Divorce Diet



  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    Just think about how amazing you'll look once you reach your goal. Plus if you ever see your ex husband you could be like, "this is what your missing out on!" BOOM :D

    P.S. You'll so fine. Just keep your head up high. :)

    Oh we'll always be seeing each other, we have a child together.
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    I'm glad I posted this :)

    I try to make myself eat enough through out the day, but some days are harder than others.
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    Can't say i've heard of that diet but what ever works. have you joined a gym, go to the gym and work out you will feel better about yourself and it help your diet, and sometimes theres eye candy there that might take your mind off the divorce. just a thought.

    I work out 4 days a week :) plus my job is pretty physical too. I work on a military base, plenty of eye candy to see :) Now to get one of them to talk to me ;)

    I'm sure you wont have any problem with that !! you got it going on!!
  • HealthyAlison
    HealthyAlison Posts: 112 Member
    Hang in there! It's been a tough day for me too, mostly because we're still living together and sorting out the details. Hope tomorrow is brighter for you! :flowerforyou:

    So are we! :/

    Oh my. It really does suck, doesn't it. I'm the cause of this divorce, though not the one to decide to divorce. My profile contains the reason. I'm so trying to be kind and giving to my wife and be the best parent I can, but she has been stuck in a whirlwind of anger over this for just under a decade. How long until you are finally on your own?

    By the spring, I'm moving back to my home state to become a corrections officer.

    Have a non-marriage/divorce goal to work toward really does help. One of my strategies on the tough days is to do something to build my network at work or figure out how to make myself more marketable. I'm determined to advance in my career while all this mess is happening at home. It seems a little crazy, but this is my time for a whole-life makeover. :smile:
  • lorindaleigh
    lorindaleigh Posts: 87 Member
    I'm currently on the divorce diet too! I'm actually happy about my divorce though. Ours is finalized in Feb... it can't come quick enough. We were married for almost 11 years.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    yep did great until i married again

    ^^ this-- lost 20 lbs in the divorce, found it plus a little more while dating my husband.
  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member
    Hang in there! It's been a tough day for me too, mostly because we're still living together and sorting out the details. Hope tomorrow is brighter for you! :flowerforyou:

    So are we! :/

    Oh my. It really does suck, doesn't it. I'm the cause of this divorce, though not the one to decide to divorce. My profile contains the reason. I'm so trying to be kind and giving to my wife and be the best parent I can, but she has been stuck in a whirlwind of anger over this for just under a decade. How long until you are finally on your own?

    By the spring, I'm moving back to my home state to become a corrections officer.

    I am a corrections officer for the state of Texas. Have been for 8 years. Don't fall prey to the inmates!!! They like fresh divorce/broken up people. Fresh wounds make some people easy to manipulate, I have seen it happen far too often. If you need any tips on that front I can help you out.

    I lost 20 lb.s when I broke up with my ex.... too bad I had gained close to 80....
  • emilydumarce
    emilydumarce Posts: 46 Member
    yep this worked well for me lol
  • Not on a divorce diet, but cheer up!
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Ah, the grief diet. I never looked better than I did after my divorce.

    I also lost a very quick 30 after my mom died.

    I know everyone is telling you to eat, but give yourself a break for a little while. If not eating feels fine, and you're not feeling sick or lightheaded, go with it. The day is coming when you will like yourself again, just give yourself a little time.
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    Thank you for all the love and support.
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    Think of it this way...you'lve already lost about 200 lbs by divoricing his *kitten*... :)
    Smile girl, hopefully you're better off without him!
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    Think of it this way...you'lve already lost about 200 lbs by divoricing his *kitten*... :)
    Smile girl, hopefully you're better off without him!

    HAHAH, I never thought of it like that!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Situational "diets" seldom show lasting results. This is because once the situation is over, we usually resume our former lifestyle. Depression is a mean taskmaster. One way to break its evil bonds is to find alternative activities... Church can provide emotional support and the gym can provide an alternative activity to "the mulligrubs" Best wishes on your new life and may you find peace in the days ahead.
  • ssl444
    ssl444 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey there,

    I've been in your shoes (I called it separation diet, we were together 15yrs), life will feel crap at the moment, but you will get through it and then you will be wondering why you were together anyway, life has a plan for you and what will be will be, you will be better, slimmer and stronger for it and then something will happen and you say to yourself that's why I had to go through that as you will be so much happier.
    I did lose weight as well, I didn't do anything to maintain, hence here I am on MFP on my new diet journey.
    Good luck with everything.
  • Thanks, it's just getting to that some day that sucks.

    28 lbs and counting. It's the only "diet" I've ever been able to stick to.

    Sorry to hear you are going through a tough time, but I read your posts and couldn't help but think me too!! My husband left me October 22nd, I had no idea it was coming and since then I have lost 14 kilos - not sure how much in pounds but probably about the same as you. I have always been an emotional eater so have been very surprised with the loss of appetite.
    I live in New Zealand and here you have to be legally seperated for 2 years before you can divorce, which I prefer, I can't imagine going from married to divorced within the space of a couple of months.
  • kjleijen
    kjleijen Posts: 9 Member
    I am currently going through this too. Although no luck with weight loss.
    I didn't feel like eating much at first - actually made me queasy then couple weeks later just ate junk because that's all I felt like. I'm back to eating normally again however struggling more with trying to be positive as he has crushed my self esteem with remarks such as you have let yourself go and you've just packed on the weight.
    I wish I could make it to my goal weight and rub it in his face (he has lost weight - not that he needed to) but first I need to deal with my depression and self esteem. I am trying to do the positive talk thing each morning so hopefully I'll get there soon.
    I wish you strength and happiness.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    It's good you are losing weight but make sure your diet is still balanced and that you're taking proper care of yourself and reducing your stress levels wherever you can. I ended up with patches of alopecia (hair loss) from a period of time when life hardly seemed living after a relationship ended and I'm still hoping it will grow back one day.
  • Yep, nothing can beat it, lost 42lbs in about a month.

    Thought whilst I'm down to a decent weight I'd start weightlifting which is what I did and have not looked back! I look great and feel better and have not put the weight back on.

    Look at this weight loss as a blessing and take full advantage of it! Now go kick some *kitten*!
  • mineboy
    mineboy Posts: 2,478 Member
    Hey there,

    I've been in your shoes (I called it separation diet, we were together 15yrs), life will feel crap at the moment, but you will get through it and then you will be wondering why you were together anyway, life has a plan for you and what will be will be, you will be better, slimmer and stronger for it and then something will happen and you say to yourself that's why I had to go through that as you will be so much happier.
    I did lose weight as well, I didn't do anything to maintain, hence here I am on MFP on my new diet journey.
    Good luck with everything.

    i liked the so called separation diet............
    i turned to walking and good eating.....

    think its working.