I ate half of a large pizza today...



  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Yummm I love pizza. I try to keep it to 2-3 pieces buttttt hey ... it happens ... and I always keep it in mind when I'm eating other meals that day.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I had pizza last night too! But I made mine myself with fresh ingredients. So it was super-yummy!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Gotta love cheat days.

    I do it once a week, twice this week. I don't do cheat days.

    ^^ So much this!

    I have no trouble at all working pizza into my normal routine. It's normally once a week. I don't believe in "cheat days" either.
  • joeq722
    joeq722 Posts: 86 Member
    That's the rule of thumb I always went by: 1/2 a pizza for women, a whole pizza for men.....
    Seriously, your's is the attitude that wins long term.
  • thomakg
    thomakg Posts: 69 Member
    Oh no! There's a pizza in my fridge! I can hear it calling me....
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Oh my god....I totally thought this was g oing to be another one of those posts whining that you ruined your life, blah blah blah.....but yay! im glad you ate half a pizza and are exercising and are doing good. That's awesome! Kudos to you! :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    ...and it was AWESOME!!! The diet coke was great too :bigsmile: I'm glad that I finally realized that this is a LIFEstyle change, and therefore must be tolerable and enjoyable long term. I remember when I used to torture myself by only eating Lean Cuisines and only drinking bottled water.

    I'm burning off the excess calories now on my stationary bike, and then relaxing with my man, chocolate protein shake, and Saturday Night Live. Life is good!

    ITA - I eat half a large pizza every week on average. I did it the entire time I was losing and have continued to do it on maintenance. I'm active. It usually fits easily into my macros.

    I refuse to diet. I refuse to eat diet food.
  • paintedlady77
    paintedlady77 Posts: 154 Member
    That's so cool! I'm learning this lesson. It's not too shabby! :-)
  • Nickle526
    Nickle526 Posts: 239 Member
    Pizza lovers unite! I don't believe in cheat days anymore, they just get me off track. I love to eat big, I just make sure I earn it!