So, This is What They Call a Mid-Life Crisis.



  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member

    And I:

    Have never & will never run a marathon (always wanted to but I had a hip replacement last year).

    Am seeing more greys than blondes, if I am wearing my glasses.

    Have been tempted to wear things that clearly a woman almost 50 should not wear & could never pull off.

    I started noticing about ten years ago that I haven't been whistled at in ages!

    I wouldn't mind a golf cart every now and again.

    Realize my favorite Jockey bikini underwear are not made in my bigger size! WTF!

    If I don't get to bed by 9pm and up by 6am my day seems "off".

    Do you get where I'm going with this? I am realizing that I AM BECOMING THAT OLDER LADY!

    Don't think of your current situation as a compromise.

    You may not be able to physically run a marathon but you could encourage and/or train someone to run a marathon.

    Greys? Pfft! Sounds like you're going to be a silver fox! I hope I look as good as you in the not so distant future.
    I'm actually looking forward to being 30 soon so that people can look at me slack jawed when I tell them how old I am.

    It's ok to dress younger. The key is to make sure it fits! lol

    You're not really missing out on anything by not being whistled at. It's kind of annoying nowadays because it's usually followed up by a rude gesture or comment.

    Switch to Victoria's Secret! ; )

    Getting a good night's sleep is part of taking care of yourself.

    You are not an older lady! It's all about attitude. You rock and are seriously a very attractive woman. Own it!
  • vcferlita1
    I've been having a mid-life crisis since I was 25.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Just turned 45 and yeah, I'm kinda getting the mid-life crisis vibe. A couple things I've noticed:

    I'm very often the oldest one in any group.
    That pretty woman over there- she's probably 27 or maybe even 35 and has absolutely ZERO interest in an "old" guy.

    Edit to add: reading glasses!
  • MrsMuffinRun

    I listen to the same music as teenagers and my children aren't old enough yet to tell me how pathetic i am

    I take cabs at night because my eyesight is not good for night driving

    I hold books about a mile from my face so I can actually see them

    I am ridiculously excited that Jesus Christ Superstar is out on DVD

    I can't wait for the Downton Abbey Christmas special
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I went to the Dr. about an unusual period and thankfully all the scary stuff was ruled out (just a weird month I guess). Then the Dr. said "this might just be the new normal for you as you get closer to menopause". Menopause?! Ugh aaarg, I'm 39 dear god!
  • naner61
    I will be 52 this year and my blonde hair is now artic! I am totally okay with it all!! my age is my mind and that is about 25 :wink: I am looking forward to what lies ahead and will attack it with gusto! Middle age! The hell you say...not me!
  • droberts3311
    I know what you mean!! We are in bed by 8:30 and up by 4:00 -4:30!! But we can't sit down in the evening or we do the head bob thing!! We invite friends over and catch ourselves say ( it's ok we know they will leave by 9!!!) This is on the weekend........
    I think it just happens that way. Just like to curl up with a book or good movie.

  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    You are only as old as you feel.

    I am only 28, and had my first mid-life crisis at 22, lol!

    Pretty easy to say when you are 28, believe me...

    By the way OP, you look pretty damn good.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I wil be 49 in Feb. of 2013 and my only child is 21 !!! I thought I was dealing with this aging thing, mid-life crisis until i have been mistaken for someone much much older.( A friends 40th b-day party mistaken for their mother!!!! - another friends who is 38 husband is 42, mistaken for her mother-in-law and two such other occasions) So,I am looking into plastic surgery!!! Never thought I would. I don't mind looking my age, I just don't want to look 15 years older!!
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    it almost sounded like you were writing about me, except I have only 2 kids, soon to be 16 year old girl, who is excited to be moving out soon(when she starts college hopefully in two years) and my 13 year old son.

    There are days when i feel the 40's and then there are days when i still feel like i'm in my 20's.

    I look back at my life and wonder what i accomplished and get depressed becasue i feel like i didn't do anything i wanted,
    but then i look at my children and feel very blessed, even tho i want to kick them sometimes, they are my accomplishment in life.

    I am going thru a crisis, and some days i just want to run and hide and start all over, like get an apartment just for me and live there on my own. I guess we all need to escape reality sometimes. thats when i go shopping or dinner with friends, get me away from stress of a messy house and the bills. It helps until I get home...
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Here is my prescription to help you. Buy a 12 pack of beer, put son something that shows cleavage and go tailgating and make sure you grill some steaks. Believe me you will get whistled at. Forget those panties get boy shorts. Color those greys and start doing zumba.

    That is all I have.
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    "LET ME START OFF WITH: I'm NOT looking to cheat on my husband, I'm just realizing how little time I have left here. "

    I'm curious why you started with this declaration? No judgement. Just curious.
    What do you mean by "little time"? Time for what? What is it you are looking to achieve?

    The clock is never going to run backwards. We know that. Looking back and longing for that is a recipe for disappointment.

    I sometimes feel this way too, but I come to terms that I am who I am now. Not then. This is what I have to work with. You know what? It's not that bad. My wife and I have fun. We do things that where not even an option when we where younger. It's okay.

    Keep your head up.

    In my mind, whenever I hear "midlife crisis" I automatically equate that to cheating, and I posted that disclaimer to declare for you and perhaps for myself that that is not the context of this discussion.

    Little time left to do things on my bucket list....I'd better get at them before I run out of time. Like being the best parent, spouse, daughter, friend that I want to be. That's all.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    You are only as old as you feel.

    I am only 28, and had my first mid-life crisis at 22, lol!

    Pretty easy to say when you are 28, believe me...

    I understand the sentiment behind the saying, but it causes me a problem. The problem is that I feel 25. But I'm not. And one starts to see that certain things are just inevitable. You can delay, you can make the best of it, you can try taking a different path but, it turns out, I'm not that exceptional. My eyesight will probably get worse, and my hearing, and I'm going to have to go out front and yell at those kids to get off my lawn!

    Although I'm in better shape than I was when I was 35 I cannot do some of the things I could do when I was 25. Just can't. And all the thinking about how I feel 25 doesn't change that. And, although I think I look pretty good, others see me and treat me as a middle-aged man. Hell, to the very young crowd I'm just old. And all the thinking that I feel 25 doesn't change that either.

    OK /rant. :)
  • Stinkerbelle84
    You are only as old as you feel.

    I am only 28, and had my first mid-life crisis at 22, lol!

    Pretty easy to say when you are 28, believe me...

    By the way OP, you look pretty damn good.

    I suppose it is pretty easy to say when I am 28....except that I did not mention the high blood pressure, tachycardia, amount of dental work due to TMJ, or any other day to day woe is me. Oh yeah, and chronic migraines. So, like I said you are only as old as you feel. I feel pretty old.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    I'm young.

    I like what I like. My tastes change occasionally.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Just turned 50 and women my age don't appeal to me any more in a romantic sense.

    Looking at buying a sports car for Christmas.

    Traveling to a Foreign Country for the lst time in 2013.

    Purchase a ticket to go skydiving in 2013.
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    OH, yeah! Facial hair.

    I barely have eyelashes anymore as they have migrated to my chin and even lower! YIKES!

    If I am not using a magnifying glass I might miss one.....Now THAT is a crisis!
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    Just turned 50 and women my age don't appeal to me any more in a romantic sense.

    Looking at buying a sports car for Christmas.

    Traveling to a Foreign Country for the lst time in 2013.

    Purchase a ticket to go skydiving in 2013.

    Regarding your first line? Why the hell NOT?
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    I am angling to buy a motorcycle, but I'm not getting the approval needed!

    If I act young, I figure the arthritis, poor eyesight, and need for sleep won't drag me down!

    I have a motorcycle and just got an ATV this week. So looking forward to more play time. Being active helps no matter what.