YOU are doing. Plus, keep at it, and in 2 short weeks, you will see big changes.

    I have to learn to practice what I preach.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Im also from a small town. And I can safely assume I am more overweight than the original poster.

    I think this is a big issue for a lot of people. I feel the same. I think one issue I have, is people want to stop and chit chat with you when you see them. They think it is rude if you are in a hurry. I am at the point now I don't care about people seeing me on my walks. However, if it is bothering you that much and you can't shake the thought - walk late at night or early in morning.

    Is there a gym in your small town?

    The gym was SUPER scary to me, but one day I got the courage and walked in. The giant beast of a man who ran the gym (huge fit dude, Muay Thai expert etc...) instantly had my guard up but he ended up being a huge help, and we are friends to this day.

    I really believe there is no way your first gym experience could be worse than mine. The jacked dude I mentioned from before was walking me through a sample program - and I was struggling on seated military press...the machine kind (so even easier) and I could barely finish my third set...with NO weight. I was mortified...


    No one noticed. The trainer did but he was only encouraging.

    I kept up with the weight training and made lots of solid friends in the gym. People there were motivating, they were helpful and I never had any issues with people talking **** (at least in earshot).

    If you do go the gym route - just make sure you learn some of the "unspoken etiquette". Because, as I learned, even being the giant fat guy at the gym is better than being the fit guy doing curls in the squat rack ;)
  • jbriscoe9480
    jbriscoe9480 Posts: 17 Member
    I relate ... I am paying a fortune for gym membership and besides having a hard time finding the time to get to gym, I don't like the thought of people seeing me on the treadmill or bicycle. But, I think its important to remember that we're trying to do this for 'us' and not 'them' and at the end of the day - why are we giving 'them' so much headroom :-)

    Lets make a deal - you go for the walk today and I'll to gym and we'll put it down to simply knowing that we are worth it... and as Coffeholic8 we may just inspire someone else to get off the sofa.

    Well said!!! I agree with what you are saying!!!