Refrigerator Oatmeal - BLECH! - What am I doing Wrong?



  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    I've tried the refrigerator recipes... and as much as I love oatmeal, I just couldn't handle how they came out. If you're looking for easy and overnight, try one of the crockpot recipes that use steel cut oats -- dump all the ingredients into a lined crockpot, set it to low, go to bed, and seven hours later wake up to a fabulous breakfast! Even my "I'll-just-grab-a-PopTart-on-my-way-out-the-door" husband loves it and requests it at least a few times a week. :)
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I don't like Greek yogurt in mine either -- it makes it too... gluggy.

    I use recipes from here:
  • blood6338
    blood6338 Posts: 90 Member
    You can cook regular oats just like instant--I do it every morning. Cook for 1-2 minutes (I do about one because I like a lot of texture in my oatmeal) and you have quick, non-messy real oatmeal.

    I have also done this. I add 1/2 an apple, pineapple, strawberries, chia seeds, ground flax and raisins with cinnamon and apple pie spice and nuke it for 2 minutes and then add the oatmeal and cook it for 2 minutes again. Add some spray butter and almond or soy milk and it's good to go.
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    I make it with muesli (Bob's Red Mill) and skip the milk. It can get kind of gluey, so I put the fruit on the muesli, then the yogurt on top and don't stir until I'm ready to eat it. But... the above posters are right, if you're going to eat it at home, and not using it as a convenient way to bring some good food with you when you go out, just cook your oatmeal in the microwave for 2 minutes and enjoy it fresh. That is what I have every morning before work.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    clearly the issue is that you forgot the peanut butter :smile:

    But seriously, I'd say it's the flax seeds making weird texture. Alternatively, you just don't like it.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Use Steel Cut oatmeal make a large pot once a week its much tastier and thinker and not pasty looking. Takes about 1 hour to make. I make John McCains Irish Steel cut oats. Make a large batch once a week and put them into two serving containers and theres my breakfeast for the week makes about 10 2 serving containers.
  • trizzell79
    trizzell79 Posts: 153 Member
    I agree it's the flax seeds, they gel up when left in liquid too long. Maybe add the flax in the morning.
  • jazzcat55
    jazzcat55 Posts: 164 Member
    For the refrigerator oatmeal haters, try this before giving up on it. In another thread about Greek yogurt, someone said they mix the yogurt with oats and PB2 and let it sit for 10 minutes while they get ready for work. I needed some more calories tonight, so I made this for a snack. I used 1/2 cup of Fage Total 0%, 1/8 cup of old-fashioned oats, a tablespoon of PB2, and a splash of vanilla soy milk because the mixture was too thick. I let it sit on the counter for 15 minutes.

    YUM! The oatmeal was perfectly softened, and the texture was nice and creamy, not the pasty bread-dough texture I ended up with in the overnight version. I am going to make this for breakfast now too.
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    You're missing the best part- the fruit toppings! I wouldn't like it very much either without chopped banana mixed in- and blueberries too if I have them. Add the fruit in the AM, and a splash of extra milk if it has thickened too much.

    I don't use yogurt- tangy oatmeal? ew. I sweeten it to taste in the morning, either with stevia or Cary's sugar-free maple syrup. Flax or chia seeds are always in there, and I use unsweetened almond breeze almond-coconut milk.
  • ingies2011
    ingies2011 Posts: 127 Member
    I ike mine, I have 35 g oats, a teaspoon each of chia, sunflower, pumpkin and flaxseed, 60 g of blueberries, 1 serve of vanilla protein powder and 150 ml of unsweetened natural yoghurt, I add a little water and soak it overnight. No added sugar, provides 400 calories, including 34 g of protein. It may be an acquired taste that you'll get used to once you cut out sweet sugary things out of your diet.

    For variety I do change the berries to raspberries and blackcurrants at times. All the berries I use are frozen as they as the most economical and available all year around.