Anyone else in graduate school?



  • nmh20
    nmh20 Posts: 51 Member
    Master's of Accounting student here!! Add me!
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm 23 and in my second semester of grad school right now. I'm getting my Masters in Curriculum and Instruction. :smile:
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Hon, when I did my law school I've lost so much weight due to stress and depression of the exams! It was horrifying, I couldn't sleep. Some professors still come to e in my nightmares! I know they are hard on purpose to get us ready for the courts but that was simply brutal...

    I also got my MBA recently and it was so easy after the law school, I was working full time and going to school, and partying like crazy, graduated with gpa 3.8, no sweat.
    I am in my last year of my Master program-School Counseling only 700 internship hours separate me from that piece of paper. I gain weight mainly from the stress of finding an internship site (my search is still going????); now I am using my free time to loose the weight and use exercise as a stress reliever. I have more stress now than any time frame during my graduate school.
    Good luck everyone with your journey and feel free to add me. Be blessed.
  • camiann585
    camiann585 Posts: 30 Member
    I just looked up "free food" on PhD comics. LOL. So true and so problematic.
  • kam10488
    kam10488 Posts: 5 Member
    I love PHD comics (...and the what-should-we-call-grad-school tumblr)! I just finished my first semester of a PhD program in sociology. I decided to join MFP in order to become more aware of the food I eat and to take control of my health. I'm hoping to lose weight and increase my fitness so I have more energy to cope with the stress and grueling schedule of grad school. I'm looking for friends and encouragement! Feel free to add me if you're also looking for support.
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    Finished 2 degrees already but now in the final year of a doctoral degree as well as an MBA program. ( Healthcare Management specialty.)
  • sltilly63
    Congratulations!!!! What an accomplishment, celebrate!!!
  • sltilly63
    I am 3 classes away from Graduation!!!! I will have my Master's in Early Childhood Education!!!!! There is light at the end of the tunnel:happy:
  • jbnelson98
    jbnelson98 Posts: 2 Member
    I am currently taking classes toward my masters in Learning Disabilities. I am married with a 2 year old and a full time teaching job!! I welcome any and all encouragement and easy recipe ideas (I am not much of a cook, but willing to learn)!
    It feels great to be a part of a community that has similar goals as I do.
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in my last semester of Grad School. Studying Instructional Technology, plus teaching full time. Sadly I gained back almost all of the 30 pounds I lost last year due to stress. I could use some new friends as well. :-)