Fat Trainers



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I think your a judgmental meat head

    do you look like this guy?

  • fraser112
    I have lost a tremendous amount of weight and sacrificed a ton to get to where I am, Im sorry if I misspelled one word. Forgive me please. I never said that a pt who is overweight cant achieve fitness goals for his clients. I personal dont see how people can believe them. I have been overweight, but I kicked *kitten* and I am the man I am today. Mr. Neverstray according to your post earlier I am overweight since all that matters to you is BMI. Im sorry if I offended people, my question I guess was, would it be hard to take advice from someone who is overweight, maybe even more than yourself. As opposed to someone who has been there and lost the weight.
    Seems like you touched a nerve tonight :laugh: without a bleeding heart story i fully agree even with a medical condition (bar disabilty not one exists to stop someone losing weight) being an obese trainer might not show a lack of info but it sure shows a lack of knowledge of how to implement that information. Best example i can think of it's like a drug council who still shoots up.

    Shows at best a lazy personality and at worst a lack of skill the field of fitness.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I suppose if I just took things at face value, I'd be displeased by an obese trainer. However, I generally look beyond that to their knowledge base and history. Do they have references? Testimonials from those they have trained? There are people who are pure motivational magic, physical appearance aside. Those are the ones who understand human nature, who know what to say to get you going, who have a strong, successful client base.

    I question what I'd learn from a cut trainer who was unable to string two sentences together and lacked motivational skills.

    One said, those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Well, there are those who are truly gifted teachers and the world is a far better, smarter, faster place due to them.

    Edited to get rid of an extra word.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff

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