Taking Phetermine and Exercising



  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    Bad stuff. It is half of "Phen-Fen" which was taken off the market in the 90s. Dangerous to play with weight loss meds. Drop the pill, eat right, and exercise ~ it's that simple, unless you are looking for a quick way to lose weight (you'll gain it right back after you stop the phentermine). You don't want to listen, it's your prerogative (sp)..... but don't go suing your doctor after you have had a heart attack or some other medical complication from taking a medication that has many warnings. I'm a nurse and very well versed in this, as I was also looking for the "quick easy" way for weight loss at one time (never took it however.... too many nasty side effects). Guess what? It's called HARD WORK and DISCIPLINE, and it's not quick. *stepping off soap box*

    It is the PHEN part of the phen fen... not the heart failure part, but still not good... high blood pressure, and lung issues.
  • kaybae88
    As someone already has... you will get flamed for talking about Phentermine on here. Even when it is medically prescribed people have their opinions.

    I have lost 41 pounds to date since October 1st. I don't go to a gym, but I do Zumba twice a week, walk 3 days a week (just starting C25K) and do a bike ride on the weekends. I have had no problems with the medicine 'coming out' but I am not much of a sweater either. My doctor did encourage exercise.

    Hope this helps! Good luck on your journey.
    Thank you and that was awesome keep up the good work.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Just so you know...

    Any post involving weight loss alternative (safe or not) other than moderation and excercise will get you tons of hate mail and snide remarks MOSTLY from people who have neither tried nor been informed about your personal goals or requirements, health risks or needs.

    just so you know it's not just you...

    They get a lot of hate because NONE of them are proven to work over and above of exercise and diet. Some might have caffeine to provide more energy or some might suppress appetite but the pill alone will not provide any more weight loss over diet and exercise.

    :laugh: lol ...Should have followed my own advice... hate tends to spill over...:drinker:

    Sorry, it wasn't meant to be hate:laugh: . Just trying to explain why it gets hate, :drinker:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    This topic would be better suited for a private group discussion than the main boards. There is a communal responsibility to not suggest diets or treatments that promote unsafe weight loss practices. Using this drug under the care of your doctor is one thing, getting advice for how to use it from a public internet board is another. I'm sure you can find a private group of people that are using this drug, or if there isn't one, maybe consider starting one.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Drop the pill, Phen/fen was pulled off the market because the other half was identified as problematic and odds are the research just isn't there for the Phentermine... I lost 60, years ago on it... the problem is you will eventually go off it and then what are you going to do... Be free and do it yourself. The workout and good eating habits are sufficient!
  • di1428
    di1428 Posts: 165 Member
    Everyones weight loss journey is different so what is right for one is not right for another but
    just going to tell you to be careful with the way you're going about losing weight..
    i too tried this route and yes had success but its short lived...once you stop taking them, and
    your metabolism is all screwed up, the weight comes back and then some .
    plus your body will get immune to them so you will just have to keep taking more and more.
    there is a healthier way to achieve your goals....
    just my 2 cents :)
  • mandisu
    mandisu Posts: 57 Member
    Just so you know...

    Any post involving weight loss alternative (safe or not) other than moderation and excercise will get you tons of hate mail and snide remarks MOSTLY from people who have neither tried nor been informed about your personal goals or requirements, health risks or needs.

    just so you know it's not just you...

    They get a lot of hate because NONE of them are proven to work over and above of exercise and diet. Some might have caffeine to provide more energy or some might suppress appetite but the pill alone will not provide any more weight loss over diet and exercise.

    See that's the thing... if you think that phentermine is a pill that causes you to lose weight then your frame of mind is your problem. Phentermine is does not cause weight loss. Phentermine suppresses your appetite so that you can change your eating habits.
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    This topic would be better suited for a private group discussion than the main boards. There is a communal responsibility to not suggest diets or treatments that promote unsafe weight loss practices. Using this drug under the care of your doctor is one thing, getting advice for how to use it from a public internet board is another. I'm sure you can find a private group of people that are using this drug, or if there isn't one, maybe consider starting one.

    I do not think this should be private at all.

    I think everyone has a right to know about all the side effects of this pill, good or bad, and each individual experience. It is different for everyone. Information such as this, should not be kept private. no one is encouraging anyone to take anything. People are simply giving their own experiences, and suggestions. The OP is already taking it, and has been under doctors orders. No one is forcing a pill down her throat. As a community we have the responsibility to let a person know about all results, and not shy away from any such topic and keep it private. How ridiculous.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    This topic would be better suited for a private group discussion than the main boards. There is a communal responsibility to not suggest diets or treatments that promote unsafe weight loss practices. Using this drug under the care of your doctor is one thing, getting advice for how to use it from a public internet board is another. I'm sure you can find a private group of people that are using this drug, or if there isn't one, maybe consider starting one.

    I do not think this should be private at all.

    I think everyone has a right to know about all the side effects of this pill, good or bad, and each individual experience. It is different for everyone. Information such as this, should not be kept private. no one is encouraging anyone to take anything. People are simply giving their own experiences, and suggestions. The OP is already taking it, and has been under doctors orders. No one is forcing a pill down her throat. As a community we have the responsibility to let a person know about all results, and not shy away from any such topic and keep it private. How ridiculous.

    This is not a medical advice board.
  • mandisu
    mandisu Posts: 57 Member
    This topic would be better suited for a private group discussion than the main boards. There is a communal responsibility to not suggest diets or treatments that promote unsafe weight loss practices. Using this drug under the care of your doctor is one thing, getting advice for how to use it from a public internet board is another. I'm sure you can find a private group of people that are using this drug, or if there isn't one, maybe consider starting one.

    I do not think this should be private at all.

    I think everyone has a right to know about all the side effects of this pill, good or bad, and each individual experience. It is different for everyone. Information such as this, should not be kept private. no one is encouraging anyone to take anything. People are simply giving their own experiences, and suggestions. The OP is already taking it, and has been under doctors orders. No one is forcing a pill down her throat. As a community we have the responsibility to let a person know about all results, and not shy away from any such topic and keep it private. How ridiculous.

    EXACTLY! Community Guidelines say "Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including NON-MEDICALLY PRESCRIBED supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning."
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Just so you know...

    Any post involving weight loss alternative (safe or not) other than moderation and excercise will get you tons of hate mail and snide remarks MOSTLY from people who have neither tried nor been informed about your personal goals or requirements, health risks or needs.

    just so you know it's not just you...

    False. Most of us that give negative feed back, give it because we HAVE tried, and HAVE done this and KNOW it wont work long term. I used phentermine... I lost 75 pounds... I quit taking penetermine and I gained 85 back because I didn't have to learn moderation the pill did all the work while i still ate the way I was before I took the pills.

    OP drop the pills keep doing what you are doing - eat a healthy diet in monderation and keep going to the gym you will get long term results this way... WITHOUT the pills. You will probably hit bumps along the way but really isn't it the long term that is your end goal?
  • mandisu
    mandisu Posts: 57 Member

    This is not a medical advice board.

    You're exactly right! The OP was asking for opinions. Which you are free to share and so are we -- even with scrutiny if so desired.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member

    This is not a medical advice board.

    You're exactly right! The OP was asking for opinions. Which you are free to share and so are we -- even with scrutiny if so desired.
    I appreciate your permission.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Drop the pill, keep the exercise

    I say this also.. I took it for about a month. Lost good weight but it was not worth it and as soon as I got off it, I gained all the weight I lost plus an extra 10 lbs. Healthy eating and Exercise is the way to go!

    I agree healthy eating and exercise is the way to go. But if you can consider phentermine a crutch (helping to stave off hunger until your body gets used to normal portions) and NOT a magic pill that makes you lose weight. Then, I think phentermine, when prescribed by your doctor can be a suitable avenue for those who are morbidly obese. One must consider which one is doing more damage?

    I agree, IF it's not looked at as a "magic pill", but most DO see it that way and the weight is almost inevitably gained back because people don't learn to eat healthy or exercise. Not to mention, very rapid weight loss can be quite damaging as what's being lost is often lean muscle and not excess fat.

    I was morbidly obese and it sucked and it was damaging to my body. I got where I am with hard work, sweat and more than just a few tears.

    Different things work for different people, though, and best of luck to the OP and all others. :flowerforyou:
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    This topic would be better suited for a private group discussion than the main boards. There is a communal responsibility to not suggest diets or treatments that promote unsafe weight loss practices. Using this drug under the care of your doctor is one thing, getting advice for how to use it from a public internet board is another. I'm sure you can find a private group of people that are using this drug, or if there isn't one, maybe consider starting one.

    I do not think this should be private at all.

    I think everyone has a right to know about all the side effects of this pill, good or bad, and each individual experience. It is different for everyone. Information such as this, should not be kept private. no one is encouraging anyone to take anything. People are simply giving their own experiences, and suggestions. The OP is already taking it, and has been under doctors orders. No one is forcing a pill down her throat. As a community we have the responsibility to let a person know about all results, and not shy away from any such topic and keep it private. How ridiculous.

    This is not a medical advice board.

    Again I am not giving any medical advice, so congratulations on stating the obvious of this not being a medical advice board. You get one gold star and a cookie! good for you.

    Like I said, think I am repeating myself here, people are giving their own experiences here, and suggestions... no one is giving medical advice.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    This topic would be better suited for a private group discussion than the main boards. There is a communal responsibility to not suggest diets or treatments that promote unsafe weight loss practices. Using this drug under the care of your doctor is one thing, getting advice for how to use it from a public internet board is another. I'm sure you can find a private group of people that are using this drug, or if there isn't one, maybe consider starting one.

    And insulate themselves from potentially opposing (and possibly sound) advice?

    No no no. Just no.
  • mandisu
    mandisu Posts: 57 Member

    I quit taking phenetermine and I gained 85 back because I didn't have to learn moderation the pill did all the work while i still ate the way I was before I took the pills.


    That's key... learning moderation. Phentermine is not a diet pill, it is an appetite suppressant. If you DO learn moderation and you DON'T continue the bad habits that made you overweight, then it can be an aide to put you on the right track. When you discontinue Phentermine you will have changed your eating habits and CAN continue to lose weight without the pill.
  • faireplay
    I hope you do realize that it is not physiologically possible to lose 12 pounds of fat in 6 days. You would need to create a calorie deficit of 7000 calories a day to lose two pounds a day. What you have lost is water weight and after about the first two weeks that will stop and you will slow down on the losses. Two pounds a week is considered the high end of a healthy sustainable loss and you can do that without chemical aid.
    As far as seating the medicine out, well yeah, what you put into your body is gong to show up in your body odors...like working out next to someone who had a butt load of garlic for dinner the night before ;-)
    Just be realistic about what the pill can do, what the risks are and remember that getting healthy should go hand in hand with getting thin.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    PHENTERMINE is a drug you should use with caution. Case and point:
    Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction while taking phentermine: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

    Call your doctor at once if you have a serious side effect such as:

    feeling short of breath, even with mild exertion;

    chest pain, feeling like you might pass out;

    swelling in your ankles or feet;

    pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest;

    confusion or irritability, unusual thoughts or behavior;

    feelings of extreme happiness or sadness; or

    dangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeats, seizure).

    Less serious side effects of phentermine may include:

    feeling restless or hyperactive;

    headache, dizziness, tremors;

    sleep problems (insomnia);

    dry mouth or an unpleasant taste in your mouth;

    diarrhea or constipation, upset stomach; or

    increased or decreased interest in sex, impotence.

    This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    This topic would be better suited for a private group discussion than the main boards. There is a communal responsibility to not suggest diets or treatments that promote unsafe weight loss practices. Using this drug under the care of your doctor is one thing, getting advice for how to use it from a public internet board is another. I'm sure you can find a private group of people that are using this drug, or if there isn't one, maybe consider starting one.

    I do not think this should be private at all.

    I think everyone has a right to know about all the side effects of this pill, good or bad, and each individual experience. It is different for everyone. Information such as this, should not be kept private. no one is encouraging anyone to take anything. People are simply giving their own experiences, and suggestions. The OP is already taking it, and has been under doctors orders. No one is forcing a pill down her throat. As a community we have the responsibility to let a person know about all results, and not shy away from any such topic and keep it private. How ridiculous.

    This is not a medical advice board.

    Again I am not giving any medical advice, so congratulations on stating the obvious of this not being a medical advice board. You get one gold star and a cookie! good for you.

    Like I said, think I am repeating myself here, people are giving their own experiences here, and suggestions... no one is giving medical advice.
    Thanks! I like cookies.

    Would you consider the following post advice:
    Drop the pill, keep the exercise
    Seems to me like that is advice to go against the OP's doctor's orders.

    I understand that YOU aren't giving medical advice, but not everyone is following your lead.
This discussion has been closed.