SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo Feb. 15, 2010

Good morning, ladies: I didn't see a new week started yet, so I hope I didn't miss it! It is a Monday morning holiday. Four boys in the house eating French toaster sticks and playing video games. Husband still asleep. The sun is out and the birds are singing. Could spring fever be far behind?

I still haven't dropped my Vegas gain, but I will keep on keeping on. This cold hasn't helped, but it is better this morning. I thik I may try my Wii Fitness Coach DVD. It isn't too hard, but it will get me moving. I need to drink more water.

For today: log food, Wii Fitness Coach, drink more water.

I hope everyone has a great day!!



  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Those are good goals! That water is soooo important! My goals for the week: Slim N 6 4X week, log every calorie, and water-water-water! Here we go!:heart:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Yoga Cats is done and on You Tube!

    A few cold days ahead then excellent weather the rest of the week. More like a normal Texas winter. Got a bike ride in yesterday before a sudden cold front. It reached 68 degrees - it was 43 degrees by late afternoon. Got a great yoga session in as well - 7 minute shoulderstand! Yeah, me.

    Walk this morning and double yoga tonight. Also, yoga workshop this weekend. Does it get any better than this? Oh, I was just called by the gym and asked to take on another class. They said I was the first person that came to mind. I had to decline as it was on my regular class night (they keep offering me the same class on Monday or Wednesday night), but it was nice to hear all the same.

    Done bragging, boogaloo :tongue:

    Oh, yeah, no sugar for me either. I made whipped cream Friday for the crepes, shared dessert on Saturday, and used some more cream to go with 1/2 a scone yesterday (oh, my, was it good!).
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Tired this a.m. Discovered once again at the concert that I'm no longer twenty. Pretty sore from all the dancing. Maybe I am too old to throw my hands in the air like I just don't care and jump around.:laugh:

    Today I have my sights set on a noon Bikram class. It's a holiday monday, so no gym classes today. Boo, no boxing, boo. Still, Bikram is cool, and I haven't been in a week. (I tried the gym yoga on Saturday instead).

    Other than that, my goals this week are to stay the workout course, stay hydrated (this has been a challenge for me for some reason lately) stay away from sugar and practice Spanish for my exam which is coming up in a week and a half. I have to vent about this: there are NO sample exams available, so the only way to know if you're ready for it is to take the thing and see if you pass or fail. So, I might fail. :huh: I'm trying to look at it as a psychological exercise to release my fear of failure. It's not working so far.

    Bikram water (and no sugar) boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    That missing comma between "bikram" and "water" is driving me crazy and it's too late to edit.

    It sounds like a gross product tie-in "Bikram water".:noway:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Bobbie, I sure hope spring is coming soon! I saw a field full of red chested robins the other day so it has to be close!
    Mary, saw your yoga cat video on FB. Alex liked watching the cats, especially the one that was sitting on the shelf, looking upside at the camera. Pretty cute. He asked to watch it a couple of times.
    V, bikram water? :huh: I'm kidding. :wink:
    I have decided for now to check in when I work out. I don't really like getting on MFP that much any more and I can't blame anyone but myself. Getting on here makes me feel jealous and guilty. Not good things. I just don't want to say goodbye to you all. :cry: So I will check in when I exercise. Maybe that will be motivation to exercise.
    I'm just going through a really tough time right now. I don't know what's going on. I'm sick again with what seems like another sinus infection. It's mostly in my throat and ears. We are going to the doctor tomorrow for our physicals for the adoption, so I will talk to her about it. Also my cycle is so messed up right now. Started spotting today when I should have started two weeks ago. So it's either two weeks late or it's my typical spotting in the middle of my cycle. I don't want to try to have another baby until this straightens out. I'm kind of nervous about my appointment tomorrow because it's just a check but I'm afraid they might find something wrong like diabetes or something like that. I have not been eating well or exercising so I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know what they are going to check for sure. Maybe it's making me nervous enough to make me change my ways. What's weird is that I am still 150. I'm a lot flabbier though. I did some stuff on the wii for an hour today and it said I am in the normal range. :huh: Not quite getting it. Maybe I wasn't eating enough before so the weight wasn't coming off? Or maybe I have no muscle now. Anyway, I need to find some answers and motivation. I need to get healthy and get over this depression. It just goes to show the number on the scale really doesn't make a person happy.
    On a good note, DH and I are going out on our Valentine's date tonight. I'm not sure what we're doing yet. After tonight I've got to change some things. In laws are here until tomorrow at least.
    I guess that's it for now. I'll be back when I get some more exercise.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Just a quick post here. I'm in Cleveland. The hotel has a pretty nice fitness room and pool, so I may get a couple of workouts in - we'll see how things go. I'll try to post tomorrow night if I get a chance. I'm going to skip the pushups for a few days. Hope you all have a good week.

    Positive thoughts, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    MM, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. I had a period a while back where coming to MFP made me discouraged, and I had to back off quite a bit. It did lift, so I hope that it does for you, too. Know that you are sorely missed when you don't check in. I love your newsy posts. (So work out so that you can come visit us!)

    CP, my thoughts are with you and your Dad.

    Today is Zumba. My normal Tuesday evening gym yoga is canceled so I'm either going to do yoga at home or just let one workout today be enough. I also need to do some housecleaning, so I may use any extra energy I have on that. If I have extra energy, that is.

    Mardi gras boogaloo!:flowerforyou:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning, all!

    MM: I am so sorry you are not feeling well. Sometimes we need a break from our routine, but as V said, you will be missed if you don't check in. Maybe a change in the weather will help you to feel better.:flowerforyou:

    CP: I am thinking of you and your dad today. Let us know how things go.

    Still didn't make it to the gym this morning. When the alarm went off at 5:00, I was sound asleep. I ran out of a supplement that I have been taking for a while. It is called a Greens Pack. It really seems to help. I had one extra this morning, so I found it and mixed it with my juice. I will stop by the health food store today and pick up another box. That may help me get up tomorrow morning and head to my spin class.

    I have a lunch meeting today and was pleased to see that a chef's salad is one of the choices.

    I hope everyone has a good day today. :smile:

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    CP - I hope all goes well with your dad.

    MM - I no longer look at any topics but the fitness ones. I found all the rapid weight loss stories discouraging. I try to remember steady and strong wins the race.

    Kitty is still has issues. Now he won't hold any food down. The vet mentioned "internist", and my checkbook let out a little scream. Speaking of checkbook screaming, I broke that same dang crown again.

    Had a great private lesson though - drop backs from headstand. My teacher kept saying, "you need to practice this everyday." Which would be ok, except she said that about everything.

    Today is up in the air. Gym, yoga, walk...

    Steady and strong, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    CP, praying for you, your dad, and the rest of your family today. May the surgeons have steady hands.

    Mary, sorry your kitty woes continue. My cat just got done throwing up in my room. She's been doing that more lately. She seems to stress out easily when we have people over. But some times I think she just does it because I didn't give her more food when she wanted it (even though she had plenty).

    V and Bobbie, I hope you both have a blessed and productive day!

    Inlaws may or may not be leaving today. If they do leave I will try to get some kind of work out in. DH and I were suppose to go for physicals in a few minutes, but since AF decided to show up I had to reschedule. I'm still going with DH because he's terrified of needles so he might need some company. Poor guy. I am also going to tell them I have another sinus infection and see if they will do anything about it. Last night I thought my head was going to explode.
    I'd better get going. I'll try to work out more so I can check in.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I was actually able to get my physical done, as they didn't have to do a female check, so I am glad that is done! We'll get test results back on Friday. They took four vials of blood for all the testing. :noway:
    I think I am going to take it easy today. I hope I am better by tomorrow and I can get some exercise in.
    Oh and more good news for us! We found out that we can send M a package! Her birthday is March 1st so it would be so nice to give her something! I don't know if she'll get it in time but it will be great to let her know we are thinking about her and still want to come get her!
    I'll try to report back soon.
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Mary: Your kitty profile picture is so cute that I loaded a new one, too. Not my kitty, but I think it is funny!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs.

    OK, so I am having what we call in my house a "full scale freakout". I had a random connection with someone who told me about a job opportunity that I'm going after. I don't really want to give too many details (lest I jinx it) but I really want it, and have gone from what I thought was a lot of stress to what is, for me, off the charts.

    My goals are, therefore, to not go coo-koo for cocoa puffs over anything. To that, I'm aiming for a training session (with my trainer's trainer. . .awesome-sauce. . .actual pro boxer. I'm skerred.) Eating well today (there were some fried-potato food choices yesterday) and trying to rest and recover from the high pressure day yesterday. (I've discovered two words that are in the top ten scary words for me: "search committee").

    thinking of you, CP and your dad.
    Mary, woe to kitties.
    MM, hope you're checking in with us.
    Bobbie, glad you're getting back into your routine. I always have a week or so of adjustment after a vacation.

    Breathe in, breathe out boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Kitty is still a little sick. Hopefully he'll be back to normal soon. He loves his yard sized paper bag.

    Went to a crappy yoga class last night. At least it was free at my gym. Everything was done "gently" - I swear she said it after every pose. Also, no rhyme or reason to the sequence. Ah, well. Makes me feel competent.

    Today - walk outside! Yeah! Also, yoga tonight.

    Keep coming, MM!
    Good luck, V!

    Outside, boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Dad is still in the ICU for now, but hopefully stabilizing - keep your good thoughts coming, all.

    Thanks so much. :heart:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    My trainer of the day wound up stuck at the passport office, but it was just as well. I haven't been feeling well all day (sore throat, and really dragging energy wise) so I decided to just bag the workout for today and (gasp) take an unscheduled day off. The only drag is that that pushed me over my calories,as I had planned my day with an "extra" 500 calories in it.

    I think I may have had extended adrenalin from the concert (up past my bedtime, dancing for four hours) and then audition/search committee issues. Resting now, and watching half-pipe snowboarding. The idea that snowboarding is in the olympics warms my little generation X heart.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Hope your dad is on the mend, CP.
    Feel better, V.

    Ah, kitty - how you make me lose sleep. He's still vomiting - so now we are trying small meals every few hours.

    Great walk and yoga yesterday. I don't know if I'll walk or go to the gym today - maybe a little of both. Yoga workshop starts tomorrow, so I'm taking a day off yoga today.

    Be well, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    Glands in my throat are great big. I'm debating between two theories: sweat at spin class and burn in out, or rest and try to fight it off.

    It all depends on where my energy level is later. This is my standard "pushed it too far" fibro. reaction, so I'm convinced I'm not contagious. I missed the workout psychologically yesterday. I've become dependent on it as a stress reducer/bad food craving reducer.

    So, plenty of hydrating and vitamin C, some rest and maybe a workout.

    Good thoughts, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Mary, sorry your kitty is still sick. Hope all gets better soon!
    V, I'm sorry you aren't feeling good today! Rest up!
    CP, looking forward to hearing good reports about your dad!

    I am about to go on a stroll with Alex. Still feeling pretty sick but it's SOO nice out that I have to get out. I'm not motivated to exercise yet, so even a slow walk will at least be something. Went shopping this morning and took Alex to tumbling class. I am looking forward to warmer weather so I can start jogging again. It's the only thing I am motivated to do.
    Well, it looks like we might possibly go back to Russia in about 8 weeks. We don't know for sure but just from going by what other people have done in their processes, it's about that long on average. We are getting a package together to send to her for her birthday. Did I already say that in my last post? My mom may also go with us to bring her back so that will be helpful. :)
    Okay, I'm going now. When I get back I will clean some and watch more olympics! I am glad I get to watch so much of it this time. I really enjoy it. And I may even take a nap.
    Getting my blood moving again boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Bleaargh. I have to perk up. I have another meeting with the search committee. (which I'm cautiously optimistic is a good sign). I can barely talk, so I'm just resting the voice and sucking down the hot tea.

    Now I have to transform from funky grad student to funky professional in less than three hours. (why, oh, why did I throw out all my heels in a fit of pique due to lack of closet space. ..I'm hoping the "creative field license" card can be played.)

    To that, I tried on something from the batch of clothes I had to put away because they were too tight. I was on the verge of going and buying a black suit, but my old one fits. It will involve spanx and no sudden moves, but it once again looks tailored, not tacky. Woot.:bigsmile:

    Oh, and blog boogaloo.