Help! Need some good tips for kicking the soda habit



  • tonya_2010
    tonya_2010 Posts: 97 Member
    I am working on kicking the habit as well. Some days are harder than others. I have found that allowing myself to use crystal light in my water once daily does help. Also, research EVERY ingredient in the soda you drink. I think once you see the nasty stuff in it, you may want it less.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I struggle big time with soda and I am currently battling limiting and eliminating soda. I have been using the crystal light packets and also a Lemonade/tea mix that you add to a bottled water. There are days where water is just enough, there are days where flavoring the water is enough, then there are the days where I crave soda so bad. Thanks for posting this question.

    "Willpower" sounds like such an easy answer but breaking the soda habit is breaking an addiction.
  • marykjenks
    marykjenks Posts: 1 Member
    Dilute it: 1st day, add 2 oz of water-drink it that way for a few days, then dilute with 4 oz of water, etc. Eventually the actual amount of pop to water ratio makes it easier to quit. Part of it is the sugar rush, part is the taste, part is the caffeine. All are very real effects on your body. By diluting, decreasing the amount of "real pop" you can wean off without the nasty fatigue and massive headaches that go with less sugar and caffeine. It works. Also try buying smaller container: they have the really cute 8 oz. Buy just that, dilute it and you will quit! I did can too.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    For me, back when I weighed 235, I switched from regular to diet soda (to get rid of the extra calories). I selected diet cherry coke (I think it's now called cherry coke zero), and diet sierra mist (tasted most like the regular stuff). Once I got "used" to the aftertaste, and began walking, I was able to lose weight (easy to drop 300-400 calories a day from meals when switching from regular to diet).

    Unfortunately, drinking diet soda made me feel bloated and didn't curb my sweet tooth (which was part of the reason why I remained at 205).

    Once I joined MFP, I quit drinking diet soda (except if I have pizza) and eating a healthier nutrition plan, I have lost most of my stomach (I was skinny fat the last time I dropped down to 172 and it was due to poor nutrition choices which included drinking diet soda).

    My advice, switch to diet soda (buy a variety of single cans to help determine which you prefer to drink), that'll help remove the extra calories. Then, after a while, switch to water. Giving up caffeine (i'm guessing it's all the other crap in diet soda that makes it so unhealthy), like any drug, can be difficult as one's body may become addicted.

    Before all of the diet soda drinkers chime in, I understand that many drink it and have no ill effects from drinking it. To them, I say you are adults and can choose to consume whatever food you want. For ME, drinking diet soda contributed to being and feeling bloated as well as my additional cravings for sweets. That's why I dont drink it anymore.
  • SkullMama73
    Don't drink it.

    In the end, it is you making the decision to buy it, making the decision to open it, making the decision to drink it. No one or thing in this world takes over your body and forces this upon you.

    It is tough to resist temptation sure, but it is not impossible.

    Abso-freaking-lutely. I've always said I'm the only one who can take control of my eating habits.
  • SkullMama73

    Great! I just printed that bad boy out and stuck it on my fridge.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    just save your money and save your teeth - drink water (out of the tap - and do try not to think about who drank it before you)
  • Belinda658
    Belinda658 Posts: 181 Member
    Don't drink it.

    In the end, it is you making the decision to buy it, making the decision to open it, making the decision to drink it. No one or thing in this world takes over your body and forces this upon you.

    It is tough to resist temptation sure, but it is not impossible.

    Abso-freaking-lutely. I've always said I'm the only one who can take control of my eating habits.

    This. You DO have control over your habits
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    I was addicted to coke zero in a serious way! I started buying flavored seltzer water, calorie, sodium, sweetener free and it fills the craving for a bubbly drink without the chemicals.

    I still have a case of coke zero in the garage..its been sitting there un-touched for 3 months!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Just quit. It's called willpower, either you want to or you don't, there's no trick.


    There is no try......there is only do.
  • trishaeich
    trishaeich Posts: 40 Member
    I gave up daily soda years ago. Now on occasion I'll have one (nothing goes better with pizza than a root beer). But if and when I do have one, I opt for a soda that has no high fructose corn syrup like Sprecher. Read labels. The stuff in soda is terrible. If will power alone won't get you there, think long and hard about what you are consuming. There is nothing natural about soda (diet is worse). Water, tea, coffee, milk - great alternatives. Don't like plain water? Spruce it up with lemon/lime/cucumber. You can do it!!!!
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I switched to diet but eventually I wanted to give it up completely and I found it easier to make excuses to have "just one" once I was drinking diet. I had to go cold turkey, pick a day on the calendar and just say no more!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Maybe allow yourself one soda a week and really focus on the enjoyment you get from drinking it?

    After some time passes, you may decide that you don't really need or miss them anymore and cut them out completely, or you could continue savoring and enjoying them as a once-a-week treat.
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    I can eat healthy foods every day but I need to have soda. Since starting MFP, I've cut down considerably but there are days where I just want to drink a whole bottle of cola. I know it's bad for me, i know it's excess sugar calories, but this is the one bad habit I can't seem to remove from my diet. I drink plenty of water throughout the day and try to limit myself to just one glass of soda, but some days are harder than others. I can't stand diet soda and I'd rather have real sugar than artificial sweetener. Anyone have any tips on how to wean myself off of soda? Any help is appreciated:smile:

    I was the same way, I used to drink probably 3 cans a day! I don't buy it anymore, so I don't really think about it when I'm at home. It's a nice treat once in awhile if im out of the house, and thats the way I see it now! A treat!
  • THuffman1967
    THuffman1967 Posts: 114 Member
    I am working on kicking my Diet Coke habit. Once upon a time I would drink about 6 a day, I gradually cut to 4, then three a day. Just a couple of days ago I decided to go cold turkey. It's been 72 hours since my last Diet Coke. I've been drinking lots of water and lots of iced tea, no sweetener. I thought I would go nuts, but I've really been okay and don't feel so bloated.
  • AndreaGrace29
    AndreaGrace29 Posts: 51 Member
    Just quit for a couple weeks. Cut back on other sugars too. Once you try it again after the 2 or3 weeks, you'll probably find that it's TOO SWEET for you... cut out the diet soda too. I havent had a more than a 20oz of soda in the last 8 months and I don't miss it at all.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    what do you like about diet soda? you need to figure that out, and figure out how you can get your "fix" but in a healthier way.

    i loved the carbonation. so i switched to lacroix. after a couple months, i just flavored my water, couple months later, i only drink water.

    if you love the taste, then switch to diet, and then go cold turkey during a time in your life when you feel strong, have emotional support (we can help with that!) and are committed to quitting.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I was hooked on soda too, but once I found my trigger it was relatively painless to change.

    For me, it was about the "experience" of drinking a soda. I liked going to the fridge, pulling out a can, and cracking it open. So, seltzer became my new best friend. I keep a ton in the fridge, and am now down to 3-4 sodas a week (from 3-4 a day).

    A secondary strategy that worked for me is enforcing a 1-1 ratio. When I got a soda, I would also get a cup of water or tea, and make myself drink the water/tea before going back for more.

    Hope this helps!
  • stubbseyt
    stubbseyt Posts: 84 Member
    i have a soda stream and i can made soda from squash. there are some lovely sugar free or no added sugar squash drinks, i have cherries & berries with soda water and its just delish...

    also i know diet sodas taste off at first but if you keep with it you get used to them and in the end find you will prefer them. they dont all taste the same, and some are not as good for you as others. i like diet irn bru, and coke zero (which i used to hate, but my taste has become less sweet since dieting)

    you need to get rid of full fattening soda, if you cant switch to diet just ditch them for natural juices, find some really lovely ones and go over to them. all that sugar is the DEVIL!