To weigh daily or not to weigh daily



  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
  • pandsmomCheryl
    pandsmomCheryl Posts: 168 Member
    I weigh every day - it keeps me in check...
  • peejay34mason
    peejay34mason Posts: 131 Member
    Weekly only. Daily is a bit too OCD for my taste:)

    Gotta agree, Weekly makes me more than happy and really lets me see the results!!!
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I only weigh once a week. I get too bloated on a regular basis and any unfortunate change on the scale would stress me out if i did it daily. Im happy with the once a week---every saturday morning after I wake up, before I eat.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I weigh in once a week. Same day and time. Once in a while, for fun, I'll weigh in about halfway through the week. Inevitably, the number freaks me out. No idea why my weight is so stable on Monday mornings but Friday mornings it looks like I've eaten every food available at the Chinese buffet the night before.

    Weight fluctuates from day to day and can give you a major stress attack if you show a gain when you've been working your butt off (literally). But that's just me.
  • McAlyna
    McAlyna Posts: 123 Member
    I weigh almost everyday in the early morning but I only record Saturdays. I measure and taking picture every 2 weeks to see my lifting result. My scale has problem going down since I up calorie and lift heavy.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    I weigh daily because it keeps me motivated.

    /\ This! I didn't used to, but it's nice to get an average sometimes, so lately, I've been weighing every couple of days or so.

  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    I weigh once a week. I found weighing daily affected my weight loss in a negative way. Retention of water (an issue for me) can literally add 2 pounds overnight to me. Stepping on the scale everyday tells me that no matter how well i was eating that it was ineffective which i found put me in a negative state of mind about my weight loss. I weigh once a week - same time and same clothes. I tend to make sure i'm not eating much sodium around 2 days prior to weight in so i get an accurate reading. To each his own but i find "not knowing" leaves you keeping on track.
  • revgosik
    revgosik Posts: 62 Member
    I weigh daily for motivation. It helps keep me accountable. I know what I eat today will show up on the scale tomorrow.
  • It’s all about how you operate best. It’s really not that big of a deal, weighing is not going to change anything…

    I weigh every single morning and every night before I shower, sometimes just for the heck of it!

    I have decided not to count gains until I reach my goal weight. I usaually record every Thursday and the 22nd of each month, but if there's a lost, I'm recording!

    I think setting deadlines promotes motivation and accountability….
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    I made my only resolution for 2012 to weigh in every single day and record that weight, no matter what.

    I downloaded Libra weight tracker on my smart phone and track my weight every single day. It tracks trends, which helps level out the day to day fluctuations, and I can see my average trend loss for the week, 2 weeks, month, 3 months, 6 months and year. It's been great at helping me accept my weight as what it is and not be bothered by the daily fluctuations.

    That being said, it's taken me a long time to be in the place where I could weigh in daily without it affecting me. It's really going to depend on the person. For me, a weekly weigh in is just too easy to skip if I've had a bad day the day before or something. It's also harder to deal with normal fluctuations if you are only seeing them on a weekly basis.
  • Emmi2010
    Emmi2010 Posts: 3 Member
    I usually weigh when I feel skinny in the morning :laugh: , but always Friday night before I go into the weekend :smile: .
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    I weigh every day - it keeps me in check...

    exactly. I am basically trying to maintain, so this works for me
  • mommyrocks5
    mommyrocks5 Posts: 49 Member
    I weigh every day twice a day! Helps me track what my body does and, helps keep me motivated!
  • I step on the scale on saturdays only. Doing it every day would probably drive me crazy because my weight fluctuates a lot. :(
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    I get weighed every other week when I get my allergy shots, that's enough for me.
  • erinnstreeter
    erinnstreeter Posts: 82 Member
    I weigh almost daily, but I don't log until I see actual progress. So for example, I weighed in at 233.8 last week, which was down, so I logged it; then I weighed every day until I saw 233.4 today, and I logged that. The fluctuations are normal. As long as my average continues to be between 1.5-2 lbs (which if what I've set MFP for), then I'm happy.
  • I weigh myself every day at more or less the same time. I record losses and gains. My charts look like a kid with a crayon but I'm ok with that because they are going in a general downward direction.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    I weight daily. I record if I show a loss. I don't record gains. I record the same time, under the same conditions. It's a habit. I lived in a world of bad habits before, why not add a good one to live by now?

    That said, I don't freak out if there's a gain.. and I don't lose my mind if I can't weigh.
