ruined? or just time out?



  • khadijak17
    khadijak17 Posts: 393 Member
    Thank you so much for all your replies when do you think I should weigh myself how long shall I leave it and is 2 litres of water a day enough to flush out sodium? Many thanks guys :)
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Thank you so much for all your replies when do you think I should weigh myself how long shall I leave it and is 2 litres of water a day enough to flush out sodium? Many thanks guys :)

    Weigh yourself when you want...but understand the scale is only going to show you a trend and not the actual truth. Your clothes, how you feel, the tape measure...those are much much much more accurate than the scale. I weigh everyday, but I don't care if it goes up because I know there are sooo many different factors that move the scale.

    Unless your doctor says you need to cut down on sodium...don't worry too much about it. Drink plenty of water until you are hydrated. Normally, the clue that you're hydrated is you pee is a much lighter color...a pale yellow is a good indicator. Drink when you're thirsty.

    Again, just eat like you want, exercise some, and keep track of calories and you'll be just fine. Talk to your doctor if you have medical questions, but general accepted rule is, eat less calories than you burn in a day to lose. It's really that simple.
  • JHP8
    JHP8 Posts: 7 Member
    There's NO crying in baseball!

  • shakarock
    shakarock Posts: 23 Member
    The only way to ruin your weight loss is to stop trying. Everyone has set backs along the way, the important thing is to not get discouraged. :)
  • khadijak17
    khadijak17 Posts: 393 Member
    I'm actually SCARED of the scale!
  • Sincere24
    Sincere24 Posts: 126 Member
    hi guys this week i've over eaten not binged just over eaten mainly bad stuff! i sat after i logged all my calories and decided to check my bmr and daily caloric needs.
    I then added all the calories in total consumed and found that i have gone over 2600 for the week in maintenence tonight ive got the cinema and dinner with the kids and my husband ive saved all my calories for today.........should i get back onto eating a defect from tomorrow i feel like ive completley ruined it can't even look in the mirror because i see fat fat fat!.
    What damage have i done even if i've underestimated my calories i may of set myself bk 2lbs is this right?

    From reading your posts prior to this, it seems like you might be on the brinks of an eating you've alluded to yourself just yesterday.

    Your self perception is quite disheartening, you have not gained weight, any visible weight weight that you have assessed vis a vi mirror is warped

    I want reiterate what i had kindly advised yesterday and recommend you seek some medical attention/advice as you're slowly becoming too consumed emotionally. I mean nothing mean by this, just really concerned, take a break from dieting, relax, chuck the scale for a week even...Seek help hun, you are not fat, you're a strong, women and mother!
    I never say I will begin again tomorrow ... I always (now that I have changed my lifestyle) say I will begin NOW. Why? Because I can do alot more damage between NOW AND TOMORROW and just make my journey more difficult. The damage is done, and face it, overall it's minimal considering how far you have come ... begin again now and stop stressing so much. You are doing great ... just pick back up and move forward. You know what you need to do ... you just have to do it.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Not 2 pounds. That would be about 7000 cals over maintenance. You are probable feeling bloated from holding on to water. Binging is a cycle of shame and will turn into more binging. Learn to forgive yourself and move on without the shame and guilt. People that have binge eating disorder are often triggered by too much restriction, if you carry a very large deficit, you are at higher risk of binging. Try for a smaller deficit, such as 15-20% below TDEE, and you will have an easier time recovering.

    You seem to have got things a bit wrong. The op did not binge, she simply overate a little for the week. There is quite a difference.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Weigh yourself whenever you want to. I weight myself several times throughout the week just to get a sense of what my normal flucuations are. Sometimes I even weigh in the am and the pm to see what my daily flucuation is. However, I only log my weight once a week on the same day. The scale is only a tool. It's not the end all be all of our journey. Measurements and how your clothes fit are the true sign of change. If your doctor has not told you to watch your sodium intact then don't worry about it. If you are meeting your daily goal or even going over it once in a while it's not anything to be concerned about. If you are continually 1000's of grams over then yes, you need to be more watchful.