How long did it take you to lose 25 pounds?



  • RomulanWarbird
    I just joined this site today. I have been on a diet and exercise plan mixing raspberry ketones and garcinia cambogia and I'm shocked! I just lost 23 lbs in 8 days!


  • starvinkevin
    I just hit 25 lbs last week - about 2 months... without exercise.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    10 months I think.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    It took me about 10 weeks. This was probably too fast in hindsight, but I hadn't started using MFP at this stage and had no idea my TDEE would be so high. I'm fairness I didn't even know what TDEE was then!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    A little bit over a month, but I started at over 300 pounds and about 5-7 pounds of it was water weight. The rest took a little under a year ( I had a few months of maintenance that I'm not counting) and I suspect I need another 1-1.5 years to reach my goal.
  • Kukenan
    Kukenan Posts: 44
    For me about 5 months, and I've been stuck since. Then again, I started at 151 lbs and I only have about 5 lbs left to lose and I haven't really been eating at a deficit the last couple of months, so I only have myself to blame :bigsmile: .
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    Been on this site for 40 days, so far have lost 26lbs. Everyone is different though and will achieve loss at different rates.
  • ultrafishboy
    ultrafishboy Posts: 63 Member
    Took me 2 months. Drastic food choices. Logged religiously. Exercise 3x per week 45-60 minutes ea.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I'm just shy of the 25 pound mark, and started at Christmas. So about 4 months. (Full confidence I'll lose another partial pound in the next week!) I've studied, researched, etc. and understand all the science. I've long known the right things to do (calorie deficit but eat sufficiently) but haven't always followed thru. Calorie deficit of 500-1000 per day and increasing my activity. I'm lazy by nature but I want to be active. Its a work in progress.

    My husband on the other hand (men!) started a month later and is already down 30+.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I've been on here almost three months and just hit 20 pounds today, so I'll hopefully be there in 3-4 more weeks
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    I started out only needing to lose 45lbs so it took me almost 4 months to lose the first 25lbs. But if you have a lot more to lose, it'll come off significantly faster. My husband needed to lose 70lbs and he lost 25lbs in 2 months.
  • crystalwilliams19
    3 months.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    72 days to lose the first 20 lbs. Now I've been losing and gaining the same 1 lb for 2 weeks. I think i'll be to 25 lbs lost by day 100.
  • ddmusica
    ddmusica Posts: 50 Member
    I started September 1st at 173 lbs. I am 46 years old, 5'5" tall. I've lost 15 lbs so far. I watch what I eat and work out 6 days a week for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. My goal is to get to 130 lbs. I hope to be there by March 1st.
  • tindeyy
    tindeyy Posts: 25 Member
    Still haven't lost 25 pounds ;-)
    I lost my first 15 in 3 months, and have maintained a 12 lb lose for 1 year. Now I'm back to lose 10-15 more and get to my most ideal weight. So when I reach my goal THIS time, I'll have lost about 25-30 lbs and then I'm done.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    At my absolute heaviest it took me 4 wks.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    About 6 months...
  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    6 months, a pound, average a week. I went slow on purpose to ensure I keep it off and to instill good, healthy eating habits. I don't like feeling hungry all the time and I don't think it's necessary.
  • summerhaze71
    summerhaze71 Posts: 1,204 Member
    about 4 1/2 months... with one month where the scale barely budged at all.
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    It looks like it took me 2.5 months. I've lost 35 in 4.5 months, so the weight loss slowed after the first 25 pounds. It takes what it takes.