

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    If you are not injured, there is no reason to not get more active in my opinion.

    You don't have to put in an hour at the gym at 6am every morning, but you can fit it in throughout the day. Take the stairs, turn around, go down them and up again. Do a 15 minute circuit twice a day, or even just once a day. Every bit helps if you rack it up.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    5 minutes to exercise is always available a few times a day and will help tremendously
  • Sincere24
    Sincere24 Posts: 126 Member
    simple answer, yes you can lose weight without exercising...but it'll be hard! Great tip is try intermittent fasting, definitly helps with curbing ur appetite and allows to meet your calorie goals. You should check out lean gains or even the intermittent fasting group that's on MFP.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    all you lazy ****s just exercise

    Nice first post!

    blunt perhaps, but true

    all these excuses to not exercise are lame and false

    5 minutes to exercise is always available a few times a day and will help tremendously

    Not everyone can. While I agree that a lot of people make excuses, it is a gross over generalization.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you can lose weight without exercising through diet BUT you will find that if you do exercise you can make sure most of what you lose will be fat instead of lean body mass. this will help in the long run in terms of body transformation

    even if it's just 15 minutes a day while you watch TV, better to get in the habit now
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    all you lazy ****s just exercise

    Nice first post!

    blunt perhaps, but true

    all these excuses to not exercise are lame and false

    5 minutes to exercise is always available a few times a day and will help tremendously

    Not everyone can. It is a gross over generalization.

    gross over generalization?

    who can't exercise 5 minutes a day? disabled people and like that? well sure...but they aren't here whining they can't find the time.

    for those on MFP whining...unless they are physically disabled, they could spend the time exercising that that they spend looking for enablers posting about it

    except for disabled, not exercising because you dont have the time is just being in denial and flat out lazy

    harsh but true
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    all you lazy ****s just exercise

    Nice first post!

    blunt perhaps, but true

    all these excuses to not exercise are lame and false

    5 minutes to exercise is always available a few times a day and will help tremendously

    Not everyone can. While I agree that a lot of people make excuses, it is a gross over generalization.

    I disagree. Short of an extreme medical condition (ie, comatose, quadriplegic, etc.) everyone (or very nearly everyone) that has some excess weight to lose has some time to move each least close enough that rounding up to "everyone" is not a "gross overgeneralization".
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    all you lazy ****s just exercise

    Nice first post!

    blunt perhaps, but true

    all these excuses to not exercise are lame and false

    5 minutes to exercise is always available a few times a day and will help tremendously

    Not everyone can. While I agree that a lot of people make excuses, it is a gross over generalization.

    I disagree. Short of an extreme medical condition (ie, comatose, quadriplegic, etc.) everyone (or very nearly everyone) that has some excess weight to lose has some time to move each least close enough that rounding up to "everyone" is not a "gross overgeneralization".

    I suppose it depends on your definition of 'exercise'. Getting up and going for a walk or moving more, baring physical issues, yes I agree. Doing something like cardio...not so much. And...ok, how about we make it a simple over generalization rather than a gross one? Better?.

    Edited for typos
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    all you lazy ****s just exercise

    Nice first post!

    blunt perhaps, but true

    all these excuses to not exercise are lame and false

    5 minutes to exercise is always available a few times a day and will help tremendously

    Not everyone can. It is a gross over generalization.

    gross over generalization?

    who can't exercise 5 minutes a day? disabled people and like that? well sure...but they aren't here whining they can't find the time.

    for those on MFP whining...unless they are physically disabled, they could spend the time exercising that that they spend looking for enablers posting about it

    except for disabled, not exercising because you dont have the time is just being in denial and flat out lazy

    harsh but true

    While the word gross may have been a bit extreme, I agree, I think we will have to agree to disagree on the fact that the statement that everyone is a lazy **** if they do not exercise.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    all you lazy ****s just exercise

    Nice first post!

    blunt perhaps, but true

    all these excuses to not exercise are lame and false

    5 minutes to exercise is always available a few times a day and will help tremendously

    Not everyone can. While I agree that a lot of people make excuses, it is a gross over generalization.

    I disagree. Short of an extreme medical condition (ie, comatose, quadriplegic, etc.) everyone (or very nearly everyone) that has some excess weight to lose has some time to move each least close enough that rounding up to "everyone" is not a "gross overgeneralization".

    I suppose it depends on your definition of 'exercise'. Getting up and going for a walk or moving more, baring physical issues, yes I agree. Doing something like cardio...not so much. And...ok, how about we make is a simple over generalization rather than a gross one? Better?.


    because many people here are looking for any validation to justify not exercising and you are giving them that
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    all you lazy ****s just exercise

    Nice first post!

    blunt perhaps, but true

    all these excuses to not exercise are lame and false

    5 minutes to exercise is always available a few times a day and will help tremendously

    Not everyone can. While I agree that a lot of people make excuses, it is a gross over generalization.

    I disagree. Short of an extreme medical condition (ie, comatose, quadriplegic, etc.) everyone (or very nearly everyone) that has some excess weight to lose has some time to move each least close enough that rounding up to "everyone" is not a "gross overgeneralization".

    I suppose it depends on your definition of 'exercise'. Getting up and going for a walk or moving more, baring physical issues, yes I agree. Doing something like cardio...not so much. And...ok, how about we make is a simple over generalization rather than a gross one? Better?.


    because many people here are looking for any validation to justify not exercising and you are giving them that

    I am doing no such thing
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    all you lazy ****s just exercise

    Nice first post!

    blunt perhaps, but true

    all these excuses to not exercise are lame and false

    5 minutes to exercise is always available a few times a day and will help tremendously

    Not everyone can. While I agree that a lot of people make excuses, it is a gross over generalization.

    I disagree. Short of an extreme medical condition (ie, comatose, quadriplegic, etc.) everyone (or very nearly everyone) that has some excess weight to lose has some time to move each least close enough that rounding up to "everyone" is not a "gross overgeneralization".

    I don't think that was the point of the OP.

    When I responded, I mean I haven't done any formal exercise because I was in school and my schedule is very demanding. I move plenty, I don't include everyday activities as exercise including walking, shopping, running from class to class, walking up five flights of stairs to get to my car, etc. but I know that it's part of my TDEE. I also have been watching what I've been eating very well.
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I'll probably get blasted for this but I get tired of hearing people say you MUST take time to exercise. Well, when you work two jobs (one in retail during the Christmas season), have 3 very, very busy kids, you don't always have the time. I've lost 20 pounds (1 pound a week consistently) without exercise. You can do it if you follow the calorie intake MFP sets up for you.

    These attitudes of "you must do this, you must do that" was the reason I failed in my weight loss the last time. I felt like I had to follow every piece of advice, do everything everyone said. I was convinced there was only one right way to lose weight. And when the pressure became too much (to only put healthy things in my mouth, to work out so many times a week, yadda, yadda, yadda), I simply quit everything.

    This time I'm not listening to any "you must".

    Well, except for one. "You must do what's right for you and only you know what that is."

    Not blasting you, but working retail IS exercise. You'd be surprised how many calories you burn while working.
  • vegdocmama
    vegdocmama Posts: 4 Member
    Milk is not good for you, it is good for cows. If you cut the milk and the wheat, you'll probably drop weight. But, honestly, exercise is the most beneficial. Even if it's just a few minutes a day. It will build muscle and shift your metabolism to burn more calories all day long.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I'll probably get blasted for this but I get tired of hearing people say you MUST take time to exercise. Well, when you work two jobs (one in retail during the Christmas season), have 3 very, very busy kids, you don't always have the time. I've lost 20 pounds (1 pound a week consistently) without exercise. You can do it if you follow the calorie intake MFP sets up for you.

    These attitudes of "you must do this, you must do that" was the reason I failed in my weight loss the last time. I felt like I had to follow every piece of advice, do everything everyone said. I was convinced there was only one right way to lose weight. And when the pressure became too much (to only put healthy things in my mouth, to work out so many times a week, yadda, yadda, yadda), I simply quit everything.

    This time I'm not listening to any "you must".

    Well, except for one. "You must do what's right for you and only you know what that is."

    I couldn't agree more. My job has me on my feet a lot too!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Milk is not good for you, it is good for cows. If you cut the milk and the wheat, you'll probably drop weight. But, honestly, exercise is the most beneficial. Even if it's just a few minutes a day. It will build muscle and shift your metabolism to burn more calories all day long.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Milk is not good for you, it is good for cows. If you cut the milk and the wheat, you'll probably drop weight. But, honestly, exercise is the most beneficial. Even if it's just a few minutes a day. It will build muscle and shift your metabolism to burn more calories all day long.

    Re milk: unless you are lactose intolerant there is absolutely nothing wrong with milk and has many benefits. And unless you are intolerant, what is wrong with wheat?

    You will only drop the weight if you cut them out if you do not replace them with something with similar or higher calories.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    tips for losing weight without exercise,,,,, hmmm,,,, ah diet.
  • mrsarab
    mrsarab Posts: 2 Member
    You can work exercise in to any schedule. Exercise is just moving your body. When I am pulling clothes out of the dryer I have to bend over to get them them from the dryer to the basket. I lift one leg anyway for balance so I started doing a few leg lifts on each side as I empty the dryer. Okay so it's only 8 leg lifts or so per load from the dryer but with three kids, I do a lot of laundry each day and any movement burns calories and adds up. I look for ways to add in or exaggerate movements to things I already do during the day. When I grab the gallon of milk to pour one for my kids, I will lift it 8 times before I pour it. It takes no time at all and adds exercise to my day where I can.